Treasures from Tikashi Basic 3 Card Readings

Good afternoon BALG,

I came across my old deck and dusted it off for a basic 3 card reading. I always found the messages received timely in their nature.

I have some free time on my hands at the moment if anyone wants one done. Please feel free to ask :blush:

Here’s a pic of the basic layout and the three cards I pulled for myself.


Here’s what popped out of the deck for my reading. While shuffling the cards they always seem to get my attention by poppping up or out of the shuffle and landing on me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve never heard of this deck. I’m down for a reading :slight_smile:

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Id like a reading too.



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Interesting. If I’m interpreting what you posted correctly, the middle card is the answer to “what I need,” the second card on the left is the history, and the third card is how to attain the goal of the middle card.

So…I need to simplify my life, and this comes from assuming too much responsibility for other people, and this simplicity is to be obtained by taking more care for myself. :thinking:


This reading felt very on point for me. Definitely 3 that are resonating with me right now.


And i like this deck simple and to the point.


That’s how I read your’s too. :+1:t2:

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I’m not sure about its complete accuracy but it does strike something of a cord. :slight_smile:

I’d like one, please. I’ll pm :slight_smile:

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That may have been an error on my part. Three cards came out while shuffling. They came out all together. I slid the middle one into the reading as the first card “What do you need?” I placed the top card to left of center “What is the history of it?” The bottom card was placed in the third card spot “What is the best way to attain it”

When I flipped the first card I read it and it didn’t resonate with me for your reading so I placed all three cards back in the deck and reshuffled and redid yours. I don’t remember cards 2 and 3 cause I didn’t look at them. But if you want to know what the first card was I can snap a pic of it for you.

I shall pull another 3 cards for you now😊


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Im down for a reading, thats a really cool looking deck. Help a friend out? :grin:

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Thank you for the second draw!

This one pretty much smacks me in the face with how on point it is. :flushed:



Taking a break for a bit but will be back on later.:blush:

Wow thank you for that, that hits the nail right on the head for me. Much appreciated. I needed that, you rock :metal:

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i would like one too, if youre with it

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