Transhumanism and the Unworthy

Many are aware and awake and to the fact that we are changing. Are there any unworthy engagers that may be conducting this process in a way that will not be conducive to our own Universal empowerment? If so, how can we thwart them?

** By changing, in case you are unaware, I mean our DNA. (of course this is a much needed process in general, Is my own personal opinion, as I am in agreement that we are our sole “evolutioneers” meaning that we do not need to ask permission from a higher power to alter our own evolution as sentient beings).

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I think for this discussion to be meaningful, it would help tp know what worldview you are operating within and what assumptions it’s based on. Such as…

Can you define what you mean by “unworthy”? Who gets to judge?

What do you mean by this? Natural processes are not “conducted”, so… who are you talking about and what process?

And what is this? Do you mean individual enlightenment, raising kundalini permanently, gaining christed consciousness or however you want to put that? I don’t think this is a universal thing, it’s a goal to strive for maybe, but each must find it on their own, and it’s not about DNA, because we can all already do this with the DNA we’ve got, so do you mean something different?.

Yeah I don’t think asking for permission would be relevant. Now ETs and science could mess with us without our permission and I think they have and do.
Natural evolution is basically adaptation to environmental pressure, there’s no reason for us to evolve otherwise. It’s how life survives on a hostile and unstable planet like Earth.

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Thanks. I am posting this before finishing reading, sorry. I wonder when we will see a price drop in gene therapy for full physical immortality. Ok. back to reading.

By “unworthy” I mean by the standards that would be put in place by Become A Living God based on written documentation. I will have to think more on this…

That’s complicated, it’s not so much about the DNA, as much as the epigenome (gene expression) and accumulated damage to the dna and cells, of which there’s many kinds. Look into telomeres and dna methylation. Just gene therapy, which is about changing genes, isn’t going to help if the genes you change to also sustain damage that causes ageing.

Dry fasting helps increase autophagy, the removal of senescent cells and regenerates via stem cells, which have long telomeres, less methylation and heathy mitochondria.

Good channels discussing this kind of research that I like are Siim Land, High Intensity Health and Physionic on yt.

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