Trade Union dispute with a management

Any recommendations for which Demon to work with here, ie to come to a better agreement in this dispute with the management?


Try Belial.


Yeah I was gonna say King Belial also. Good luck.


I was also going to suggest Belial.


I gave KING BELIAL my blood.

The next day Management hadcalled a sudden meeting with all staff. I unleashed KING BELIAL into that meeting with management. All HELL broke lose, arguments, emotional heated arguments which made the smug arrogant managers look like heartless assholes. KING BELIAL appeared to smack his dick on the HR lady’s face and he shoved His asshole into the manager’s face i.e general ridicule then HE the KING flew around the room like a scary ghost possessing the staff.

Within a day, lots of (once) reluctant staff joined the Union and a Union meeting was called. We voted to see if we’re gonna take strike action.

The vibe i get from THE KING is one of very muscular macho KING with a crazy streak…a crazy laugh and an appetite for releasing HELL .


We did it, when i say “we” I mean KING BELIAL a Demon/God not to be taken lightly, we beat the bastard management and made these assholes budge to our reasonable needs. Fuck the assholes and Hail BELIAL. Now it’s up to us to do our bit.


Congratulations! :smiley: Nice work.

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