Tools for contact without fully developed senses yet

My senses aren’t fully there yet to communicate with spirits. Can I use tools for them to communicate through?
So far, I think of pendulums, coins (how does this work?) and ouija boards.

I’m considering a pendulum after cleansing and consecrating it. But can a spirit contact me back using “Yes” and “No” answers without my senses or third eye trained and worked on yet? And maybe have it hanging rather than holding it?

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All you need for a pendulum is a steady hand.

Have you tried flying witch ointment?
Use that to help you talk with spirits.

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Hmm, never heard of it but I’ll check it out. As for the pendulum, they can still communicate assuming their presence is there?

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They’re usually around when someone is reaching out to them.

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Pendulum. Vassago has been rock-solid reliable when I use the pendulum with him, and whispers to me when I have doubt.

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May I ask if you used your hand to hold the pendulum or did you use a pendulum holder?


Maybe you can use a coin for yes/no answers. You may scry with a bowl of water, a common mirror or a black screen (computer, cellphone) etc.
For the ouija board, try adding items that make the working more effective through compliance to magical rules: wooden round table with 3 legs (circle and triangle), incense, sigil; either use only candle(/s) or anyway lower the light as much as possible.

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I have a stand - which is just an old desk lamp - that I use about half the time. The other half, I use my right hand. Results are consistent either way.

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