Too Easy to Lead

No, not talking shit, just talking about being too easily led or mentally unable to realize when I’m being manipulated? How do I get my mental muscle up to normal par ? I seem to be lacking in an ability to retain my own sense of self especially in the early mornings. I hope this doesn’t seem like I’m a weak person but… when you can’t seem to figure out that you’re being manipulated as it isn’t anyone I live with that is making this happen. My family isn’t like that. At least none that I know of. So whom is doing this is also a question. I’m so tired of being misled. UGH

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EFT may help:

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how’s your daily schedule?
How many Hours do you spend sleepin, how many before a monitor?
Those have huge effect on what you mention as “mental weakness”.

actually, meditation will help you, as it’s strengthening your mental, emotional and astral body.
But for the beginning i suggest you to go with a teaching that primes meditation away from mantra and advanced use - yet is some of the most profound i ever touched:

Sit comfortably in a chair.
Both feet on the ground, both armes beside you.
have your back straight up or at least comfy.
(leaning backwards a little bit works best for me.)

As you sit there, start noticing (not intensely watching, just noticing!) your breath.
As you spend time noticing your breath, start letting go.
(have a timer set before, in case you have duty tasks, those should be at least 2 hours away from you.)
start letting go of your thoughts - best way to do that is when you notice them, actually imagine them to be clouds that pass away clearing up the sky.
Start letting go of your eyes.
You’ll notic the energy of your vision go inside you and seddle inside of your chest or belly.
Let go of your arms and feet.
by now, that point you stoped noticing your enviorment almost completely, and are more in the crossroadds then in this world.
let go of your sense of hearing,
your sensations of your chestmovements and be absorbed by the void inside of you.

Congratulations, if you made it this far, you now have access to your subconcious aswell as other Dimensions.

Come back and anker that sensation to a gesture or part of your body.
Resting the tip of your thumb into an u shape of your pointing finger is one of the best links i can suggest.
that way you can access within secounds, energy and calmness from that meditation.
Next, time you just sit down doing the linked gesture, and sitting into the sitting for good.

As the original way i was thought that, was the simple line of “Sit. no movements, no thoughts, no point of focus. just sit. just be in, what you’re actually in, at that moment.”

Kinda hard to resemble it to my current brain, since i grown so used to advanced meditations.
yet, it’s a great start to go from.

Oh by the way, the long explenation was to make your steps and progress easier.
By all means, if you just sit there with open eyes and no focus you can still meditate effectively.
It just leads to Soul travel much easier when going outwards then inwards.





Oh thanks @Lady_Eva and @Yberion !! Will try your suggestions asap.
My schedule is open, I sleep enough, but I do do some neck exercises if I sit too long, which tends to happen when I’m on the computer. I do need to take less time on it, yes. My bad.

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Binaural beats should be listened to with headphones in, for best results.
the third, long session obviously is an over night play, the first one can be played in the back while doing something else.
I recommend you repeat the first one - with the affrimations - several times.

Make sure auto-play is OFF or reload it into a looper like

to prevent accidently being pushed into other hypnotions you don’t intend having.




Try no fap. It works like a miracle. Try for at least 6 months.

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fap? never heard of it. :woman_shrugging:

These things are all great.

But do I deserve to be given Meagan? This question popped up this morning after I awoke. If not then I’ll have to alter my path radically to remove past mistakes and neg energy associated with that and in effect transfer my energy to another entirely different path, not sure it would work though. I’m highly doubtful given the essence of mistakes made, mostly not my fault but… that is from my point of view, the views of others I must give to the angels. I know, they are not Norse, but may be my only option at this time. SIGH

Thank you all for the many options you have shown me! :bowing_woman: :pray: I may need to do meditation on all this. :pensive: Need healing this month for sure now. So many issues. :grimacing::fearful::anguished::sob:

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How come everyone considers angels to be the only good!???
He’s the common most agreed upon source of ALL EVIL!
Forgett your current understanding of Pantheons and Spiritual Rankings, indeed forgett all of it!
Mold it, to fit YOU.
You need to know your own personal spirits.
Also, forgett the idea of DESERVING!
Deserving is another version of Karma, merely a differend word for it.
When you look at reality, most people DO NOT get what they deserve.
And no matter how much you pray, evoke or meditate, that’s a built in, common part of reality!

Look at that, notice where you’re at, and consider how to progress.




I’m just gonna put in my 2 cents based on my experience of being easily swayed. For me, it wasn’t an issue of mental strength, it was emotional. Because humans are empathic, and some more than others, what can happen is you feel the others emotion about what they want, but it’s resonating (literally not metaphorically) with your own energy and making it vibrate to the same pattern - so feels like your own emotion even though it didn’t come from you - so you think it’s what you want. It isn’t until you get alone or feel another person with an opposing view that the source of the emotion is removed, you’re not sustaining it so it stops, and then you realise that wasn’t you at all.

So I used to do this, and thought I was just very weak willed as a child. Anybody could just tell me their opinion and I’d always agree with them 100% until they’d gone away, then I’d hate myself for being a wimp, or for not holding my own. It became very obvious over time as more and more I’d come into situations with people in debate with completely opposite views. I watched myself completely change my whole opinion depending on who was talking, I completely understood, sympathised with and even took on the self-righteous stance of each person as they had the floor, including being able to think of further arguments as to why they were ‘right’… and then to a 180 for the next person… and the third, and so on. That made it pretty obvious. I was impressed that the debaters could keep their opinion, and that’s when I realised I was doing it differently.

After that, I learned t spot it, and it was a matter of practice and remembering who I am. Stay calm and measure twice cut once sort of thing. Sometimes, I can’t do that and need to leave to find a quiet place out of the energy fields of others to think it through. I made a rule not to act on emotion until I’ve slept on it. It’s also one of the reasons I refuse to live with people now though, so that I can have that space to come back to baseline.

It’s very useful at work and makes me a good mediator. I can pour oil on troubles waters because I understand all points of view and that lets me phrase things so that everybody else understands too. I also chameleon and can fit in anywhere, and get on with almost anyone very easily. But I become like the others and lose myself to do so. That’s why I prefer online interaction, I’m the most free to judge for myself.

Anyway, your family might not be intentionally manipulative, but they don’t need to be if you’re automatically resonating with their POV all the time anyway.

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I never said anything about angels did I? Not even Lucifer. So please take your attitude elsewhere! I appreciate your input as it is valued a lot by me, but what sparked this outburst?? Not me surely. Chill. Thank you for that image, however, saving that one. :wink:

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I HEAR this! Me too. I’m like this as well. I see all points of view but need time to myself to regroup. Indeed it was a problem when I was younger. I can laugh at it now though. :smiley:

2 things from the replies. First, time spent in front of a screen and mental acuity are at best correlative, there’s no direct causation there.

Second, Lucifer is derived from the ancient Roman god (forget his name, the son of the goddess of the dawn) who they named what we know as Venus after. As I understand it, the moniker Lucifer didnt come about until the translation of the bible from Hebrew into Greek, then moreso on the king James version. Lucifer means “light bearer” or “morning star”, the morning star being what people commonly referred to Venus as. The Hebrew Bible never mentions Lucifer, only morning star, with no proper nouns. Its the later translations that introduced the proper noun for Morning Star (AKA Lucifer). Sidenote, Jesus also referred to himself as the morning star.
All of the other recommendations I can agree with.

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right, i missread. :wink:

sorry for my rambling. :sweat:

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I do tend to agree with what you just posted here. Translations etc… created havoc in naming names etc… thanks.

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Rambling is good, but be careful of topic, actually this is a happy accident to me! I mean, what you posted is still interesting even if misplaced. :wink: :roll_eyes::ok_hand:

@Lokthoriel got a constructive comment to make? Memes are life, but in this case, confusiing. :+1:

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Honestly the straightforward answer to developing a sort of immunity to being “misled” . would be to question a lot.
“Why should I do this”
“Why that”
“When, but why?”
Rationalize with what your being told.

To strengthen the mind in general meditation is gonna be your best friend.
Unless you wanna go the extra mile and work with Entities that will expand your consciousness.

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Yes, I’m doing that more now, so thanks, I did think of this since I made this post. Thanks for the kind input, though.
I like to meditate but finding time is one of those things I find a little bit difficult to make private time for. Plenty time just not privacy etc… I’ll try to do it more now though. :slight_smile:

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