To what extent can spirits heal?

Hi everyone,

This is kinda a question and discussion, so feel free to pitch in. I’ve been curious recently about the level of healing that entities such as Raphael or Marbas can do, are they limited to spiritual healing? Or can their power be brought forth to remedy a physical disease and/or ailment of some kind? On the surface I would say they can heal physically, but I’ve never seen anyone (occultis I mean) talk openly about how a spirit has healed them to such a drastic extent, so I am skeptical.

A good example here is my eyesight. I’ve had to wear glasses or corrective lenses for about 5 years now, and when I found out about entities that could heal physical ailments, I jumped to try and do it -naturally I wanted my eyes back to 20/20 so that I didn’t have to wear glasses. Now, is that setting an unrealistic expectation of their power? Or would such entities be able to heal my vision to such an extent? I’d be really interested to hear the experiences of people who have worked with spirits such as Raphael or Marbas for healing, and what they healed, and how it worked out.


I’m still new to the practice of ritual magick, so I don’t have a ton of first hand experience working with the spirits directly. But I do have several years of working with energy healing under my belt and some personal experiences I can share.

While I was learning a form of energy healing, I saw spines, shoulders, and hips align without physical contact. It was a measurable physical effect. I also felt my own bones and cartilage shift in my knee without physical contact.

A few months ago, my right shoulder started hurting. I thought it was muscle and ligament damage, but I just couldn’t stretch it out and the pain was sharp when I moved it the wrong way.

I realized a few weeks ago, it was actually dislocated. It was popped out of joint, the ball sitting to the front of the joint. You could see and feel the muscles bulging above it.

I’ve had to wait to get a doctor appointment for it, so I decided to perform a little energy work myself before I fell asleep at night.

The third night of the energy work, I woke up slightly and touched it gently with my fingertips. It popped right back in place with no physical pressure. I could hear the pop with my physical ears and I definitely felt it. lol

Honestly, I think I was woken up to witness it. That’s a part of my own journey.

Also, you can check out this experience thread to see some interesting experiences I had with combining energy healing with spirits and my experience working with Raphael. He definitely created a physical effect in my world that day. :slight_smile:

I wrote that thread on 5/23/2016, so the healing took place on 5/22/2016. I talked to her yesterday and she is still experiencing diminished pain.

I had the idea for a healing talisman charged by Raphael pop into my head today, so that’s something I’m going to work toward for her.

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The best healing experience with spirits that Ive had was healing from stabbing with knife in the gut, eye cut, tongue cutted in half, osteoporosis, dna mutation, gluten and lactose intolerance, and blood cancer.

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I would say to the Extent that the body can self-heal in the best of conditions. Now of course people under-estimate the ability of their body to self heal as it can do some amazing things. The spirits help by manipulating your energy which is connected to your body…thus helping you heal.

Few years ago I made an entity that successfully expanded the lifespan of a dying relative by two years, when she was expected to die in surgery for a malignant tumor on her brain. She eventually passed anyway (car accident of all things), but the tumor never made a resurgence.


That’s incredibly cool.

So, based on all your experiences would you say that healing eyesight is perfectly reasonable? There are stories of the body healing it’s own sight but I’m evidently unsure of how that works. I’m trying to avoid summoning an entity like Marbas or Raphael and having them tell me “oh it’s out of our power”, I don’t want to waste my time, or worse, their time…lol

Well, when I was a little kiddie I was calling upon gods because we couldn’t afford new clothes and I wanted to not be forever in cut-down/hand-me-downs… they never seemed to mind.

This isn’t some primate organisation where you want to call on the CEO but you make do with a “lesser” being because you’re only a little monkey and the great man won’t see you, think about Raphael for example - he’s been called and prayed to by illiterate people with nothing, no social power or rank, throughout the early Xian era, and before then, that’s how these beings reach such mass popularity - they answer.

Little people, like us (because there ARE no “little people” really!).

The only thing that makes you unworthy to call a spirit is your own absolute certainty that it’s so - belief is a force in its own right.

Here endeth the pep talk. :slight_smile:

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my anxiety has gone forever since i started to evoke lucifer,so for me,it was a healing process because it was a big problem to me
i am sure that they can help to heal anything

when the mind is healthy,i feel that the body can regenerate better.

that is my experience until now.

also,nice thread…


To what extent are you looking to heal eyesight?

Entities like Marbas or Raphael may be unable to assist in certain cases, in fact in the case I mentioned above Raphael dropped the ball pretty hardcore (he was the first I had contacted about the tumor), and I was naturally furious. That’s why I built that entity I mentioned.

Raphael won’t heal certain “natural” processes, but he did refer me to Marbas for something, and he can… dunno. I’m not saying any one spirit can do all things for everyone, there seem to be differences between us of whatever kind that make some work better with us, than others.

My eyesight isn’t terrible, I’m not blind thankfully lol. My eyes are probably something like 15/10, so my left eye is still ok without glasses, problem is that if I keep using it it will get worse, and I hate glasses with a vengeance -I keep losing them, breaking them and just all round hate wearing them (I get bad eye strain too). I have a pretty healthy diet, spinach is generally a big one for me -since it helps stimulate eye growth, but I can only eat so many carrots…not really a fan. So I’m not looking for a expadential heal to the extent that I’m going from blind to 20/20, just a boost on my not so perfect vision.

I mean, I could be wrong but isn’t there many stories about Raphael healing the blind in Christianty? I think there’s an incident in the Dead Sea scrolls as well, so if there is any mythical basis in that it should be theoretically possible. The only way to surely find out is to just jump in and ask both entities and see the results, so I do plan on doing that in the next few days -I’m actually going to open Marbas’ sigil now and ask, so I might post something in the next hour or so.

Here’s an interesting thing to discuss though, what if I were to evoke both entities at the same time and send them both to heal my eyes? I remember EA said that certain goals -baneful magic especially, but other types too, need to be attacked more aggressively in order to succeed. Would the result be more effective if I evoked Marbas AND Raphael?

[quote=“valkarath, post:2, topic:7832”]I’m still new to the practice of ritual magick, so I don’t have a ton of first hand experience working with the spirits directly. But I do have several years of working with energy healing under my belt and some personal experiences I can share.

While I was learning a form of energy healing, I saw spines, shoulders, and hips align without physical contact. It was a measurable physical effect. I also felt my own bones and cartilage shift in my knee without physical contact.

A few months ago, my right shoulder started hurting. I thought it was muscle and ligament damage, but I just couldn’t stretch it out and the pain was sharp when I moved it the wrong way.

I realized a few weeks ago, it was actually dislocated. It was popped out of joint, the ball sitting to the front of the joint. You could see and feel the muscles bulging above it.

I’ve had to wait to get a doctor appointment for it, so I decided to perform a little energy work myself before I fell asleep at night.

The third night of the energy work, I woke up slightly and touched it gently with my fingertips. It popped right back in place with no physical pressure. I could hear the pop with my physical ears and I definitely felt it. lol

Honestly, I think I was woken up to witness it. That’s a part of my own journey.

Also, you can check out this experience thread to see some interesting experiences I had with combining energy healing with spirits and my experience working with Raphael. He definitely created a physical effect in my world that day. :slight_smile:

I wrote that thread on 5/23/2016, so the healing took place on 5/22/2016. I talked to her yesterday and she is still experiencing diminished pain.

I had the idea for a healing talisman charged by Raphael pop into my head today, so that’s something I’m going to work toward for her.[/quote]

Thank you so much for sharing this! I had read some wonderful testimonials about people recovering from incurable diseases with energy healing but I never thought it was actually capable of moving body parts like bones, ligaments etc… I was persuaded this was impossible. Not long ago I was on an energy healing websites where they offered distance healing with energy but they specified that for example, in the case of a sciatica which would be caused by a bone compressing the nerve, then the bone had to first be put back into place before energy healing to take place. This implied that energy healing alone could not move a bone… If anyone has more information about energy healing moving body parts I’d be very interested.

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Raphael TOLD ME to summon Marbas to help with something, I can’t get into details but he actually recommended this, so I vote a strong YES.

Also, try the Raphael Mantra Wrap - I got an eye infection a few weeks ago when some grit got in my eye, I lay down doing this until I slept (I found it quite soporific and relaxing to do, wrapping round my eye) and then in the morning woke up to find it had totally healed and my eye was back to normal.

I can now vouch for that mantra, although only doing it momentarily on my good eye, I did notice a slight improvement in vision -it became sharper. I think I need to put more effort into it though (energy wise) as my vision went back to fuzzy after about 10 minuets, now I just need to work on getting it permanent.

Try doing that mantra until it runs constantly in your mind and you lose track of yourself. I had a very powerful experience when I did that before falling asleep one night.

Awesome update:

I have a strong suspicion that this links with the daily Ormus I’ve been taking everyday, but coupled with the Raphael mantra wrap I had an amazing experience this morning. I didn’t notice it at first -when I first woke up, but I went outside to get some early morning fresh air and my left eye (the one I had practiced the mantra on) was significantly sharper. To my very extreme surprise, I could read a car number plate from about 20ft away -which I definitely couldn’t do yesterday. I’m staying with parents for a while, and when I read it out my mother’s face was priceless lol, a classic “I’ll have whatever your having” face…

Just wanted to add another experience to this thread for people looking at in the future.

I’ve worked for a couple of weeks with Raphael on healing the muscle and ligament damage to my right shoulder. It was actually dislocated for a few months before I realized I couldn’t stretch it out and it was dislocated.

I started working the Raphael Mantra Wrap that Eva linked to above and it worked pretty well. After the first couple of times, I didn’t need to use the triangle visualization and just intoned Raphael a few times until he showed up.

The last few nights he’s waited until I’ve fallen asleep.

Last night, I woke up and my right forearm was sticking up at a 90 degree angle to the bed, my elbow laying against the mattress.

I saw a movement from the head of the bed out of the corner of my eye and glanced toward it. When I did, my forearm was forcibly jerked toward my head and I felt something snap inside the muscle in my shoulder and bicep.

The pain was intense and all I could do was breath for a minute, before I intoned Raphael and asked him to take away the pain. The pain eased after that. The entire experience lasted less than 3 minutes long.

I fell back into a peaceful sleep and when I woke up this morning, I’ve got more range of motion in my shoulder with less stiffness and less pain. Another week or two of “treatments” and I’m sure I’ll have full use of it again.

My best guess is he snapped some sort of lesion or tissue that had formed when it was dislocated. Not fun, but a great end result.

Thanks, Raphael. Appreciate you, brother.


As I see it, and as I’ve experienced it, to understand the aspect of healing and what happens during the actual process, you have to understand how energies work and have the ability to sense and feel the physical manifestation of spirits and energies activated. Otherwise it’s knowing, without understanding. You can’t pass down knowledge, without understanding it, right? The interpretation of what we experience is always on an individual level, but this is what I “know” of healing through my spirits:

The ability to sense and feel energies and spirits is often connected to the Head Chakra, or the Crown Chakra, as others might call it. It’s usually activated through a consistent pressure near the temples and most of the regions on the head, and it sometimes feels like you’re wearing a “tightened ring” on your head. If it’s activated, you will definitely know it.

Energies comes with many layers to it. You can see it, feel it, get emotionally attached to it and you can even communicate through it. The possibilities is almost limitless of what it can do for you.

A conscious energy, like a spirit or an entity, use the energy it possess to heal us, if the said spirit has the knowledge of healing. Whether the spirit is light, dark or a bit of both, doesn’t matter. What matters is what the spirit does with it’s powers to control the source of it’s own energy.

What energies are capable to do to heal us:

* Create HEAT.

* Create COLD.

* Create PRESSURE.

The abilities above is, as I see it, a necessity for a spirit to heal us. Acupuncture is also an effective method for a spirit to remove physical pain. Combine that with an excessive heat or cold, and it’s very effective.

This is my experiences of healing, and my interpretations and understandings of how my own spirits works.

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The Archangel Raphaël taught me That Spirit can Heal to a Great extent but Many time the reason why The Healing is Difficult or Impossible is that the Person desiring to be Healed have subconsicous Block that prevent her Healing at the Conscious Level,

He Advise me to use the Huna Technic that Link, empower and Free the Subconscious, concsious and SupraConscious mind , so that all the Block can be Removed for a Succesful Healing

Here some info :

There is great book teaching it on the market.

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