To what extent are subliminals useful?

Anyone else used subliminals and gotten tangible results?


Iā€™ve gotten some sort of omniscience Sixth Sense from my from the subliminals that Iā€™m trying I am trying to gain omnipotence Iā€™m posting my results through various means in the become a living God I donā€™t have all knowledge but I can receive dangers before they happen havenā€™t learned how to harness it yet more abilities coming since I sent a large energy field around my body forming my aura expanding I have gotten very good results for very short time from the subliminals


I find that for me, they remove blockages rather than make enormous changes that can be attributed ONLY to their action.

Itā€™s like the difference between improving your diet (in whatever way you know helps) and feeling slowly stronger and healthier, like your entire foundation has improved and youā€™ve dropped unnecessary fat, and less of a dramatic single-point change, like having liosuction or something.


This is what Iā€™ve found so far in my research of subliminals.


Iā€™ve gotten results in a minute of the in my meta ability creation subliminals Iā€™ve been able to control small insects the move a Dragonfly out of my house I even stopped a storm for a few minutes and stopped it again even will the clouds to explode it took extreme concentration a few more months even a year Iā€™ll be capable of the whole enchilada dreams that I keep on having keep getting more Vivid I have multiple dreams of omnipotence of having Godlike power and it itā€™s awesome every night at the movie


This meditations and techniques on the subconscious really work


I bought mine at mind audio Central

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Thanks for the tip, off to grab one of their freebie downloads (from their site, Iā€™m not going yo-ho-ho-and-a-bottle-of-rum! :smiley: ).


Youā€™re right they do have good quality subs but I can easily argue that there are in fact better subliminal makers out there.

Some people have also got amazing results from them so I think itā€™s more of a matter of what works for you and what doesnā€™t.

Of course the quality of the subliminal matters as well.

Not to mention that us black magicians can boost the results by adding in a little magic to get it on its way


What can be done to boost the results with magic Aluriel? If you donā€™t mind me asking :slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: by doing spells and ritual workings that align with the goal of your subliminal.

For example say iā€™m using a subliminal to make myself more attractive to the opposite sex.

I can cast spells to enhance my beauty, work with deities that align with the same goal and do rituals to help the subliminal work faster.

The same goes with any other subliminal. A subliminal to grow hair and prevent balding, there are a lot of spells to aid in hair growth.

Potions and brews to help with clearer skin. Your imagination is your limit with this honestly.

That way youā€™re using magic ( unconventional science ) with subliminals ( more of a conventional science ) and having the two of them align to manifest your goal.

Itā€™ll manifest your results faster and boost it in a way that no subliminal booster can ( but those certainly do help )


Plus thereā€™s always an age old skin care secret that we sex workers ( and I mean this in the magic and mundane sense ) know and guard jealously :wink:

Haha itā€™s not that much of a secret


Hi Aluriel. So you can assure that subliminal tracks work? Did you finally change the color of your eyes using them?

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Yes they work, but again common sense should be employed in regards to what goals youā€™re targeting / trying to manifest. i.e changing your eye color with a subliminal might require months to see significant results.

I wasnā€™t dedicated enough to continue more so because I was okay with the resultant I got, my eyes were a black/ very dark brown and theyā€™ve significantly gotten lighter.

I know someone who did change her eye color significantly, her Instagram is called: color diary I think, might have to get back to you on the name of her Instagram if thatā€™s not it.

She posted her results on there and you can see the progress.

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So, we could say that some keys for making them work should be listening to them every day, believe that theyā€™ll work and donā€™t worry about the results for at least a month. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong. If you know about some other tips, I would appreciate to read them, because youā€™re more experienced than me. Thanks mate

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Multiple times every day yes

Also stay hydrated and incrsase your water intake. Subliminals make you dehydrated


Listening as much as possible is best, along with plenty of sleep and good nutrition.

The best subliminals out there donā€™t really care if you believe in them or not - they will reach your subconscious either way, and hit it in such a way that belief isnā€™t needed at all.

Also, eye color subliminals are cool and all, but you got a lot of more interesting subliminals out there. Why have a different eye color, when, for example, you could have an aura around yourself that makes you look crazy attractive?

Easier on you (though the best subliminals will use your full capacity), more powerful (if your desire is attracting people) and faster, since physical changes will come slower than mental/energetic changes.

I would give you a few subliminal companies to check out, but donā€™t want to get slapped by Eva, so look around the internet and you will find some.

I really recommend avoiding YouTube for subliminals.


Well, Iā€™m not really interested in changing the color of my eyes. I just asked that because it impresses me that with just listening to subliminal audios you can achieve real physical changes. Why do you recommend avoiding Youtube videos?

Its hypnosisā€¦~people tend to forget that.

they are often low quality.
affirmations tend not to work, but those other techniques do

And, you canā€™t know if they injected something into the audio,
so you would be forced into ā€œsupportingā€ their channel.

This reminds me of those femdom channels, where woman want to be worshiped by wimpy men.

Youtube? Justā€¦ what the fuck is wrong with you?

But check those videos for yourself :slight_smile: