Time Traveller from 6491, What do u guys think?

Lie detectors don’t actually detect lies for one thing. They only measure changes in pulse and respiration. Increased heart rate and breathing can be indicative of lying but not necessarily. If someone actually believes what they are saying then they can pass a polygraph even though what they say is false. Polygraph tests aren’t admissible in court for a reason.

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Oh man you really had me going there for a second!

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The videos are clickbait.

I think all is possible through magick.

I have a goal of reliving my childhood in the most decadent and perverse version. I will go back to 1972 and possess myself as a two year old. My mind will probably fry under the expansion to a 50 year old with two BS degrees but it will be fun.

I will magick the fuck out of 1972 and on every day.

Maybe go to Utah when Eric is about 16 and mentor him telling him that he mentored me…

Bill and Ted … “Whoah…”:


What’s the name of the book?
I’m interested, tell me :smile_cat:

I know about cern, and have read a bit about it, not much though.
It’s definitely strange that they have the hindu Moon God Shiva 's statue in front of their building…

What could be the explanation for that anyways?
What does a Hindu Moon God represent to a nuclear research group organisation…?
I wonder…

Hahahahaha :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

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How do u plan to do that?
What would it take?

Time travel is definitely possible but not at this level where our bodies are still more gross. As a kid I used to think watching and reading a lot of sci-fi that time travel is possible only through light and now I’m convinced that unless our bodies become light as in bodies of light we can’t travel through time. All that CERN is a huge waste of tax payers’ money.


It would involve sending any mass. It would be a transmission of soul an information.

I am being warned against it because I can rip so much apart but I still push for it.

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He’s got a fucking British accent… Just no.

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That makes sense actually

How would you send the mass?
What are the risks?

How far back can you go?
Is it possible to come back?

It sounded awesome at first. If someone actually did claim this and was from the future sadly we would all claim bullshit. I would have given him a chance until he answered the question about the next president with restrictions. Lmao lets be honest, if I were him and im from year 6000+ and you ask me who the president in 2221… his real answer should have been how the fuck should I know I wasnt alive lmao

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You don’t send the mass. Your pour the mind and soul of your older self into your younger self.

I am sure there are risks. I will research more before the trigger is pulled.

How far back? I am thinking 1972. I don’t really want to go back to a full infant, maybe 1973.

Why would you come back? The instant you are a different person and make different decisions “back” has been destroyed.

*** So old self…

Child who doesn’t see their parents because of their work and obsession with fixing their old families.

Parents have dead end jobs. Always broke, tired and bitter.

Had to be an adult as a child and treated like a child as an adult. Grew up backwards.

Parents get cancer and go hyper Christian as I want to be a public black magickian.

*** New self

Family and village idiots culled, parents can focus on child.

Parents have much better jobs huge $$$

Grow up in the correct order. Parents not perpetually fixing past mistakes.

Parents pass letting be a public black magickian. No family image issues.

**** And that is part one …

Part two is imagined as becoming a totally disembodied dark soul that goes from body to body in any direction of time.


Hope it works
Best of luck, mate :slight_smile: