Three free card readings (CLOSED)

Hey, folks. Before I continue to create specific “themed” readings (the last thread made me think that it would be a fun idea, once in a while) I’d like to give out three free card readings. First come, first serve. Questions and readings will take place in this thread, no PMs. No channelings of spirits. I will get to your readings over the course of tomorrow.


I’d like a general one, if possible.

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@Nightchill Alright :slight_smile:

Two spots left

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I am in.
A general reading

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@Thierry007 :+1:t2:

One spot left

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Me, I would like one… Thank you.

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I would like a forecast on how it will go in the love issue in the coming months until December, single by the way👌


because @Blanket_Owner and @Fer10 kinda responded at the same time I will make it four readings, then :sweat_smile:

All spots taken :star:

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A spiritual reading.(general).I am told to work with Kali and shiva,what can you tell me about it all.

@Nightchill , here is your general reading, from what I could pick up right now :slight_smile:

So, this reading comes with a warning attached to it (Algiz in Merkstave is some kind of “Alert” sign in here), lets unpack the details :slight_smile:

With the Five of Cups and the Seven of Wands in reverse I do see some kind of disappointment or a sense of failure over something yet to come. This reading looks really material/financial (Nine of Pentacles, Fox and Stars, Fish and Clover) and I will take the warning attached to it as a warning regarding this area in your life.

We have a pattern of “getting talked into things” connected to this warning; The Emperor (who fell out with the Nine of Pentacles), the Knight of Swords in reverse together with the Page of wands and the Ehwaz rune in Merkstave are describing a situation where someone in your life will try to talk you into a decision and this someone wants you to make this decision as soon as possible, with no time to think (watch out for sketchy looking “deadlines”). The Fox and the Stars would make me think of either a job promotion or a business venture of any kind (like investing into something). The Fox is always a trickster/double faced card, every good it brings will come with a twist for the benefit of a third party and not necessarily for your good.

The Algiz rune in Merkstave is waving red flags all over the place together with the Ehwaz in Merkstave (a warning about hasty decisionmaking), the Knight of Swords in reverse (rushing into things headfirst), the Page of Wands (again, jumping into things without thinking, even if it looks “optimistic” and “motivated”) and the Emperor (authority and control over someone or something, I would read the person in question as masculine or with masculine traits). Under no circumstances let yourself be pushed into quick decisions about your financial situation (or your own business endeavours) or else you will end up in this shattering Five of Cups/Seven of Wands in reverse scenario that will leave you with the “What was I thinking?”-question.

If you stick with the High Priestess energy (trusting your gut feeling) and the advice from the Virginia Woolf card (Vision = take your time to explore the reactions and the awareness of your inner world regarding mundane matters), this Emperor figure won’t be able to take control over your Nine of Pentacles (wealth, reward of your hard work). The alternative to the earlier mentioned failure is the financially “lucky woman” (Clover and Woman, Fish and Clover), enjoying her abundance with the Nine of Pentacles without someone pushing her into a hasty commitment.

You might not even be aware of this situation right now but the Algiz rune in Merkstave wants you to know when its the time to know. Some people are really great at making us believe that they have our best interest at their heart (especially if they look so stable and established and poweful as the Emperor) when they only have their own benefit in mind. Stay sharp.

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Hey @Thierry007 , here is your general reading :slight_smile:

Have you been worried about someone, recently? I get the vibes from a second person (female, has maternal or “homely” vibes to me, so probably rather family than friendship related) who was going through some emotional hardships, recently (Ace of Cups in reverse, Two of Cups in reverse, Snake, Crossroad and Woman).

This reading is telling you that everything is going to be alright with this person. First of all, we have the Woman and House connection, which points towards stability. We have the Five of Swords in reverse, a resolved challenge, then there is the Six of Pentacles and the Six of Cups in reverse together: this person has moved on from the past (the cause of their emotional challenges? Stork, Snake and Crossroad would imply fast and troubled changes for them, leaving them with uncertainty about how to move on) with the assistance of some kind of “community support”, like family and friends. I think that you had your part in this recovery of that person: King of Wands tells me about being protective of that person and that this person could rely on you in their journey to get better.
Kippercards 34 (Work) and 4 (Meeting) might point towards the ability of this person, to face the world and its obligations again (I get “homely” vibes from them, so maybe they are now picking up on responsibilities and social gatherings again instead of being stuck). I can feel a slow sense of realisation setting in, for you in this case: you can let go of this kind of worry for now.

I drew a Rumi oracle card for you, to give you additional “everything is going to be alright” affirmation. The “Beyond the Threshold of Fear” card came out:
You have broken through a barrier of fear (whether it seemed to originate from within your concsiousness or from an external set of circumstances) that held you back from the steps you are now taking, or you’re about to take. These steps may feel new, strange, uncertain and exciting. Your mind might not have received the memo that fear-based existence is no longer in operation for you. (…) You are the witness, not the victim. Your concsiousness is strong enough to hold it in compassion. You don’t collapse under its weight; in fact it is becoming less and less substantial for you.

Interestingly enough the card comes with a poem by Rumi: “Enter the lions jungle! Don’t think about getting hurt! Fearful thoughts are phantoms of the mind! No one is harmed in this jungle. Everything is compassion and love. It is your fear holding you back, like a bar behind the door” and when I said that I think that you’re the King of Wands I just noticed that a Lion is symbolizing this card. Maybe there is something about lions for you to discover :thinking:

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Very perfect reading and it is completely relevant to my situation right now and I believe that the second person that you’ve mentioned is my mother.
Thanks for spending your time

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Hey @Blanket_Owner , I have expressed it as the question “What can Blanket_Owner learn from working with these deities” because a general reading actually means general and I latch on just anything that is represented the strongest for my senses. I won’t take specific questions into account, if someone chooses a general reading :slight_smile:

It is STRONGLY suggested that working with these deities in a stable and non-jumpy way (establishing a connection, a relationship to these = Two of Cups!) will contribute to put an end to the hasty and impatient “doing everything at once, yet nothing at all” mindset (Page of Wands in reverse, The Moon). The Berkano rune suggests that you will be able to plant seeds and watch them grow without getting nervous about instant growth (Berkano = Birch tree, nurturing, growth). The Oracle card of Vapula (= command) asks you to actually take control over what you’re currently only hoping for.

If you put real work into these connections you will find yourself being able to not only hope but put things into real action (Hope card, Fish and Stars and Fox indicate a sense of too much daydreaming about spirituality instead of tackling the task at hand). Scythe and Fish are asking in that context to cut away everything that is too much or too overbearing in your practice, for now. I think that working with these deities will also help you to “take stock” about what you truly need in order to grow spiritually.

You will be able to gain plenty (Berkano, Seven of Pentacles) with these two deities (Three of Cups, Cheerfulness! Coming together to celebrate what you’ve managed to do, small and big steps!) Not right now, not in the blink of an eye; you will grow (and you will grow so much)

Fox and Tree are asking you to actually learn spiritual self defense (shielding, etc) when you decide to join hands with these deities. From my own experience things can become a little “intense” when a deeper bond to a spirit is forming and learning how to shield yourself properly will cut away a huge amount of too overwhelming occurrences (when your senses start to open it can get a bit scary, depending on the way your brain is currently wired) :shield:

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You know I always hope I can catch your readings before they close, because they are so true like to a T.

And very very insightful, your previous tarot readings too have provided such valuable advice (especially to a novice like me, who as you rightly pointed out daydreams of spirituality so much yet has not even began anything because it’s kinda overwhelming to learn so much at once, and if I don’t my mind gets restless and I end up doing nothing.)

Thank you, your reading (as well as another someone’s scrying that told be to begin with kali and shiva instead of goetic beings) has really set me on my spiritual path and I am greatful to you both.

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Thank you! Yes, this area (financial, career) has been a focus and factor of stress recently with some work issues and trying to make plans for the future. Hopefully I can avoid the bad situation.

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Hi @Fer10 , lets have a look

Ah, man. I have a big warning card for you, its the Kippercard No. 8 and literally says “False person”.

You’ll might find yourself in a little fling with someone; Queen of Pentacles in reverse and Othala in Merkstave points towards someone who is charming on the outside but who is quite manipulative and downright dishonest with you. On the plus side: the Justice card tells me that this person will expose their bad character quite soon and your turmoil with this person will be a quick one (Child and Coffin, Three of Cups reversed). On the not so plus side: the Despair card, the Coffin and the Stars together the Emperor in reverse and the Eight of Cups in reverse are pointing towards you feeling utterly crushed by this.

Its almost as if you would rather prefer to be treated like this than being alone. Its time to stop this mindset (mate, you have TWO coffins in your reading with different systems, its REALLY time to stop obsessing over this relationship scenario in your head!) or else you will end up as the Emperor in reverse, stripped of all self control and power over yourself.

Stars and Cross, Cross and House and the Emperor in reverse are giving me the feeling as if this obsession over just any kind of relationship stems from something that happened/still happens in your upbringing (maybe there is a really unhealthy display of how affection looks like somewhere along your families history) and you would be advised to not throw yourself blindly at anyones feet only to play pretend that this is love or affection. You are more worth than that. The Queen of Wands in here invites you to (re-)organise your current life to build yourself up and to draw your self worth from your self and not from the presence of somebody else in your life.

I have drawn an Archeo card for you; these cards are meant to help the seeker to cultivate a healthy personal “mythology” about himself along the way. Currently, your fullest potential is symbolized by the Archetype of the “Survivor”. In this context the card suggests to refine your natural ability to provide for yourself, not only with material but also emotionally. Give to yourself first, then you can provide for others emotionally as well.:
The Survivor has been called many names - ragamuffin, urchin, guttersnipe, tatterdemalion - but at his core he is a proudly independent forager. Some might try to label him amoral, but when the center fails to hold and things fall apart, leaving the landscape a wreck of hardship, then the Survivors ethics become apparent. He functions by the gaps left by inequality and has no fear of draconian authority. Always the shrewd pragmatist, he makes certain that he and his companions never starve
Whether it be city, desert, jungle or forest, the Survivor is a master in the art of survival. A chameleon who can navigate any territory with ease, he moves by instinct, unearthing whatever he needs. When there is a shortage of food or money, the Survivor will find a way to provide. When shelter is needed, he will locate a roof and a dry bed. Never selfish, he’s practical and gives without question to his fellow dispossessed.
No matter what misfortune chance throws against him, he remains undaunted, turning difficulty to advantage with admirable dexterity. He is independent and refuses point-blank to be patronized and oppressed. The world has always produced artful dodgers, from Cannery Row, where Mac and the boys exhibited their oft-misplaced generosity and endearing endurance , to the back alleys of Whitechapel, where Fagan taught young Twist the finer arts of fingersmithing.
The Survivor is the epitome of our indomitable nature and our dogged capacity to adapt and endure.

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