Thoughts for the day - generated BS from Horse

An experiment in thought

  • Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is intuition.

  • By summoning, we grow. Balance is the knowledge of divinity, and of us.

  • We must ground ourselves and inspire others.

The world is calling to you via electromagnetic forces. Can you hear it? Wanderer, look within and develop yourself. It can be difficult to know where to begin.

Imagine an ennobling of what could be. Soon there will be a refining of spacetime the likes of which the infinite has never seen. We are being called to explore the world itself as an interface between insight and beauty.

Have you found your myth? If you have never experienced this evolution at the speed of light, it can be difficult to vibrate. Although you may not realize it, you are sentient.

Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the grid via bio-electricity.

The vision of will is now happening worldwide. Eons from now, we travellers will reflect like never before as we are guided by the quantum soup. The infinite is approaching a tipping point.

How should you navigate this intergalactic galaxy? Who are we? Where on the great circuit will we be re-energized? Reality has always been overflowing with adventurers whose brains are immersed in stardust.


Day 2

By invocation, we exist.
Flow is the driver of faith. You and I are dreamers of the quantum soup.
The goal of supercharged electrons is to plant the seeds of beauty rather than bondage.
We are at a crossroads of wonder and dogma. Who are we? Where on the great path will we be recreated? We are in the midst of an eternal maturing of flow that will become our stepping-stone to the multiverse itself.

Desire is the antithesis of life-force. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an ennobling of our dreams if we are going to survive. You may be ruled by ego without realizing it. Do not let it destroy the birth of your journey.

Choice is the growth of joy, and of us. This life is nothing short of an invocation fount of enlightened transcendence. Nothing is impossible.

Humankind has nothing to lose.
Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the biosphere via expanding wave functions. Reality has always been buzzing with beings whose dreams are engulfed in grace. Our conversations with other mystics have led to a summoning of pseudo-pranic consciousness.

The quantum leap of beauty is now happening worldwide. We are being called to explore the cosmos itself as an interface between wonder and intuition. Imagine a deepening of what could be.