This should be changed to Folk Magick

The section is labeled Haitian Vodoun, obviously, from Koetting’s dabblings with the Lwa. However, as a Conjure, I can say that what he tangled with is a different beast entirely. He only scratched the surface.

Vodoun falls under the same family as Santeria, Conjure, Hoodoo, Palo and the like. They are derive from the African Congo religions that stretch all across the continent. Due to the American slave trade, the beliefs of the African people had spread to the carribean islands (where we get Vodoun), which then migrated from south America to mesoamerica (Santeria, Brujeria), then finally resting in the southern U.S. (New Orleans Voodoo, Hoodoo).

So many cultures blended together that at times its hard to tell the difference between these magical paths of spirit work at times.

For example, there is a common figurehead in Hoodoo that we use for protection. His name is Black Hawk, a native American who was accepted by a primarily African American collective. Because of his warrior spirit, southern conjures/root workers accepted him as their own.

As well, it is not uncommon to see one spirit who shares the same role in mutiple cultures. Like Papa Legba. Some know him Ellegua and others know him as the Man in Black who makes deals at the crossroads.

And Don’t be suprised either if you see Root worker calling in angels like St. Michael then invoking the spirit of a Ancestor. All in the presence of SantiSima Muerte.

Unlike western magick, folk traditions go hand and hand with folk rituals. This is what gives magical systems like these their juice. We don’t summon spirits like knights in a castle, and we don’t have to physically see them in order to cause change. It’s a mutual respect. Often, the spirits you bring forth as a practitioner of folk magicks are people that never truly left this plane.

As a Conjure, working in the cemetery is a MUST. However, no need to be digging up Graves for some necromancy or ritual circles and candles galor. We give the dead a cigar, a shot of whiskey, pennies as offerings and in return, I take dirt from the graveyard. That dirt now is a link between myself and that graveyard, so, if I need help I can use the dirt to invoke spirits. Or, for example, I need protection, I’d get some top soil from a police department. Odd right? Results all the same.

Hence why Koetting was so surprised at the knowledge DePrince shown him.

But this doesn’t mean we don’t summon the demonic though…I myself just recently made a pact with Lucifer.

So, to conclude, Haitian Vodoun is a wicked powerful system but there is far more dark magick waiting to be revealed if one simply looks past those islands and focus on just Folk traditions instead. But this is just my little howl.

The Wolf lives on…

I think parts of the forum were named for the books/courses BALG have brought out (or intend to in the future) and the subforums below are for discussing results (desired or acquired), in money magick, healing, love & list, defence, and baneful types of work.

So one can post a planetary working with full Golden Dawn symbols, a grimoire trad. evocation, folk working, or a lucky charm - basically anything - under those goals, rather than trying to get a subforum for each recognised system out there.

Getting back to the main point of what you were saying, I agree folk magick is powerful, which is how it survived to be passed down through word of mouth, it would be good to read more about your experiences with it on here if you ever want to share? :slight_smile:

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:2, topic:7331”]I think parts of the forum were named for the books/courses BALG have brought out (or intend to in the future) and the subforums below are for discussing results (desired or acquired), in money magick, healing, love & list, defence, and baneful types of work.

So one can post a planetary working with full Golden Dawn symbols, a grimoire trad. evocation, folk working, or a lucky charm - basically anything - under those goals, rather than trying to get a subforum for each recognised system out there.[/quote]

Understood. I still have issues with that philosophy but I’ll save it. This isn’t my forum so I can only give my thoughts.

Getting back to the main point of what you were saying, I agree folk magick is powerful, which is how it survived to be passed down through word of mouth, it would be good to read more about your experiences with it on here if you ever want to share? :)

Sure. Like I mentioned previously, I go to the cemetery often to do work. About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I went to a graveyard here in my hometown to look for a familiar spirit. The dead makes the best familiars, in my experience, because they can still affect this world via the spiritual world and still have contact with you on this plane.

It was about 10 or so at night when I went and it was raining (I get the best results when it Rains). I had some pennys, a stick incense and some sugary booze I got from the store for libations. The moment I stepped into the graveyard, I got that familiar feeling of spirits being near. Usually, when I am contact by a entity I just get those electric chills.

This time was a different story. My body was shaking uncontrollably, I thought it was fear or anxiety but I’ve come to comprehend that when i get the jitters like that, it’s from a spirit trying to contact me directly or I’m around someone who has a pretty dense aura.

I was so ready to leave, I cut my normal ritual short and just asked if there was any spirit who wished to protect my home. I felt this…shift. I can not put it in words but I know something was within me. I did a prayer for protection against any negative entities that may wanted to latch on to me, salted the ground, left my offerings, grabbed a handful of dirt in a sandwich bag beside a grave and booked it. I didn’t look at any grave stones or anything. I just bought the dirt and flew. Keep that in mind.

On the way home, I wanted to know the spirits name so I asked the soil. Instantly I got the Pirates of the Carribean theme song in my head with the names William and Elizabeth Turner. I didn’t know what that meant so I just chose the name Elizabeth.

Fastforward a week and some change. Ever since I got the dirt, that graveyard has been calling me. I walk by it often and every time I do, it feels like a party is popping off underground. Also at this time, I was getting ticked because I felt the spirit wasn’t doing its job (it was. I was just not seeing the signs) so I buried the bottle in my yard, asked Elizabeth to return home and salTed the ground.

A few days later, I went to a pagan shop meeting and I met a guy who worships the Egyptian pantheon. We got on the topic of the dead and he brought up Anubis. This god had been giving me signs for WEEKS but I just ignored them. The guy told me that if a god tries to communicate with you, he wants to give you a mesage.


I took a idol I had of Anubis to the same graveyard and did a invocation to see what he wanted. Suddenly, I got a psychic pull to a gravestone on the other side of the cemetary. The complete opposite side of the cemetary where I got the dirt.

Guess who’s names was on the grave marker? William and Elizabeth. On the way back to my car to go home, I found some railroad spikes. These are powerful fetishes in Hoodoo for…? Yup. You guessed it. Protection.

Lastly, quite literally, the statue of Anubis jumped out of my hand and broke on the ground. The caretaker of corpses delivered his message. Ever since then, if the dead ever gives me some notes, I pay attention.

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Awesome, thanks for sharing that! Aside from the nice details, what I take from this - and what I hope a lot of people, especially the less-experienced, can see here - is that having faith in oneself in these situations IS the way forward, it’s a dynamic force in its own right that has to exist and underpin the elements of spirit work, offerings etcetera that we commonly think of as the magickal aspect of things. Neat!

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Can you tell me more about Black Hawk? I haven’t heard of him before , but I’m getting a good vibe from your short description and would like to find out more about him. Are there any books you could recommend about him?

No offense but hoodoo to me seems a lot like Wicca. All the hoodoo workers I see just decide today I’ll be working with chango in Santeria say for example. But you have to understand. In that system you don’t evoke them. You receive them in a ceremony. Then you consult the oracle that they are housed in to do the job. Yes spirit should be free. But they have the market corned on that unfortunately. You waste time running in circles cutting corners trying to save money and getting nothing done. Living in a fantasy world. Or you can psy get the iniations and become a bad motherfucking Bruno that gets results. I don’t mean to offend any one that’s just the way I feel.

Well most of the people I know who do hoodoo get results.

They don’t cut corners per say, but hoodoo is just very simple though their are very complex spells that aren’t easy such as necromancy having to do with the intranquility spirit for example.

I myself work with a folk saint and I’ve gotten a lot of results just from prayers and offerings of water.