This is your sign to get that sigil tattooed on you

To anyone who has a calling to get a sigil tattooed for a spirit you’re dedicated too, this is your sign to do it. I got Father Lucifers sigil tattooed on me today and all I can say is wow. I feel completely different in the best way imaginable. I listened to his enn while getting the tattoo done. The love I have for him is eternal and this is a way for me to honor him. Before you get the tattoo done, really build a strong relationship/bond with the spirit. Realize that this is a commitment that last a life time and it can not be undone. I recommend doing this with a spirit you will work with for the rest of your life, as this is permanent and you & the spirits energy will be integrated as one.


All hail Father Lucifer


I know it’s not a deity perse, however I have literally been thinking about getting the tattoo of my personal sigil for the spirit name of my future ascended self.

Trying to align with it fulright for ultimate manifesting…

Like I said, not a deity tattoo but like EA Koetting and Archaelus, I have finally been given clairvoyance to my Godname with the help of Lucifer and Shemyaza. Hope others find your message validating as well :metal::metal::metal:


Yeah that sounds like a good idea, definitely do it! You got this. Congratulations on your success.


Could you share it?
I am looking to get one myself and have been looking for tattoo ideas!