This is the third dream of a dog attacking me - could this mean something?

The first night I dreamed of a dog biting and sinking its teeth into my right hand.

The second night I had 2 dreams: 1 of which was me being attacked by a strange, mutated black dog which was being pushed back and attacked by 3 or 4 people. But in the end this black dog bit my right leg - my thigh.

I woke up and during the same night I had another dream where I got attacked by a white dog.

Seems to be systematic. What could this mean?


Repeating dreams could be a sign that you are avoiding to face something in your real life.

It could also mean that someone is influencing you or attacking you psychically while you are asleep. As when we influence someone while they are asleep, they could dream about the topic that we are projecting on their mind.

In any case, its a good idea to amp up your defenses.


The answer above covers the most but if you want to rule out physical attack during sleep or curses, there are wards or beings you can contact in addition to uncrossing spells you could try to at least rule out curses and remove hexes, if you need a few examples of breaking a curse I can give you one.

Otherwise, in the system of Haitian Voudon system created by E.A Koetting there’s a powerful uncrossing spell in the video course.


Do you have any Celtic lineage?


Right as I’m looking into this three stray dogs run through my


I want to say that I’ve read something where a white dog is symbolic of your own consciousness. That’s all I can think of or find on that one.


As for entities, Hekate, but her being my mother, I doubt she would just attack you.


Two attackers.
One who you perceive as a threat.
The other you are oblivious to and take a major blow.
Watch the skies, traveller.


If they’re attackers, it’s possible they’re shapeshifting or shamans.


I think you are afraid of dogs, maybe that’s what it means?

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Its a dream guys remember?, lets not take the dogs as vision of being attacked by literal dogs.

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Typically dogs are known as ‘man’s best friend’ so in this case I would advise to watch out for false friends…

Is there anyone who you have been helping a lot lately? Anyone who could be in a position to ‘bite the hand that feeds’? If so you might want to keep an eye out for them…

Also, the bite on your leg could represent a false friend (hence why the dog appeared ‘mutated’) trying to destabilize you and/or block you from ‘moving forward’ with something… The three or four people attacking the dog could either represent people around you who will stick by and stand up for you OR it could represent the people who you are trying to harm said ‘false friend’ and who you are trying to help them from (if it’s the case that you ARE helping someone out of some shit that they are going through)…

I’d say throw up a few extra protection wards and stay vigilant in the next coming days/weeks


Are you planning to travel somewhere?
Wear a talisman.


@JezebelleMoon I do have Celtic lineage, yes.

@Raven_Maleficus There is no reason for her to attack me. Not now, at the very least.

@AlphaC Interesting. I’ll have to be wary. I agree that it should not be interpreted literally.

@Khay nah

@GaiasGirl Hmm, I will have to think about this carefully. Very interesting take, I must say.

@AlphaC No, I am not planning to travel anywhere.


That’s why I said I doubt it

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I’ve had repeating dreams… Have you had dreams about your future? Dreams that seem to go beyond the realm of coincidence?

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I had but I’ve not written them down, so I don’t recall what they were about.

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Its been a little while since I’ve written them down, but I think nowadays, I just write down the really crazy ones. The ones that felt oh so real…

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I should start writing them down, tbh…

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It can help, you might go back over them and see something you had forgotten about them…It pretty well fucks with me to think I’ve lost a page, but how, Ive had troubles being organized.

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