This craziness MUST end. I need help (kind of long)

Been there dealt with it… actually to this day i am still cursing. First off hugs to you your story literally sounded just like mine.
Bullet points of my journey

  • ancestors & guardians get them on your side. Get your wards set up…
  • MEDITATE- Divinate- experiment and journal.
  • FIND YOUR WORK… Is it black magic? Is is voodoo? Is it demons?
  • barter your request and make sure a lesser is not playing you.

Oh honey its a long road. And you had better make sure this is what you want.

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Thank you so much, truly. It’s such a Jerry Springer situation that I feel like I am the only one who has ever gone through it. If I even got embarrassed, i would be.

Funny you mentioned ancestors. I rarely ever get to go to their gravesite since I have lived so far away from it for so long but last week I did. I know they are on my side but never asked anything of or from them. I did then. I don’t know what wards are, but I’m a quick learner.

I bought a journal in anticipation of something; I didn’t know what. I guess I know what now. I know little about divination, but I am always willing to learn.

I thought my work was hoodoo. I am good at certain things, but I never had the peace with it that I just received from these “simple” rituals. Its truly a whole other world for me. I’ve seen things for a long time and I know they have nothing to do with hoodoo or anything else like it.

I have been looking for who to work with. I have other issues like I posted in the Introduction Thread. I don’t think anyone is playing me since all I feel is peace. I was thinking about my husband all the time no matter how busy I was. Since I did the rituals, it’s been different. When I DO think of him, it’s in anticipation of him coming home. That’s never happened in all this time. It’s always been in a very desperate, angsty “will he, won’t he” kind of thing. Now it’s like I am seeing and feeling something that has yet to happen, but will. It’s never happened before.

I won’t pay for anything else but a book from here on out. Not to say there aren’t real practitioners, but desperation will make you do anything.

I will look up bindings for her. I made my husband hate her the other night as well as a Force Exile, Bring Judgment and Harm and Destroy.

I will look up a cleansing for him. I never needed to control him. I believe he was in love with me for several years before we got together. I am in agreeance in making him feel my pain 9 fold for me and my son. I did Destroy with Wrath so he will know why everything is happening to him. Any other suggestions I am open to.

Yes, I am absolutely sure. Someone or thing keeps asking me if it is. My answer has not changed ever. C. Kendall posted an amazingly potent ritual. I am going to do that as soon as I can get a candle.

Again, thank you. xo

Not the only one dear. Not the only one. Look up break up spells on you tube. Black witch coven. Witches lair. And i cant remember the others but those two have point on instructions that i have used.

OH MY GOSH. I found Black Witch Coven on YT just the other day…

You’re such a gift, damia2hell. You did’t have to share your experience and you did to help me.

I’m so grateful I found BALG. My life feels so different now.


So sorry you had to deal with this please listen to the others telling you to move on. Look he may have been good before people change or they put on a front and can do it for years. Be open that this may be part of his character as well. Please don’t let him hurt you again, I know it is hard but in every marriage or relationship you are never divorcing or breaking up with the person you met at first. Best of luck and may vengeance rain on these volatile people.

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I appreciate your concern, but I would also like respect for the fact that no one but me knows the entire situation and that although he may have strayed from his vows, I have not. I came here for magickal help, not Dr. Phil advice.

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Yes you’re right and I did not mean to sound condescending this is your life and I know nothing about it. I am sure you understand from my view and those who share it that you would also advise caution. I respect your choice and it is a very noble one don’t get me wrong. Yes you wanted Magick advice but we are still a community and we sympathize and care. I wish I knew the right curse for you but I don’t. Someone will point you in the right direction and I hope nothing but happiness as a result.

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We all want a happy ending… and I can say that my feelings now and looking back are black and white. Not a complete waste : i learned alot. But Damn i am amazing and i did not realize it, i let some jerk ruin me. Just stating from experience.

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I can’t even say I want the life I had back before this because she messed with my kid for 3+ years. That is why she needs to be dealt with (even though she cheated on him with my son and is posting about wanting to be with my son online, he’s telling him that my son is harassing her). And before this happened, my husband was my biggest cheerleader and caretaker. He’s not even doing 1/10 of the things for her he did for me. He wasn’t a jerk. He’s made mistakes, but doesn’t deserve to be ruined.

Since we have similar stories @damia2hell would you mind messaging me? I don’t think I can yet.

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I will mesage you.

If you don’t feel fear to do some things alone by yourself you can PM me. I can give you some traditional tested things. Keep in mind you will need to do them by yourself.

@NewToThis26 sent you a msg will reach tomorrow

I don’t fear anything. Not anymore. ETA: I just received PM privileges.

@damia2hell I see it. Thanks, doll.