Theory on extreme trance states

I’ve been trying to astral project for the last several months and have had no success doing so. This isn’t about that however. It’s about a theory I’ve developed since then.

Because of trying to AP I had to learn how to go into deep trance states. About a month ago I was thinking about the similarities between being high and the mental state that you are in when you open your eyes and leave the trance. I realized that they felt very similar but when I opened my eyes and began moving around again that feeling of being “high” lasted quite briefly. It’s like my brain connected the movement to being back in a normal state of mind again.

So one time I tried to see if I could prolong this state when I opened my eyes by concentrating deeply on staying in the trance. It worked but I still jumped out of it when I began moving again. Next time I changed my intention that when I began moving I was still going to be in a trance. I started off by opening my eyes and then slowly moved by hand in a rhythmic pattern back and forth in the air. I could feel myself slipping out of the state but stayed concentrating and I eventually got use to doing that movement. I continued this with my other arms and legs until almost my entire body was in motion but I was still in the trance. Finally I started moving my eyes back and forth, trying desperately to stay in the trance.

I then stood up. Nothing had changed, I was still in a trance. Less, it was a weak trance but it was one nonetheless.

I began listening to music which is something that I always do when I’m high, and it sounded amazing. It was so deep and ethereal. But I quickly ran into a problem which ended the trance. This addition of a sense pulled me back into a normal mind state. I resolved this another time by starting the volume on the music exceedingly low and working my way up while getting used to the sound.

Two days ago I got into the deepest trance of my life and applied the same methods to me getting up. I felt so fucked up. I couldn’t think about anything for more than a few seconds and time moved so slowly. But it made me think again, what if I kept going? What if I kept getting more and more used to being in this trance state while doing normal activities? What if I just kept going deeper while I’m meditating and then awoke myself but stayed in the trance? What would my world be like?

It also made me think if drugs are just putting you into brain wave states that can be achieved by meditating and trances? Maybe that’s why you feel so similar? Is it then possible to achieve the same results with trances that you could on something like shrooms?


Yes. Brainwave states are the same regardless of the method used to achieve them. There is no difference between a Theta state achieved through hypnosis, and one achieved through sleep deprivation, for example. The only variable that changes is the amount of conscious control you have. Generally, a state induced by a drug is not controlled by the user, and it will take you where it will. That’s why people often have to “ride out” a bad trip, because they have no control over what they are experiencing so they have to wait for the drug to run its course. It’s also believed that drugs have their own spirits, and it is the spirit that decides where the trance takes you.


Don’t underestimate spirits and how much they can fuck you up. I know, people are like, yeah, these spirits can’t do shit, I can’t make them do stuff for me, but that doesn’t mean they can’t, just that, in spite of the silly Solomonic crap about the mage being god etc, they aren’t necessarily going to help you out, they have to decide if they want to or not.

And I mean, a multi-day fucked up psychotic trip, because of the fucked up leeway I gave Astaroth.
Also, I can’t astral project worth shit, one of the many reasons I had such a fucked up time. (and trust me, no fucks were given, like 0 fucks.)

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Everything @DarkestKnight said

The only hack (all be it I can’t bloody AP yet myself) but would hugely recommend along with you can use bineaural beats to help change your brainwave state

Wim Hof breathing takes you down deep SUPER fast

I do most of my “magick” with my subconscious mind and visualisation or imagination to manifest … and my results after using wim hof are like what I could before on steroids… it takes me down really deep really fast … a few wim hof rounds might make all the difference… it’s incredibly tangible how much of a different state you’re in and naturally releases DMT (likely in far lesser amounts than plants which may have spirits attatched, think ahayuasca… you don’t really wanna do that thinking you can control it, it’s taking you where it wants!)

Can’t help with the leaving body bit … but I think I would need to meditate for hours to get where with some wim hof breathing I can get in 15 mins in terms of a deep trance