Theogensis: The Hunter of Men

He asked for his account to be closed.

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People do though, they move on with their practice to something different, or just find the forum’s taking up more time than they wanted and choose to limit that by closing the account, it happens. If you spot an Anon with a bunch of numbers, it’s usually someone who wanted to leave, people’s profile shows the reason why in most cases (not anything confidential).

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Any time I’ve been attacking someone and they’re damaged, and I called him as part of my attacks, he didn’t want them. On one occasion he looked down at the heap on the floor and sniffed, said ‘there’s nothing left’ and didn’t move to take it. I made a different offer.

It’s possible that he was referring to a different kind of damage, as there are people waling around with broken souls and I wouldn’t be surprised if this person was one of them, but I haven’t had him refuse someone I haven’t been attacking first yet. I don’t want to face the consequences of getting that wrong though, I always have a 2nd in mind.

The original poster was the one who said you need a backup target:

You will not want to approach this version of me without a target in mind, as it does not pity.

This isn’t new, BoA Dra’talon is the same. So if they refuse your target, and there you are looking much like any other human, you need a replacement handy.

I don’t know from experience any other reasons for refusal. I guess if you summon and change your mind before speaking the name you might have this situation too.


If your target has children living with her, would Noreth be the proper fit for the job?

What kind of blood do you soak the victim’s picture in? Also, does it have to be a picture? If I have a name, address, email address, and more information can that suffice?

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It seems you hate them so much.

Is it any of your business?


Norath seems a perfect friend to be. That’s cool. Bloodshed, flames and Slaughter. I allready have a target for Norath :fire:

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Not enough blood, disqualified!


Should I recoloring the sigil with the spirit Atributte? purple on black? Or it just do with the candle

Any thought

Just had some fun and I feel weird… lighter and I feel like some burden fell from my shoulders. My experience with Norath was intense and his energy is very intense but I felt comfort and felt sympathy from his side towards me. He was definetely present, no doubt of that.


Would you mind to update your progres, please

Well its hard to say, because he is not the only one who I have summoned, but I got comfirmed that those cca 280 persons will be Noraths including some influential persons around the world.


I felt a gentle breeze at the moment, cut my finger… and give my victim for his meal. Just evoke him 30 minutes ago


today’s (actually more like last night/early morning) special🍽 scumbag fucknugget garnished with asshat.

The photo of my target (that was given to me at one point) is all the way inside the skull’s mouth with the name, birthday, and a glyph I made summarizing the intention. Target is an all around repulsive human (sex offender, fentanyl trafficker, thief, killer…the list goes on, and generally just an asshole IRL).
Meditated, anointed sigil with blood, called Norath. The candle flames flickered and danced in the windless basement and a slight breeze blew over my back. My back was a few feet away from a wall opposite a couple large canvas paintings placed behind the altar (in background of pictures, for sectioning off a corner of the basement). I then communicated the target and intention. I’m not sure if I succeeded but today I feel a little lighter, like one more piece of my former lifestyle is gone (the last decade has been absolute chaos, a long story I’m not going to get into but it’s a period of transition for me).
Not sure what the green dots are in the first picture? I didn’t see or notice them at the time and they’re not in the second one taken minutes later.


I was thinking of wrapping a paper doll of my tormentor with his name on it in the sigil of Norath, but what to do with it afterwards? Just put it away or bury it?
I often just visualize his sigil and throw a mind picture of my tormentor into it and feel immediate relief, but I keep getting attacked again the next day so I want something more lasting.

Why not burn it? Fire is a good messenger.

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I don’t know which is the best: burning it when the action is done or as you say sending it off to work by burning it? Details…

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Non of them have ever complained when I burn the sigil to send the intention/message. Norath too. He asked me each time to burn the offerings as well. On the contrary I had spirits complaining for keeping their sigil for more than a couple of weeks. lol

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