The Watchers

Could anyone help me find more information on the Watchers? I want to know more about who they are and how they came to be. I keep seeing references to the Book of Enoch? But I believe they predate that.l entire religion.

To anyone that can help shed light on this: thank you.


Compendium of Azazel; I think there’s a lot of information there and even about some of them!


Thank you, I’ll check it out asap. Do you have any links to it? I’ve been reading this article in the mean time.


Azazel is their leader. Supposedly, they were cast into the Abyss or Abzu (the Sumerian Undeworld) as a punishment for their rebellion against the Biblical god. They interbred with humans and taught them the gifts of civilisation, from which we have the race of giants or Nephilim, who existed before the flood. The Sumerian original of this story is quite different, but you can check it out on wikipedia.


great way to learn about them is to pathwork to find who they are and what they do. Use a scrying mirror and ask Azazel to give you their seals to paint on the mirror. That’s how I learned about his Nethers. (seperate legion)


Michael Ford has excellent books on the nephilim with powerful rituals, initiation included and sacramentum. He is so totally awesome!!!



Im interested in the group called “watchers” that most overlap with those proclaimed “seekers”. I have considerable UPG and SPG about them but I get the feeling they are seperate from those held by azazel. Perhaps though im just approaching it from a different angle?

Wow! This is crazy! I just sent you a message talking about Azazel on one of your threads I was told to look up more information on these guys.

Thank you for all the great responses. I’ll check out the Sumerian version asap. I knew there was more to it.

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