The Ultimate Magick Resource

I have been creating and tweaking an idea inside my mind for a long time now, and believe that it’s time to start the actual physical manifestation of this invention.

I want to build a comprehensive, master resource for magick.

That is, one online data-bank where any permitted user can look up virtually any information about any notable spirit, sigil, ritual, and system of magick.

I know DKM mentioned his idea for a grimoire-wiki, which I like… but I want something that may be more exhaustive than this.

… some kind of information-mapping interface and search engine strictly for magick.

And to make it ultra-easy, we connect it down into a simple mobile application, like an iPhone app.

This way, you can literally have any and all necessary and relevant information with you at any time, whether on the street, or in ritual.

What can we do to make this a reality? What kind of technology can we use? Who knows how to program apps, and websites? Does anyone know a person who is fond of magick, and would do this as a labor of love. (And of course, they’d be compensated somehow for resources)

At the moment, I see some combination of the Wiki platform, as well as the relationship-mapping software that this company licenses:

I suggest checking out that resource, as they show a demonstration of how the software works, by mapping all the relationships between the most powerful and richest businessmen and politicians in the world.

Let me know your thoughts. What would be an amazing resource to you as a practitioner? Think BIG.

I want to create the “Google” of magick.


You know I’m down. I would actually give up if this is something that we can for sure dig into and get rolling.
I’m experienced in programming with PHP, most SQL based databases, Flex3 and Flex4 frameworks, Java and the latest Android API’s for droid development. I’ve got a ton of other resources and languages under my belt as well, but these are the one’s freshest in my mind at present. I would be more than obliged to donate the time I can muster up.
Still - I might like to keep grimoirewiki going as my little fun pet project, or something in the meantime to roll out while this is in the works.
But hell yeah! I love it!

===== EDIT =====
Funny this should come up today,
I was just on my way home thinking about GW and had a burst of inspiration to finish the logo with. So I think I’ll keep GW going. It might actually be a good idea. While users are uploading info and sigils for entities and rituals, we could be working on this. By the time it would be ready to start plugging data into the database, we could just write a short script to port everything over. Might actually save time as far as a launch date is concerned.
===== /EDIT =====

===== EDIT 2 =====
But yeah - I’m down for donating time/resources for this project. Count me in :slight_smile:
===== /EDIT 2 =====

We’ve decided we are going to create the first comprehensive, in depth wiki for the entire field of magick.

Who wants to volunteer to assist in the article writing, contributing, or editing? Just say “Me” and I’ll take down your name for the future when we need the help.

You’ll be repaid with the pride and honor of knowing you’ve helped create a landmark resource for magicians around the world.


Fantastic idea guys, very exciting times. The BALG project will be looked back on one day as a cornerstone of 21st Century Magick I am sure, with open access to the occult supporting a new Occult revival.

I do wonder though what the spiritual/infernal realms might think about it mind you with the ground rules being changed so dramatically. I suppose some of you guys know from the horses mouth )

i have been wondering something similar for a couple of days. What does the existing structure that controls the world functions feel about what is about to take place. They are not just going to step aside easily…and let this replace their structure…?


There’s no doubt there will be opposition but I think this has been a long time coming in the grand scheme of things.

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[quote=“Maxx, post:6, topic:221”]i have been wondering something similar for a couple of days. What does the existing structure that controls the world functions feel about what is about to take place. They are not just going to step aside easily…and let this replace their structure…?


I’ve actually been concerned about this. I had a conversation with one of my good friends when I birthed the idea of
At that time though, I was rolling solo - pre BALG.
Now, I’m not that worried. With the BALG fam, EA at the top - I think we have a pretty solid defense. In fact, maybe it’s time to start surrounding this work with some extra protection.

ME! Screw 'em all! ME!

Fuck anyone who tries to stop us.

Bring it on.


Would love to help out but unfortunatly english is not my native language. Wouldn’t look professional enough, I think.

But if there’s soemthing else I can do, just yell

[quote=“Bran, post:11, topic:221”]Would love to help out but unfortunatly english is not my native language. Wouldn’t look professional enough, I think.

But if there’s soemthing else I can do, just yell[/quote]

dude, seriously? I would never have guessed. And I’m being 100% honest. If you wouldn’t have said anything … to tell the truth, I had always thought you were a Hell’s Angel in a pinch and had to leave the U.S. or something :stuck_out_tongue: hah - but seriously, your English, so far as I can tell, is just about as good as anyone elses.

Well thanks, DKM! I feel flattered :-))

If all the others feel the same then I would be happy to help where I can.

@Bran: no offense cuz I know we get kind of a bum rap overseas but I honestly thought you were US born and left the country at some point or at least lived fairly close to the US.

Nope, I really am from Belgium, born and raised here, and Dutch (Flemish actually) is my native language.

Welp, Timothy - I threw these up last night, and so far it looks like the CoP is the one people are stoked on. Think you can get EA to sign off on it, give it his ‘OK’ stamp of approval?

and just for show’s sake, this is the one I designed, as a default image - I still like it a lot, might have to use it for something else if we get the go ahead on #1 :slight_smile:

Yeah, you guys better watch it, 'cause Bran and I can gossip about ya’ll in Flemish. :wink: LOL

But I know what you mean Bran, I’m constantly picking up new English phrases and vocabulary from other posters and always feel like I’m writing at the level of a 12-year-old. This may have something to do with that idiotic Flemish inferiority complex that has been fed to us from the day we were born. Your English is fine, my English is fine. Let’s not worry about it and have another beer. :wink:

My time is limited, but I will gladly help where I can. I have been called a fucking grammar nazi before (I am, I really am. ‘Textspeak’ makes my skin crawl!), so some final proofreading is right up my alley.

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You won’t believe this but I really just took another beer LOL

Ow, I forgot to tell you. I’ve been spying on you via my crystal ball. :wink: LOL

Well, you can keep on spying for another half hour; after that I’ll be in the shower :wink: