The Time For Death Has Come

EA told me he rarely actually see’s or hears entities. He still to this day relies on his mind to receive the information


In the end what matters are the results am I right :smiley:


I tell them I demand to see them and hear them. I expect and accept nothing less. I will speak to them telepathically as I do not want to look crazy at work.

They tell me it will overrun my mind and I have told them … Damn the torpedoes.

I speak when I can in the privacy of My own home and I keep small notebooks in my pocket I can write them letters. You need to vibrate the universe to get anything to happen. telepathy is almost a cop out but the need for discretion is understood.

I do blood, candles, song and voice, sygils, written letters and lastly telepathy.


Keep it simple. Pentagram rituals are great. And the banishing inverted pentagram ritual is great for so many things. If you know the direction where your victim lives you can create and send these off, otherwise to all four quarters and they’ll work that way. It’s a constantly recharged curse – a personal psychodrama for you, yet Magick that strikes in the real world. Keep Journal notes.


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Are you saying the banishing rituals of the pentagram can kill people?

Yes. If you know how to trace and project them. Pentagram rituals are great. That’s why hardly anyone bothers. You can use them for all sorts of things.



I still don’t exactly get how you would use a Pentagram ritual to kill someone, could you explain how?

Zyskal, if your Intent and Will is strong enough you can kill someone through black magick. The pentegram has nothing to do with it other than programmed intent. The rest is up to the strength of the mage.


Well yes but isn’t preparatory immersion also a big part of successful baneful magick? I doubt anyone’s intent and will are strong enough that they could kill people with a flick of their finger while wearing a pink bunny suit and listening to the latest Justin Bieber song. Same with using rituals that are meant for protection while trying to use them to kill someone no?

Can be done. The person who taught me much of what I know might be able do it (though it’s impossible to be sure since he refuses to harm anyone anymore. Some sort of guilt thing after severely injuring someone a long, long time ago, and in my opinion his abilities have been allowed to lapse and haven’t grown as much as they could have because of that incident so I really can’t be sure). Also their are grimoires with spells for literally killing someone with just a gesture and a whispered word.


I used to play those old computer D&D games. One of my favorite mages spells was “Power Word: Kill.” Many things can be done with magick, and its not necessarily like you are going to see it Advertized on a forum. Think about that.


Well if someone with those abilities would want to help me with this issue that’d be great hint hint wink wink

A Banishing (inverted) pentagram helps focus intent, they each travel to the four quarters so your victim has nowhere to go and over time they can banish everything: good health, friends, income - you name it. Invoking pentagrams are great too. Put it this way, if you study and perform pentagram rituals everyday for the rest of your life you won’t learn everything. Pentagram rituals are the basics from which all other rituals can be constructed and mastered.

Message me your email address and I’ll send you the rituals in PDF format - something I can’t post here.



The funny thing is that pentagrams can be used for both banishing and evoking. The different points represent the five different elements, and based on the point you start with, and the direction you draw it, you either banish that element or evoke it, excepting an earth-banishing, which grounds all energies regardless of element.


And even then, its about focus. I can draw a pent the same direction but with different intentions and get different results.


There is one ritual thats way more powerful than a Pentagram Ritual, and actually easily over-rides something like that. But I cannot post it here either =) You can only learn it from demons if you are worthy. They are the real teachers.

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Why not send Miss Death herself after this asshole? 3:) I am giving you a hint: out there on the shelves of the libraries they say you find a grimoire called Liber Falxifer…it has a little coffin spell in it… now… it either kills the asshole or barres all roads of his save for the only one that will lead to that person’s demise (usually this is the case). Or you can just do what my ex did and try to throw that person’s picture in a grave which was dug no older than 3 weeks (don’t ask me details about this one cause I don’t have any). Have fun and remember to torture your victim so he won’t have an easy demise! 3:)


Did you have results with that specific ritual yourself?

Someone suggested it to me. Never made it… I generally like to torture them and am happy cause death means mercy… 3:)


Is there anyone else who could help me out? The issue persists and might even get worse in the future, making my ascent more difficult. Yesterday I had another dream, where an older version of me (at least he felt older, more wise, he still looked the same as I do now though for some reason) told me I required assistance in this matter and that I wasn’t strong enough yet to do it on my own. So again I ask for help from the members of BALG.

If any of you wish to test out a curse or hex, or if you know a ritual that will cause death because you’ve used it in the past please contact me. If you wish to keep your methods private I will respect that. If you want to feast on his soul, he’s all yours. All I need is for him to be removed from this earth for good.

Thank you.