The Thrice Born

Something like that


And i quote:
“Behold, one of the most Badass looking Moths with a badass name to match. Heed their deathly squeeking !”

That is Exactly how i imagine an epic edgelord Satanic group to prepare for making apocalypse rise and taking over the world in the process.

It is so exagarated thats its hilarious and epic at the same time.



Huuu haha i cant :rofl::rofl::rofl::face_exhaling:


If you Decide to embark on the Initiaton Journey of DJINIC ascend brought by VK jehannums free PDF of Shaitanic rites (Wich i do).

And found No source of ENKIDU as a DJINIC sorcerer
Than this is for you.

IT IS especially channeled to be powerfull and potent only for djinic shaitanic sorcerry.

And IT IS enkidu a friend of another djinic sorcerer called Gilgamesch. Both Work excellent in such endevours.

All purposed chant D’zor Ofm’o.

I might buy some :joy: …i do like my water to be full of heavy Mettals if ya know what i mean :wink: :smirk:


“As i see you just gota be yourself to go to Hell”

Hell Yea!

Finally did it.

I smelled and tasted the flesh and blood of my potential…i am hungry!


Finally! I am a official licensed Mentalcoach!

Be sure there is more to come.

For me


For you!

My mind when you ask a question imediatly when i wake up trying to coprehend and find the answer🤣


