The spider goddess [closed]

Arachne says that for now you need to work with Agares. Hope this helps.


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Many thanks! :slight_smile:

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My path is so lame :sob: I’m gonna need a little while to recover from this.

Thank you both.

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What ought I to do, to be successful when working with her? Thanks in advance.

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How should I proceed in my working with her


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Evoke her.


Hello, I would like to know if she ever wanted to contact me, a while ago I thought a lot about her since I saw spiders everywhere, I also have a story about an alterego in which I was a spider matriarch, I would like to know what she thinks about this I am telling so far I thought that I cannot be prepared, I feel far from someone advanced, but it would be ideal to hear it from you who have contact with her

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This Goddess incredibly attracted me when I read some articles about her and some videos on youtube, but a fact that always intrigued me was that when I heard about her I always felt a strong pressure on my head, I felt chills, in the first time my pressure went down and I felt bad for its so powerful energy but I was never brave to evoke it because I know I still have a way to go and then call for her when it is ready. I feel that she has something in common with me, it may be from other past lives because I feel her energy wanting to send me some answers and signs. Could you tell me if this is all real and if she has messages for me and if I can work with her now or in the near future?

Darkness blessing !! :wink: :black_heart:

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You are indeed ready to work with her.


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Yes you are supposed to work with her and are ready to do so.


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so has the spider godess tested me, what advice does she have for me and will i meet her on my path?

I woke up and see your message it was exactly 3:33 in the morning and 3 is a sacred number for me according to my guides… If this is not flawed it is certainly a sign of her to me. Thanks for the info Duchess

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Hi Duchess. I am unsure if this is the type of question you’d be able to answer, but what is Arachnes view on Spider Queen? It is a traditional Santeria cursing oil, I believe, and is meant to work through the defensive energy of the black widow spider.

I am pretty curious about its magickal roots, and especially whether it is connected to any goddess such as herself.

who else should i work with? or would work well with me, I’ve evoked arachne once and the experience was not bad, she bit me as a gigantic spider and i was cool with it

I would like to know in what way she is related to me and who/what my spiritual parents/source are (and if she has any message for me pls tell me that too). i wish you a beautiful day and thank very much

Hello, I wanted to know if my (failed) attempts to evoke her got to her ? Or is there something special I need to do ? Thanks

I’d like to know if I’m anywhere near achieving my desired outcome in my current situation? What is the biggest thing I can do to help myself, under the conditions I’m having to live, that’s really going to move the needle all the way there?

Hi I ask them please Rencent I summoned Duke Bune. I think he’s nearby. Only communication has not yet been successful. Am I on the right track? What do your guide recommend

would there be any chance she would like to talk with me at some point?