The secret teachings of all Ages

Can someone provide some good books or template to learning mason, hermetic, Qabbalistic and rosicrucian philosophy.

Ive been gifted both a Thoth deck and The secret teachings of all Ages and I hope to be sufficient enough to fully understand these works.

I know these are very dense but I have them for a reason and I do not think theyd present themselves unless I was ready to start this journey.


The Manly Hall and “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” it was one the books that helped me restart this journey. He also has a lot of YouTube videos. And I lost my Thoth deck about 15 years ago :sob:.

You are going to want the companion book to the Thoth deck, the Book of Thoth. It doesn’t read like any other deck and you need the book to really understand the nuances and use it to it’s potential.


I read secret teachings of all ages years ago - I’ve forgotten all of it now!! Thx for reminding me

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So Ive heard I only worry it will be too flowery for me to inderstand and comprehend. The thoth deck from the research Ive done is very comprehensive and eloborate. In simple terms advanced.
I don’t know whether to start with a simple deck yhen move up or just start with this deck and continue to learn more. I think ill go with the second option.

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It’s actually not that bad. It’s written pretty straight forward but you have to do a lot of back and forth cross referencing amongst the cards and how they interact with each other. It’s work intensive but not cryptic.

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Thank the gods lmao

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Read the work of Neville Goddard–but you might need to get through all his work, i.e. books and lectures to glean the few fundamental principles. His work is pretty steady and the principles are fixed but there are a couple of things that emerge only later on in his work. Most of his stuff is freely available in the public domain. Neville was a Rosicrucian I think and instructed in the Qabbalah but he dumped almost all the symbolism for the fundamental truths. Symbols are not the truth.

The Kybalion by The Three Initiates.

The Secret and The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. Campy it might be but true the principles are.

The Chicken Qabbalah by Lon Milo Duquette.

You can also get into the work of Nisargadatta Maharaj, Mooji, bits of Osho and select pieces of Ramana Maharishi’s teachings.

Most important source is YOU, i.e. your True Self ( :slight_smile: Limitless Consciousness that knows no “other” :slight_smile: ). Meditation and mindfulness are essential as far as I can tell.

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