The Secret of How I Win Most Debates

First you must lose all fear. Commonly, people are afraid to make a point, because they think their opponent has a great counter point. (Magick and Mind Tip>) You must genuinely seek the truth and not just want to be right.

Magically speaking, I put on their astral shoes and look at the topic through their eyes. I go as far as I can to genuinely try to allow them to win. Right after I drop the magick bar I have created by letting them win, I pounce with logic.

I have great success with this method.


Damn bro thx now I can win more debates and arguments.

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For me, a great thing I’ve been noticing lately is that conquering fear is truly key with this and with almost everything. You also must learn to recognize your fears. Sometimes I don’t realize fear is holding me back.

For example, I haven’t gone back to school, because I don’t want student loan debt. This morning, I realized that this was just fear holding me back. (fear of bills and/or not succeeding in classes). No one will get anywhere in life if they’re afraid.

Thank you this is very helpful man or girl. Satan bless

But if you genuinely seek the truth, it might force you to lose a debate, when you realise that the other one is closer to the truth. :thinking:


You have brought me to the brink of revealing one of the greatest secrets. Let that person win.

It’s easier to work with the universe instead of against it

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