Hello everyone,
Lately I’ve been getting into interesting discussions about how you should approach spirits.
So how do you finally do it “the right way”?
So, I don’t support salomonic magick and " Demons of Magick" seems to me half okay half not. I don’t wanna talk about the book but use it as context for my current attitude and how I’m not sure if it’s alright. I know about the discourse about being respectful/disrespectful towards spirits and I know those who fear monger are scared themselves and speak not even from experience. But on the other hand some DO speak from experience.
There is that one guy working with energies whom I started talking to. He’s an exorcist. He keeps saying daemons are evil (bullshit, ik). But discussions with him also are intriguing. For example he keeps asking, where do daemons get their energy from?
Gods do from their believers I guess. What about daemons?
Back onto the track, my attitude is like 'respectfully befriend daemons", basically Connolly’s philosophy, creating bonds etc. And it was okay with me until I started thinking about how we still talk to Grand Dukes, Princes, Kings, Presidents, Earls… So how is this attitude not offending to them? How is us not being scared not offending them? Yeah, respect is mandatory.
On one hand, the methods shown in ‘demons of magick’ seem, uh, harsh. Acting like you can just force an ancient God to obey you (why would you even want to?). Basically I feel like there is some salomonic magick shit in it. Not fully, but you get me.
And then on the other hand, it’s just to protect yourself, just in case. So a daemon can either get mad at you or see you respect them right?
Well, which would be better finally?
Approach in a simple invocation with offerings and obvious respect or with extra angelic protection from Winterfield’s book? And how would you rather treat them? How do you know they won’t be offended by you asking to create a bond and not for you to worship them?