The reason why I am a necromancer

I am a necromancer and work with death energy, this is the only part of the occult I am interested in, I haven’t worked with demons or angels just death God’s such as Santa Muerte and Baron Samedi…

Short story, the reason why I practice death magick in the first place was because I lost a good friend of mine to a violent car accident, she was only 21 her body flew out of the car window and she died on impact, this fucked me up, I’ve also always been interested in death and ironically enough had a phobia of dying…

Also fascinated by ghost’s and the dead I love haunted places and graveyard’s, so death and I have become pretty close…best friends actually death is the only friend I have…


Hey, you do you. You’re not obligated to work with anyone but who you want.

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yes death is my friend too.
I will let death touch me.


Very sorry for your loss. :frowning_face: