The Psychology Of Black Magick

“The Psychology Of Black Magick: A Look Inside The Mind Of A Genius”

By Timothy Donaghue

It’s important to understand the core principles and values that constitute the philosophy and practice of black magick.

The sorcerer archetype is fairly easy to comprehend in theory, but poses a serious challenge to practice in your everyday life.

Enjoy my meditation on this subject matter. I hope that pondering and reflecting on my thoughts will reinforce and sharpen your already existing mentality.


There is nothing rarer and more valuable on planet Earth than a true, pure black magician. In fact, I doubt any exist.


Because it’s too difficult, if not entirely impossible, to be one.

That’s right. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to be a *PURE* self-aggrandizing sorcerer in a world of statist socialism and fanatical religion... where everyone is considered “equal” and subservient under the dominance of their elected and ordained rulers.

You are always under the surveillance and oppression of society’s overlords, who obstruct and interfere with your drive toward personal freedom and power, in virtually every way.

The archetype of sorcerer in an unadulterated form, exists only as an ideal that we strive to embody.

A black magician, by definition, is an anarchist and a sociopath - 2 psychological qualities that society considers evil and immoral.

Inside a tribe (society), anyone who makes their individuality a higher priority than the collective is a villain. 

In other words, anyone who considers themselves more important than everyone else, wears the crimson letter of ostracism.

Therein lies the adversity of the psychopath. How does a black magician survive and thrive, while adhering to his principles, in a world violently opposed to his values?

A black magician obeys only himself, and does anything it takes to increase personal power. He has no authorities, superiors, nor laws other than his own. He strictly lets people into his life to the degree to which they can help his own evolutionary growth.

“Upward mobility” is all that matters. 

A devoted sorcerer sees himself at the top of the food chain in nature. And if he is not literally the most powerful being in existence yet, he knows he will be inevitably, because he’s totally committed to realizing it.

The dedicated selfishness of the individual makes him a clear and present danger to the established order (disorder), and he is branded an enemy by those ruling in the local government and religious cults.

The magus will often diminish into obscurity, because he needs time and space to work his magick in safety and privacy- far from the hassle and interference of the tribal society and neighboring militaristic police force, which surely has him marked as the “lone wolf” terrorist threat.

That’s right, according to societal standards, a black magician is a terrorist. 

Sorcery is the most misunderstood and feared practice of all time.

NOTE: it’s not uncommon for famous black magicians inside the United States to be secretly contacted by the Department of Homeland Security and issued a warning that they are being watched.


The foundational bedrock of the philosophy of black magick is what I call, the “Empirical Imperative”.

It’s an axiomatic concept.

When we study nature, we observe a natural process: ever-increasing efficiency and effectiveness, and ever-decreasing entropy.

In other words, evolution.

The empirical reality of existence is evolution. It’s both proven scientifically, and immediately observable.

In this way, it is our natural imperative to evolve and grow through the increase and enhancement our own individual power.

It is our *EMPIRICAL IMPERATIVE* to evolve ourselves.

Black magick is a conscious adherence to natural selection... the fact that stronger creatures win, and weaker creatures lose.

We sinister sorcerers champion this organic process, and base our entire philosophy on this immutable law of nature.

Black magicians are the MOST NATURAL magicians, devoting their lives to the advancement of themselves, and as a result, the advancement of nature and existence itself!


Now that we conceptually understand the core philosophy of black magick- the Empirical Imperative, it’s obvious why an individual would be deeply excited by the prospect of learning and performing magick.

Magick is the act of directing astral and mental energy to materialize change in the physical plane.

Magick is causality.

Magick is power. Literally.

If the ultimate purpose of black magick is self-aggrandizement, then magick is pricelessly valuable for serving this goal.

The ability to manipulate reality for your own devices is godly.

Black magicians want Godlike Power, because we consider ourselves Living Gods.

Since we are gods in the flesh, we deserve and demand our birthright.


Now you’ll recall that I previously stated that a sorcerer has no authorities, nor superiors.

If this is the case, how does one justify calling upon an angelic or demonic spirit for help with a ritual outcome or psychic skill?

Simple. The operator acknowledges that a spirit may have more information or expertise in a particular field of knowledge, and takes advantage of it for the mutual benefit of himself and the contracted spirit.

But all the while the magician retains his conviction that he is the controller, the operator, the boss.

An individualist exploits his available resources, in this case his immortal allies, and thus boosts his own power.

As for the other side of the coin, a magus does nothing for free, unless his energy will be returned to him in equal or greater measure, either now or in the future.

In this sense, a black magician is a keen economist, always seeking to maximize his profit and minimize cost. He calculates for a better return on his investment, and understands the fair value of social and commercial exchanges.

To a sorcerer, efficiency is paramount, because everything, especially energy, has a cost.

And since black magick is a highly profitable tool, anyone who is committed to the empirical imperative will use it in order to evolve most efficiently. (Reread the previous sentence)


It’s a common experience for aspirants of black magick to feel uncomfortable or stressful as they unshackle the ball and chain of society from their ankle.

At first, learning to go against the hive mind and think for yourself can feel... shameful, and sinful.

But over time, the more you do it, the more effective you are at deprogramming yourself, the more you awaken your human intuition and instinctive magical powers.

Why though, do newcomers to sorcery go through this disorienting and confusing phase?

It’s very simple. It’s because they are undoing decades of hypnotic brainwashing and mind control.

Here, I’ll explain by example.

Name any superhero/fantasy movie.



Harry Potter.

Lord of the Rings.

Star Wars.

The stories that captivate and entertain the collective consciousness of society all depict the hero as an archetypal white magician- a character who pledges and acts to save and defend humanity from the archetypal black magician- a character who is seeking to gain power and influence to achieve the goal of self-deification.

As human souls born and raised on planet Earth, we are all brainwashed into a global culture that universally rejects and hates the idea of any individual accumulating enough power to achieve self-sovereignty- the power to exist independently, without the need of the tribal community.

That’s why governments and religion are always anti-personal power, anti-greed, anti-individuality, and pro-conformity, pro-charity + taxes + tithing, and pro-collectivism + nationalism + globalism.

What I am telling you, is that from the very first day you opened your eyes in this lifetime, you’ve been absolutely BOMBARDED by propaganda that is trying to convince you that the principles and values of sorcery, black magick, and self-deification are wrong.

We live in a world of soft, white magick-communism, and you are the EXTREMELY RARE minority who cherishes and understands the value and imperative of individuality and self-aggrandizement.

Society’s ruling masterclass wants us all uniformly weak and poor.

How convenient for them to foster a corrupt culture of perverse self-deprecation!


If I had to make a rough estimate, my guess would be that out of an entire town’s population, less than 10 people are true anarchistic, sociopathic, dyed-in-the-wool black magicians.

Maybe 3 out of 100,000 people are die hard individuals.

Extrapolating this to a global level, this means that 210,000 people on Earth are serious sorcerers.

According to the scientists who administer the IQ test, around 2% of the population are geniuses. This means there are 140,000,000 geniuses alive on Earth.

When we compare the number of black magicians to the number of scientific geniuses, there are almost 1,000 times more geniuses alive, than real sorcerers.

At the very beginning of this treatise I wrote, “...there is nothing rarer and more valuable on planet Earth than a true, pure black magician.”

These numbers confirm that assertion.

I personally believe that the most challenging psychological archetype that a human soul can endure is that of the sorcerous individual.

As the sizes of governments and religions around the world grow (with the exception of Christianity, which is shrinking), the challenge of being a self-serving person intensifies.

And beyond the numbers, the personality traits of a genius closely mirror those of a black magician...

...individualistic, eccentric and weird in comparison to contemporaries, outside the box, counter-cultural, forward-thinking, committed to efficiency and effectiveness, etc...

The bottom line is that as black magicians, we are ahead of the curve, and fulfilling the natural order of existence, by harnessing the power of magick for self-aggrandizement.

It’s interesting to note that the word “genie” a la “genie in a bottle who grants you 3 wishes” has the same root as the word “genius”, which also has the same core as the word “generate”.

The root is Greek, “gen” meaning “to be born”.

These words “genie”, “genius” and “generate” all go back to the same basic idea of causality and creation.


A sorcerer is a GENIUS that evokes a GENIE to GENERATE results.

The wordplay reveals the underlying reality of magick, built right into our language.


Black magick is more than a fascinating ideology to study, or set of rituals. It’s a way of life.

Sorcery is about changing your core personality in order to adhere to, and practice, the organic process of natural selection and evolution.

It is the purest, most organic magick.

And it’s also tremendously challenging to remain steadfast in the face of society’s disapproval, because the further you go along the path of individuality, the further you distance yourself from the norms of our culture.

This means that the more success you achieve with black magick, the more resistance you encounter from our world. Fortunately, the more adversity you overcome, the more powerful you grow.

It’s like running on a treadmill that constantly speeds up as you improve your ability to run, never relenting or slowing down.

Life on this physical plane is literally a boot camp for hard core magicians. You are chiseling your soul out of stone, so that when you exit this world, you are smarter and stronger than when you entered.

Godlike Power,


Here is the way a serious sorcerer views modern issues:

  • Core Values: individuality, freedom, power

  • Political Party: none; a sorcerer is anti-anything that has power over him and that initiates violent force against him. He therefore is not a member of any group that supports the government

  • Political Ideology: anarchist-capitalist; wants free markets to accumulate power and resources. Likes private property, contracts & private arbitration, and private security

  • Religion: none; studies science and metaphysics, practices magick

  • Occupation: self-employed, entrepreneur

  • Relationship Status: single; relationships for the sake of romance, sexual pleasure and child-rearing are indulgent distractions from real work, uses relationships for personal advancement purposes

  • Leisure Activities & Entertainment: minimal; devotes as much time as possible to self-advancement, only takes a break for necessary rest and rejuvenation

  • Weapons: owns several guns and knives, has a security system in position around his personal property, vehement supporter of self-defense and private property

  • Drugs: experiments with mind-altering chemicals for sake of ritual enhancement, sees recreational drug use as a distraction and waste of resources

NOTE: these views and lifestyle choices are not absolute prerequisites for practical success with black magick. Instead, they are metrics for self-measurement, designed for you to compare and contrast your current thought pattern against the theoretical ideal. Although, ultimately, strict adherence to a sorcerous mindset will lead you to these same logical conclusions.

I welcome your feedback.

This article is just a taste of the delicious, hard-hitting psychological exploration that you’ll study inside our forthcoming “Black Magick” program. In addition, the program will include live demonstrations of ultra-powerful rituals, designed to unleash your inner demon, so you can channel sinister energy toward the fulfillment of your self-deification.


That was awesome!!! You just summed up everything I’ve ever questioned myself about. Thanks for the eye opener man.

For the first time in 2 weeks I am speechless! Timothy, you are full of surprises. What a day this is! Thank you for revealing this Aspect! Zoe

You mentioned live demonstration of rituals. What type of phenomenon in Evocation would be caught on camera? I doubt you would see the entity visibly on the video.

I disagree.

Nothing has a fixed and definite value, and all relations fluctuate. If you carve out categories of abstractions and say these abstractions are the truth that the chosen few adhere to and those abstractions are evil that must be attacked and repudiated, you’re just performing a contrarian inversion of the dominant culture. You’re still playing the culture game.

Might is Right is a religion, not science. Evolution works through variation, multiplicity, deviation, mutation. You can’t have geniuses without morons. There’s Magick for Geniuses, Magick for Morons, and an infinite gradation between. Those who possess attributes a particular culture enshrines as superior are not, in fact, superior in any scientifically quantifiable way, as the very concept of superiority is hopelessly mythical. Evolution is a corruption of genetics. To my thinking, “black” magic is the willful corruption of stasis. Any warlord can have his whim. Crystallization and realization of Will is another matter entirely. It’s the difference between running a street gang and running an empire.

Individual power begins, not with the ability to do whatever one wants, but the ability to think without falling into mythical narratives, social constructions, or linguistic abstractions.

As for narratives regarding the potential for social persecution, I expect a truly black magician will understand that any two points may be connected in an infinite number of ways.

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A very interesting argument, Sultitan-Itan, and obviously well thought out…Hmm

My own position is somewhat different:

I’m looking at the entire piece as a whole, general idea. Do I agree with each & every principle or value he puts forth? NO! My mind is my own! But, having said that, I also say I really like it. Let me back up a bit …

Timothy is an Instigator - a Catalyst - and a rather brilliant one. Using his outrageous extremes in such a bold, “in your face” way forces the reader to do one of two things:

(1) Curl up in the fetal position on the floor from the blast, or -
(2) really, Really, REALLY THINK! Examine what you believe, assume and/or accept as true … and WHY.

This body of Work does that in spades. And THATS what I like about it.

Timothy has provoked me to deep self examination… :wink: Z

Under ‘cultural corruption’ Timothy mentions that society makes the black magician feel ashamed or sinful, and that the black mage has to undo brainwashing and mind control (almost trying to get sympathy for the poor black mage)… Well I think that some black magicians should feel ashamed. I think the shame we all feel isn’t because of brainwashing, but is our own soul’s/higher self or whatever’s reaction to something we did that we know isn’t right (yes I know I’m no wordsmith).

Some LHP magicians focus on ascent and self godhood - good on them, I hope they succeed! But there are a lot of LHP magicians who just use magic to murder, rape, steal, manipulate. There is nothing Godly, impressive or awe inspiring about those people. I mean would we celebrate those achievements if they were done without magic?

Think about it? A pedophile on the news who rapes and kills a young child, we would all want him castrated and jailed, but if done with magic, the pedophile would get a lot of ‘thumbs up’ for being able to pull it off (a lot of advice is given about these mind manipulation spells on the net but no one really asks about the victim - for all you all know they could be kids, innocents). And yes my opinion is that if someone uses magic to influence a person to have sex… its just rape, however you sugarcoat it.

And of course society loves superman and all the other heroes, those heroes are protecting them from said rapist, murderer, and thief. And those villains in the movies are no poor black magicians trying to ascend… they are arch villains trying to kill and subjugate the entire planet.

I think that some of the psychology of black magic is all about doing creepy, sinister shit and arguing that it isn’t bad, it’s just misunderstood by ignorant society.

Now, don’t send anything demonic to me, just expressing one point of view from a person who is brainwashed from society.

P.s BTW, no Im not some self righteous little shit who thinks White magic rules and black magic sucks! Having said that though… I’ll always cheer for Superman.

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Awesome article Timothy! Most of what you say is applicable to myself and it came at the right moment for me. So thanks!


You hit right at the core. All my life I thought that I was the strange one, but in reality, in my perspective, I thought they treated me horribly for no reason. Easy target. I’ve been called a “Lone Wolf” before because I had my ideas, love freedom, and hated restrictions, while others aggrandized themselves.

I’ve never considered myself a black magician, just an operator. There is something there in your article that allows me to see my situation differently. I never chose to be an operator in magick because it felt more of a calling. I’m going to spend the whole day reflecting on my self.

Thanks for this insight.


Thanks for the thought provoking well written article about what it truly means to be a black mage. I was able to understand the true nature and psychology behind what lies at the core of the black mages soul and fundamentally understand the nature of the path you are walking. It also helped me to define a little more the path that I’m walking down and to realize why I am not a truly black sorcerer. I do not see the term “Black Magickian” as an insult or a badge of honor, just another pathway to discover your own divinity.

I am not a sociopath, I do not feel evil at my core, nor do I seek to harm the innocent in my quest for power. Don’t take me the wrong way though. I am not some candy-assed white witch cowering in the corner rubbing a crystal in hopes that some magickal fairy will come blow white dust up my ass while a rainbow shoots out of my mouth making everyone smile and ride unicorns. Or a douchebag bible thumper praying to a god they know nothing about though they read their book daily. I believe in taking the reigns of power, standing as the creator of my own reality, fully realizing the nature of good and evil and harnessing the divine power that springs forth from eternity and boils within my soul. I know that spirits wait for my command, to use my power and I seem to have found a limitless supply of light to tap into. I do have a use for black magick though, to serve my purpose, and to exercise my will in battle if I need it. But a malevalent being I am not. I’m not evil at my core, quite the contrary I’m secretly good.

I have always felt different, though, a strange type of outsider. One that sees this world, enjoys it’s pleasure, and socializes freely but understands at my core I am not of this world. Like superman, with his suit and tie, I mingle freely among society, socializing, taking part of it and generally working for the good of the community, for justice, and for truth. But I’m no Clark Kent, either, I’m not meek, or mild, and I’m especially not afriad of the touch of a woman.

A better description of the being that I am is the Character from history and Westerns “Doc Holiday”. He was a self serving son of a bitch, who loved to drink, smoke cigars, gamble, and screw sexy women. He was highly educated, talented, cunning and always questing for the truth and questioning the answers he was given. He was fiercly loyal to his friends, fearless in battle, yet had a vision for a better society. He had class, and although sarcastic his remarks were always made to enlighten the fools he associated with.

So as ruler of my own universe I am a benevolent being. I want to work for the betterment of my community, the evolution of the species, not through natural selection, but through Divine intervention. While I enjoy the pleasures of this incarnation, at my very core I am good. I do not hate the innocent, but would gladly slay those who I find filthy. If given the opportunity I would destroy the douchebags of my city, unleash destruction, chaos and disaster into their life, without any feeling of remorse, or guilt. Yet, my touch to the innocent, the animals, the trees and those who call me friend is nothing but kindness, and the most pure love.

So what am I? Evil, no. A God, IDK. But I know that I am Divine, full of light and the Angels I call upon greet me as a brother and a long lost friend. Best of luck to those who are on their own quest for immortality, and divine power. I choose to wield mine for good and the uplifting of Earth and society.

Very interesting article, I consider myself grey rather then black though. Funny thing despite that most of the stuff in the appendix applies to me.

One point though, is I believe our government actually is run by black magicians, this is why Homeland security will watch famous black magicians, most likely they see them as potential threats to their power. Someday when I am strong enough I will break their knee caps with a sledge hammer so that they can no longer walk all over everyone. But until that day comes I suppose I’ll just have to wait and get stronger, and develope my powers until I am so powerfult hat they won’t know what hit them.

Also the point about superheros and black magicians being enemies is a myth, it was recently revealed to me that part of my path will be something like a majick superhero, though some things I do could also be considered a bit villainous so I suppose I must be one of those anti heros like, Spawn, Venom or the Punisher rather then superman.

Timothy, I really enjoyed reading your article! When I first read it, I was just like…WOW. You really hit the nail on the head. Your words truly resonated with me. I kept coming back to it. Reading it over and over. Then I just sat back and analyzed myself and I’m like, YES, those are my core values and views. I’m so into “wordplay” so I really loved this: “A sorcerer is a GENIUS that evokes a GENIE to GENERATE results.” This article really gave me the perspective to take the art of black magick even more seriously to get what I want. I can’t wait for the Thank You Timothy! :slight_smile:

[quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:191”]There is nothing rarer and more valuable on planet Earth than a true, pure black magician. In fact, I doubt any exist.


Because it’s too difficult, if not entirely impossible, to be one.[/quote]

I’ve always seen balance as being important in life. How can you be balanced if you’re striving to become a pure black magician?

[quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:191”]It’s a common experience for aspirants of black magick to feel uncomfortable or stressful as they unshackle the ball and chain of society from their ankle.

At first, learning to go against the hive mind and think for yourself can feel... shameful, and sinful.

But over time, the more you do it, the more effective you are at deprogramming yourself, the more you awaken your human intuition and instinctive magical powers.

Why though, do newcomers to sorcery go through this disorienting and confusing phase?

It’s very simple. It’s because they are undoing decades of hypnotic brainwashing and mind control.[/quote]

This is what’s happening to me. I don’t feel guilty or ashamed, but I’ve realised so much more about myself and life within the past few days than I ever did in the past 30 years on this planet.

I’ve realised that I’m more suited to black magic in terms of personality traits.

I’ve realised that black magic itself is not in fact evil even though it can be used for evil-doing and that I don’t have to be evil to use it. And in order to protect myself from now on, I’m going to have to master it.

And it’s uncomfortable because I was big on ethics, but earlier this afternoon I realised that the common notion of ethics doesn’t really exist in the greater reality.

I’m effectively dismantling the belief system that I had surrounding magic, in particular black magic. It’s uncomfortable but it’s something I’m just going to have to accept about myself.

[quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:191”] Here, I’ll explain by example.

Name any superhero/fantasy movie.



Harry Potter.

Lord of the Rings.

Star Wars.

The stories that captivate and entertain the collective consciousness of society all depict the hero as an archetypal white magician- a character who pledges and acts to save and defend humanity from the archetypal black magician- a character who is seeking to gain power and influence to achieve the goal of self-deification.

As human souls born and raised on planet Earth, we are all brainwashed into a global culture that universally rejects and hates the idea of any individual accumulating enough power to achieve self-sovereignty- the power to exist independently, without the need of the tribal community.

That’s why governments and religion are always anti-personal power, anti-greed, anti-individuality, and pro-conformity, pro-charity + taxes + tithing, and pro-collectivism + nationalism + globalism.

What I am telling you, is that from the very first day you opened your eyes in this lifetime, you’ve been absolutely BOMBARDED by propaganda that is trying to convince you that the principles and values of sorcery, black magick, and self-deification are wrong.

We live in a world of soft, white magick-communism, and you are the EXTREMELY RARE minority who cherishes and understands the value and imperative of individuality and self-aggrandizement.

Society’s ruling masterclass wants us all uniformly weak and poor.

How convenient for them to foster a corrupt culture of perverse self-deprecation![/quote]

I agree. But why would they want to do that? My guess is, it’s down to their fear, leading to ignorance, which is a vicious circle, and two of the symptoms is greed and lust. if they knew and understood how things really work, they would have no need to behave this way.

The rest of the world doesn’t know which way is up, and thinking for themselves is harder than going along with the herd. They’re fearful.

Personally, I wish I could remove the power from government. I’ve felt more and more like that over the last few years.

I don’t see it as changing my core personality as such. I feel like it’s about operating from a different mindset/perspective.

[quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:191”]- Core Values: individuality, freedom, power

  • Political Party: none; a sorcerer is anti-anything that has power over him and that initiates violent force against him. He therefore is not a member of any group that supports the government

  • Political Ideology: anarchist-capitalist; wants free markets to accumulate power and resources. Likes private property, contracts & private arbitration, and private security

  • Occupation: self-employed, entrepreneur[/quote]

These statements describe accurately how I feel and how I think.

[quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:191”]- Relationship Status: single; relationships for the sake of romance, sexual pleasure and child-rearing are indulgent distractions from real work, uses relationships for personal advancement purposes

  • Religion: none; studies science and metaphysics, practices magick[/quote]

This is true for me too, but I don’t see relationships for the sake of romance, sex and children as being indulgent. I feel they are necessary for my own sanity and health.

[quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:191”]- Leisure Activities & Entertainment: minimal; devotes as much time as possible to self-advancement, only takes a break for necessary rest and rejuvenation

  • Weapons: owns several guns and knives, has a security system in position around his personal property, vehement supporter of self-defense and private property

  • Drugs: experiments with mind-altering chemicals for sake of ritual enhancement, sees recreational drug use as a distraction and waste of resources[/quote]

These don’t apply to me. I love leisure and entertainment. If magic is so effective then why do we need guns and knives to protect ourselves? I used to be a drug addict. I don’t need to use drugs when my own mind is capable of doing what I need it to do.

How can I be myself and true to my values, etc if I’m comparing myself to an ideal?

[quote=“Gemma W., post:13, topic:191”][quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:191”]There is nothing rarer and more valuable on planet Earth than a true, pure black magician. In fact, I doubt any exist.


Because it’s too difficult, if not entirely impossible, to be one.[/quote]

I’ve always seen balance as being important in life. How can you be balanced if you’re striving to become a pure black magician?[/quote]

Yeah I agree, personally I think if you take what you need from black and white you will be more powerful then either on their own. This is why I’m grey, personally I see grey magic as the path to true power.

Ok first off Timothy I wholeheartedly applaud the core values of Individuality, Freedom, and Power…Thats what its all about to me, to kneel to no one, to know that we are capable of almost limitless expansion, to act in accordance with our interpretation of what is needed rather than what we are told to do…and to maximise our ability to exert power over ourselves and the world around us.

I also agree that the individualist and anarchist in society is going to be treated with suspicion and even outright hostility unless we keep our views to ourselves hence why Occultists through the ages have kept vows of silence and cloaked their activities from the profane.

But I disagree on a number of points. First why the hang up on ‘black magic’. It comes over as theatrical to me…Look how eeeviiiilll I can be…Like other posters I have no impulse to harm others unless they harm me or mines. I am not sadistic and have pretty good empathy. I share few traits of the sociopath according the the DSM 4 diagnostic criteria…(you can tell I worked in Psychology). I think as soon as you define Occultism the definition is redundant. Black, White, Grey, its all contextual according to whos telling the story.

Also there is a strong U.S narrative in my opinion to your view. Thats no bad thing, but I think the great work is beyond cultural narratives and viewpoints. I mean though I am UK I listen to American Freedom Radio and such occassionally and you share a lot of their views about gun control and capitalism and hatred of centralised governement. Don’t get me wrong the Gov’t here busts my ass with how controlling and politically correct they are but politics and magic just doesnt mix in my view.

And finally philosophically, I have little truck with nietzschean superman ideas or survival of the fittest. We dont have to believe like Genghis Khan thats its not enough we succeed everyone else must fail. Its enough that we succeed. Sometimes of course someone else must fail for us to succeed but thats different from going out of our way to subjegate others just because we can.

And if I can help out somone else along the way and I choose to do so thats dandy. And if I lose my members card to the dark mages lodge for doing so, then that shows they have become as much of a status quo as the crystal rubbing bible thumping goody goodies out there.

But thanks for the well though out essay on Black Magick and its implications. For my vote though I say we just call it Magick, I dont want to be a Demonic Lord or an Angelic Prince, I just want to be me with knobs on. (you’d hate to see the long version of my response :slight_smile:

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Yeah he might say that and I’m sure for some people going all black is the right path for them I just don’t think it has as much potential as both combined. EA for example, while he might lean a bit towards the dark also does stuff with white magic (he wouldnt have a pathworking for this on his site if he didn’t) and he’s a fucking power house. My teacher also uses both and he too is a power house. Most of the powerful indeviduals I know of don’t just stick to one side. As one of my teachers freinds once said a good mage uses both his hands.

Though that being said everyone has their own path, and the grey path isn’t for everyone, some people will want to stick with the light and others with the dark exclusively.

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Defectron I like what you said here but the word grey I’ve always felt really diminishes the point of what I feel you’re getting at. To me grey is a stagnant color. It doesn’t stand out. It has no personality. That label takes the beauty out of the path you’re describing. Let me put it another way cuz I don’t mean to bash you. A good magician does use both his hands but he also uses his head. Limitless power starts with a limitless mind. I’m simply going to refer to myself here just to illustrate what I’m trying to say. I don’t walk the path of the white magician and I don’t walk the path of the black magician and I certainly don’t walk in some sort of middle “grey” area either. I walk the path of Kitari and no other being in existence can walk that path. My path intersects with many others as I gain knowledge and power but ultimately on the road to godhood, to a completely limitless existence, we all walk our own path and choose for ourselves how to use what we have gained without concern for whether it is black or white. We live outside of all boundaries not in between them.

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Well put Kitari!

Create your own unique path, as an expression of your unique godhood.

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I enjoyed the article by timothy; I also applaud the argument by Zoe. In my opinion Magik is: “Omni”.

Timothy, your point is from a very social position, the examples of stereo types being set and brain washing is a distinctive truth, the article would be a superb one for the advancing Neophyte, as the neo is still in conflict with his ego.

“The black mages path”, in my opinion-
Sounds as if you have written it for the mind of those whom only accepts themselves as some form of a “homunculus” (well at least for right now as you included).
They are vying for power, an energy source to tap into to satisfy their ego, which seems motivation for survival.

In lust to be “black” because of their social awkwardness. To be “black” as if in an attempt to mask a loneliness, for some it is a role to play, to be dark all for the sake of being dark.

Yet where to with this power, and where from?

To rule?

To claim?

To love?

That is human. The mortal coil thrives with these conditions met.
To envelop one-self in dark magic completely is to be bane, bane to all things outside of one self, to move or rule a dark hand is to smite the world without relent without bias.

Not because you want your bosses job, or to pay your bills, or to get laid (as some seem so thrilled in using magic to accomplish).

(In no offense to you) I find humor at times in those who cling so tight to the skirts of darkness; as if she was some nursery’s maid hindering the searing light… they seem afraid of embracing their intuitive Feminine.

Yes… a hand can bring harm; truly it can forecast the darkness clouds.

But can it heal, can it cleanse, can it console?

I know the answer to this but what of those who tread only a “banes” path.

The duality exists, within all of us. To claim both is true power. To balance both is the ideal God, not someone one bent on a power struggle where the only enemy is the dying world vs. himself.

I have indeed smote the heels of my enemies, yet for some I have gave them mercy from misery.

I have indeed (with permission) unraveled obstacles, and heal ailments for loved ones, and at times I have watched them suffer for their own benefit.

But I have never claimed a title for my works. I have never looked myself in the mirror and told myself “I am a “Color” Mage; it is my life and is the only path I shall follow”.

That narrow mindedness lacks the true understanding of power, and is bane for spiritual growth. Humility, Modesty, and Restraining yourself to Boast… Ah the rewards of power in those~

the license branded you: “the dark bad sorcerer” by the society you abhor you grant it power to relish within it, you become it as if that is all there is.

perhaps that is the title that some seek… again for the ego.

Crystallization is for knowledge, for experience, not for the path. Because the path is not one but many and interwoven at intervals. The spirit is Omni as is its magik for it is inter-stellar and connects at the root beyond the shell, for that is all it is a shell.

The next time you open yourself for your workings, the next time you light your candle, even the next time you meditate. Ask yourself “am I in working for my higher spiritual purpose, reaching towards an omnipotent path” or “am I just confine to being a black mage because of a selfish self satisfying image, limiting myself to realizing true potential.”