The Hierophant

After a long silence I contacted someone to wish him a Happy Birthday. I did a reading about how he felt about my messaging him and I got The Hierophant about his current feelings. I just do not understand this card and the meaning in relation.

I asked for clarification and got The Sun and The World.

Thank you!!


Different tarot readings are interpreted differently , you should work on your readings more

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Are you romantically interested in this person? The Hierophant can sometimes point to tradition, especially religious tradition, or any other tradition of passing down knowledge and values, usually through some cultural institution. If you are interested in a relationship with him, then maybe there is something to do with religious or social norms that is affecting the situation.

The Sun and the World seem like pretty good signs to me when it comes to this sort of reading, but this is also what’s making the Hierophant seem strange to me. I don’t have full context so my first guess would be that something about the relationship is non-traditional or against the socially accepted values of your culture(s) (and by culture I mean everything from country, race, class, politics, gender, ethnic group, religion, educational attainment, profession, even hobbies), but it could also be the other way around.

Again I don’t have full context here, but going a bit deeper (and assuming that you are looking for a relationship of some sort), it could be that what is holding him or you back are these cultural values which he may not even fully realize he holds. These sorts of beliefs are often ingrained from a very young age, and can be very difficult to release or overcome.

The Sun is also a bit of a “social” card, often pointing to joyous relationships with other people. If things with this person have not been going how you want them to, it could be that the Hierophant and the Sun are being expressed in reverse, together meaning that social/cultural/religious beliefs and customs are holding you back from being together. If you want to change the situation, this would be where you should focus. The World suggest potential for a greatly fulfilling relationship, so there does seem to be potential here.

When I get tricky readings like this, I like to meditate on the cards for a bit over a couple days and see if any new insights occur to me. You can gaze into the card while considering how it may apply to your situation, and allow any new ideas to come to mind. Sometimes you’ll get insights, and sometimes it takes hindsight to discover what the cards were trying to say.

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Im starting to understand most of them and I am getting a bit better and taking notes. I just don’t understand this card in particular. In relation to the question it just didnt make sense to me. Im make sure I do a reading in different areas at least daily. I keep good notes and refer to them each time even if i see a card over and over. I shuffle until they jump out and with the clarification cards two jumped out at the same time so i figured they were important.

So I asked for more clarity and got
The Sun and The wheel of Fortune. I took that as basically a 360 in terms of emotions. Positive or Negative I dont know. Sun is positive right?? I think I understand those but in relation to The Hierophant it’s still confusing to me.

Im still very much a beginner only a few months into this.

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Yes a huge interest. I’ve known him almost all my life. He is not religious at all. I dont even think he has been in a church. He is my best friends brother (she has since passed on). And while I sometimes went to church as a kid when i spent nights with her, he NEVER went. Ever. He was hardly even home on Sunday mornings. So no. I did get that much from the cards and that just does not apply to him hence my confusion. He really isnt about “propriety” if that makes any sense. Actually more of a rebel. Which is why I asked for clarification. Honestly we are both married. He told me years ago he was divorced (i dont legally or a verbal agreement. I didnt ask) and im separated as well. We both live with our respective “others”. I think he is more concerned about his “wife” and the home they own than social norms. I do understand that much.

So would The Hierophant be in that regard… Our living situations??

So, He is happy that he heard from me?? (im guessing he may have been upset at me at first regarding my last message to him. I sent a very long detailed one and in truth blocked him for a few days robbing him of opportunity to “come back and defend himself” even though i told him i was doing so and only because couldnt handle him writing back and further rejecting me). But his is concerned about speaking with me and reconnecting based on his living situation? I do care for him but made it clear in March I always was just happy at least being friends.


However this plays out, I think you’ll be best off if you not agonize over everything. We’ve all been there, but it will really help if you can find calm.

The Hierophant could be pointing to your radically different spiritual beliefs (I’m assuming he’s not into magick). Unless he knows about your practice and is cool with it, or you keep this part of yourself a secret from him, this is one of those things that can be a dealbreaker for many people.

The Sun may be pointing to your living situations. Here it could mean that there is the potential for you to have an enjoyable home life, but that you are not allowing yourself to see what you need to do to be happy.

I cannot tell you whether or not the two of you will end up together, nor can I tell you what someone whom I do not know is thinking. That being said, sometimes the best thing that we can do is nothing. If he is close to opening up to you and you keep bugging him that could just cause annoyance. Ease off a bit. Whatever will happen will happen.

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For me im just being curious. Again im just learning the Tarot and more interested in the meaning in relation to the question. More for my own knowledge than anything. There are some cards im learning the meanings to quickly. This one just stumps me.

He isn’t in to magic that I know of. I know he isnt Christian in any way. He has seen my pentagram and does not seem bothered by it at all. I’ve never come out and said i’m a Witch but i don’t think he really would care either way.

I’m not really looking to “end up together” really. I would like a friendship with him again as we kind of had a falling out. I am a bit curious as to whether my message was welcomed or not but i’m not willing to message him again to find out. I am indeed just stepping back. Last thing i wanna do it make him angry (hoping he isn’t already with me). I guess im more just stalking/spying/snooping without him knowing it. This isn’t anything im going to act upon unless he contacts me again (we don’t even live near each other. Or have each others phone numbers. Strictly FB messenger only). Again im really just treating this as a learning exercise more than anything. With a small hint of curiosity.


I didn’t read the other messages because I didn’t want to get influenced so sorry if I say something that’s already been said.

I’d say this could be about some tradition or responsibilities in tradition he feels. So when he saw your message he might have been reminded on something like that or questioned something about it. Could be tradition in religion or family matters for example. Is he a friend or someone you like? Does he might have another family or do you have another family and that could have had an influence in this thoughts?

The sun shows that he had positive feelings about that message and the world could mean, that he thought about some possibilities that came up with your message.

It’s hard to tell without knowing any circumstances. Did he reply?

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Did you get the sun and wheel of fortune or the sun and the world?

The hyrophant is a lot about taking action or thinking about something because of a deep conviction.
So from what you say it could be about family matters or something else he is really convicted about. It could even mean that he still felt conviction about the “no contact” in your relationship with each other because he’s still hurt feelings.
But - the sun probably shows, that he didn’t have negative thoughts. And the hyrophant is not a bad card as well - it always depends.
I agree with you, that this card is hard to interpret as in answer in your question but maybe it’s because of the leak of context haha.
But with your clarification cards I think he thought about it and probably wondered why you messaged him.

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Im sorry I got The Sun and Wheel of Fortune. My error!! No he did not reply back at all.

He really isn’t “Traditional” at all. Not “proper” at all.

He lives with his “wife” whether she is an official EX or not I dont know. He said once they were divorced. IDK

I did a domination jar on her. Won’t go into reasons but I did a reading on her this time before I charged it.

Got these…

Three of Wands and The High Priestess
Now with the HP. I discovered she is a Cancerian Card, Water Sign and is associated with the number 2. I am a cancer born on the 2nd. Its me. He and I were talking and im assuming she found out. Regardless of them being seperated/divorced. I think she’s mad. Please keep in mind ive known them both 35yrs. She knows me.

He did not respond and I think this is why. Yes he is my Soulmate. We are in separate lives yes. I am just trying to reconnect with him as a friend. Nothing more and he knows that in a letter I sent him this past March. I basically told him how i felt after we met up in December as I was feeling like something changed as he got kind of distant. Laid it all out there and promised in wouldnt speak to him again. And havent until last Friday (his birthday). If he is mad at me he has every right. I told him I was going to block him (and did for three days) but i explained I didnt want to hear him further rejecting me and was doing it for me not because of any anger toward him. I didnt let him defend himself.

If it helps what he will do
Five of Wands which sounds conflicted?

Three of Pentacles with (clarifiers) The Moon then I drew The Hermit
I think I understand these ones

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Heya, OP! Felt drawn to comment because while browsing this suggested topic, was absent-mindedly thinking about how, given the situation you provided + The Hierophant card in this case = “might be a scenario wherein the person will not be answering or if he does, very curt or formal response”. Or at least IME reading for similar situations. I was surprised when in your last post here, you did indeed, confirm that the person did not respond at all.

Since the situation’s probably resolved now (hopefully?), I hope you don’t mind if I still contribute some information as you emphasized you’re eagerly learning and practicing Tarot? Feel free to take or discard it depending on how it resonates/will resonate for you, as I am no expert myself. :slight_smile: Now, unnecessary spiel aside.
You often repeated how this man wasn’t “religious”, “proper” and the “least bit traditional”. I didn’t read the other interps and quickly scrolled through your replies so I apologize if I’m saying an interp that has already been said, but The Hierophant, while the usual meaning of it can certainly be about religion, culture and other traditional stuff which immediately come to mind, sometimes it could simply mean one’s own comfort zone—a comfort zone which we may or may not find reasonable/likable at all, but the person will still stubbornly (there goes that Taurus connotation) stick to it because there’s just no reason to change/upset the status quo in his opinion. Example: him still living with his ex-wife. What the hell, right? So confusing. Yet, he still remains there because he’s comfortable. I’m honestly sensing that this is a man who may have tendencies when it comes to laziness, putting in the proper/required effort in certain matters and operating on a, “Well, if it ain’t that broke, why fix it?” mindset. May also lack a sense of taking responsibility and acting with maturity (The Hierophant could also be considered as the earthly teacher/mentor figure) but let’s not go too deep into that as I don’t really want to pass judgment on someone I don’t know. For further references, you may also try looking up more of the shadow side/qualities of a Taurus to interpret The Hierophant in this case since you also seem to use astrological signs with Tarot.

The Hierophant could also simply mean putting in and enforcing the “proper” boundaries. I wish you provided which tarot deck you used so I could give a detailed interp of the imagery, but based on the standard RWS image, The Hierophant has his right hand held out as if, “Enough. I’ll do things my way”. Seeing as he did not respond because of you blocking him + his previous rejections = looks like he did assert himself in a way he perceived as “correct”. Now again, whether this way of his is ACTUALLY correct or not is a different matter. The Hierophant, in its shadow side, could also mean a skewed sense of moral compass and questionable beliefs about what’s right and wrong… and at times, even acting all high and mighty about such.

It’s natural to interpret the Sun as positive because with all that bright yellow and adorable smiling child, how can you not? Even I can’t help but smile immediately when I see The Sun card lol. Personally though, I believe there is no positive or negative card in Tarot. It all depends on the context and the question at hand. You have to remember that The Sun was pulled as a CLARIFIER to The Hierophant, not as the actual answer. Clarifier cards, in my experience, simply echo/support more of the interpretation of the first card drawn. It’s like you asked a question (“What are his feelings?”) and the Tarot said, “Well, his feelings for you are platonic, of his comfort zone blah-blah-blah” and you go all, “What did you say? I don’t understand?” and pull a clarifier (The Sun). The Tarot replies further, "I said, his feelings for you are platonic, he feels safe and secure where he is right now with you but there could be a tad bit of innocence bordering on willful ignorance (also possible meanings for The Sun)* in how he perceives the situation hence him just resting in his comfort zone when it comes to you."* The Wheel of Fortune supports this up-and-down and inconsistency of feelings resembling that of a child’s (The Sun card) ever-changing moods, as well as the element of being carefree about how it has really impacted you. The WOF here also supports the mindset I previously mentioned: from The Hierophant (the “why fix it?” bit) and saying, “Well… what will be, will be.” The cards are all interconnected as a solid story, yes? :slight_smile:

Your interpretation with the astrological sign and the other woman, the ex-wife, is spot-on with the usual meanings. I’ll only be offering a different perspective on this for maybe learning purposes, so apologies in advance if it didn’t resonate. Notice how in the standard RWS deck, both figures in mentioned cards are solitary and just staying still? It’s not only the wife who is the issue here, but also the man himself… and even how you dealt with his behavior. I hope I am not offending you in any way as it is not my intention to do so, but the cards here could also represent him being complacent where he is and waiting it out because he knows by now that no matter how many times you block or cuss him out, you always seem to come back in some way (3 of Wands). He might even think that with your magickal practices, you might see him as a soulmate and you’ll always be intuitively drawn to him so there’s no need to lift a finger at all as he KNOWS/FEELS anyway how bonded you are to him no matter what (High Priestess). This is further emphasized by how you said you reacted to him and still reach out in hopes of repairing the relationship, even just a friendship, despite knowing that his displeased ex-wife is still there. And if we look at the whole picture here, you can observe how your behavior could have also contributed to the “comfort zone” interpretation we did for his feelings. Interconnected still, you see.

Not going to interpret the outcome cards because it might have happened already anyway. Again, apologies if I offended you with the last part. By the way, while doing this interpretation I kept hearing certain songs in my head which may or may not resonate. I’m including them here if you are interested.

Your feelings/vibes towards this situation/man:

The reality of the situation/while I was interpreting the actual situation:

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Hello and thank you so much for commenting and adding more input.

Just to be clear we still have not spoken at all. I’m sure he has forgotten I even exist anymore. I haven’t done anymore spells or anything to try to get him to speak to me again. I think of him now and then and that’s about it. Still kind of hurts to be cast away like he did but I deal with it. Nothing is really resolved. Just abandoned. Ive had some really odd dreams and im not sure if he is dreamwalking. I haven’t seen him sit next to his own wife in over 20 years (they aren’t divorced. I checked. He may be in terms of agreement between them two. I have no idea nor care. Not legally). He has said he is leaving (when my friend, his sister, was alive he would often confide and talk to her) but yet never does. Lazy yes, but I think he knows he would get taken for everything as well. It’s both. He was going to divorce her and she got pregnant and stayed. Now after 20+years he’s “stuck” because they now have a home and more money involved. I know why. He did good in taking care of his daughter. Bad letting himself get and stay “trapped”

I do welcome others takes on the cards. I used the Mystic Tarot. He gives more of a “rock on” sign.

He does draw in and then push away. Disappear, reappear same cycle. I won’t allow it to continue of course.

So yeah its fair to say that he did indeed get “chased” a bit.

Looking back at my notes I was the four of swords and two of cups as the outcome. I took it as inactivity or a timeout, reconcile/partnership as friends perhaps? IDK. We still havent spoken. Guess we are still in “timeout” lol

Yes both songs would be accurate.

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Took a bit of time replying because of work and I also had to re-read what I wrote. Usually can’t remember my interps due to zoning out while doing readings lol.

I’m glad that it resonated with you, even the songs. However, at the same time I’m very sorry to hear that it’s still unresolved and things are just left up in the air. That’s very Wheel of Fortune too, along with the repeated cycles of back and forth movement towards you.

I’m also glad to hear your POV about him and how you can recognize both the good and bad in him despite the hurtful situation. This is why I didn’t want to go deep in describing him: he may be represented by those cards now towards you and the situation between you but energy is ever-changing and a person can’t be defined by one card/a certain situation alone. For example, him taking great care of his daughter. I appreciate your maturity in the way you’re trying to understand him and the situation now.

Not sure if you want an interp of the cards you just mentioned (?), but since you’re still reading on the situation as practice, why not also do readings for yourself regarding this? For example, questions such as: why did this experience happen for (not “to”) me? What lesson(s) could I take away from this? How could I deal with this/move on in a constructive way? What do I need to release/forgive myself (and maybe even the other person if you like) for in this connection? And such. If the other person continues to not give any form of closure, you can definitely make one for yourself which may be difficult, sure, but not impossible. :slight_smile:

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Thank you. No I wasn’t looking for an an interp of the cards. I think the way I read them then is the exact meaning. After all after 5mths its holding steady.

I had planned to do another fresh reading. One for me asking those questions and one for him (so I can stop whatever he is considering. If that makes any sense). He is dreamwalking right now and im not happy about it. He did tell me last year that he plans on moving out of state/ leaving and will be retiring in three years. I had a dream a week or so ago and he’s doing his job/trade and saying “I just need to do this a few more years”.

I don’t care. I wanted a friendship with him. Not to be “with” him. He actually ruined that 25 years ago. I need to find a way to block him. Nothing ive tried has worked. He is stronger than he knows (and i do think he is unaware of what he is doing). In 35 years Ive never dreamt of him but maybe a few times. This past year its almost constant. I tired of it.

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If his energy is really affecting you no matter what you do, may I suggest cord-cutting? You could browse through info in the forum about it if you like. Personally, I call on AA Michael as he works very quickly and effectively when it comes to cord-cutting. Your preferences/methods may differ, of course.

Good! Am actually quite happy to hear this because, despite it taking a toll on you, you’re still being proactive in finding ways on how to deal/resolve the situation once and for all. I’d only remind you about not doing repetitive readings about the subject at hand as it could cause more confusion than clarity, but I think you’re already aware of that anyway. Do feel free to update us about what’s the results of this new reading and your takeaway on it. :slight_smile:

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I’ve tried cord cutting. Did not work. I think it might be because deep deep down I would like friendship with him. But right now I know that is not possible and I would prefer he leave me completely be until a time comes when he can be a true friend. Not sure if that makes sense at all or not. He is a soulmate and twin flame. And i’ve heard and read in those cases bonds cannot be broken. And im not sure if I want it broken just put away and unseen for a period of time. Clear as mud??

I haven’t done the reading yet. May tomorrow. I try to avoid them unless he is being a bit of a “pest”. It’s not really affecting me (im sure I sounding a bit more over dramatic unintentionally) it’s more of a annoying fly. Kind of a leave me alone … swat swat. For me I wish I had more answers. Answers to questions he would not give me when we were talking. More of an understanding of what is going on in his head where im concerned. Im a Cancer so it can be a bit hard for me to ignore. If I have to know it bugs me until I do. However, I have left him alone. Havent asked him anything in waking days (texts or asking anyone we both know) or in dreams (I can lucid dream too). I would love to just give him a good pinch right now lol


I did the new reading asking the questions you suggested. Please forgive the paraphrasing. Again these cards jumped out of the deck as that is how I read and this is the order they showed up. I used The Mythic Tarot.

I did notice lots of Wands,

1st Why did this happen?
Bottom - Ace of Wands
Middle The Lovers
Top - Wheel of Fortune

***I did note that in the Ace and Lovers Zeus and Hera are depicted and both are holding a globe in their hands. I read this as a turning point and change. Not sure if that’s meant to be good or bad. But a new change?

Bottom Queen of Wands
Top Page of Wands

Im guessing it is test my strength spiritually?

Deal Move on
King of Swords ® ** I do not read my cards reversed however this literally jumped and turned itself around

Clarifier of Ace Of Pents
Find my courage and strength to make a new start. Clean the slate and begin again?

What do I need to do
Eight of Cups
Let go… And I have. Maybe not 100% and i’m not sure I fully can. But I do accept it for what it is.

I admit I did one on him too. Cups and wands there as well. I need the practice so I figured wth… I haven’t read him in long while. Im nosey I guess lol

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I don’t see anything wrong with the paraphrasing, you’re good. Don’t worry.

Thank you very much for considering my suggestion. I’ve actually been thinking of what’s going on with you ever since your last comment and was even tempted to pull an oracle card to provide a bit of guidance, but I didn’t want to influence how you will be doing the tarot reading or act on this situation after my suggestion so I decided to wait patiently for an update instead lol. Thank you for providing the update as well! :slight_smile:

Is it okay if I provide a proper response to your interp tomorrow? Bookmarking this because I’m currently doing readings for others and I might not be able to accurately tune in with your spread’s energy at the moment.

That is so very kind of you. I spoke with King Paimon yesterday. Hit a new level of communication with him. It was pretty awesome. I go back and forth with this dude. Trying to find the easier part of the “dial” so to speak. I try to find reasons to dislike him. That works for a day or two then im back to square one. Accept how I feel. Then I get mad again. I was told to make up my mind and stick with it. So last nights dream came out of nowhere (He dreamwalks. He is unaware im sure. He just started doing it this year. Can’t say im unhappy about last nights lol).

I even used my daemon tarot that I bought last month with the same questions. Im trying to learn their energy and how they read so I figured why now. That was a bit brutal lol I do appreciate the brutal honesty but wow lol

Whenever you are able is fine. Take all the time you need to!! I am more than patient and am just happy you are willing to offer your time to look. No rush whatsoever.