"The final battle”

I’m sure everyone knows the story of how Jesus’ is gonna make some epic return, whoop “the Devil and his minions” asses, bring his “chosen” back to heaven, destroy all evil, live happily ever after, yadda yada yada. This is definitely not true in it’s entirety or even at all. I’ve read some threads of members speaking with some of the demons/beings and them in conversation at times alluding to a “final showdown or war”, but what exactly is it going to be about. Whose fighting who, what’s the objective? Or is it all just a methaphor? Where do we come in to the picture? What’s your thoughts on this?


Everyone knows the bible in it’s current form is just the gospels that got voted in don’t they? There are whole gospels and writings out there that never made it in. I am guessing those left the reader thinking he was more man than son of god.


What this really is is humanity coming to terms with its own self. The conflict is within the human collective and perspective. The perception of each individual and the whole the battle is more astral and psychological than physical it’s about the war raging within.


The way I’ve always interpreted it is as a legit all out war for humanity. Lucifer and the entire infernal empire , every God and Goddess that’s being demonized and disregarded, along with those of us who’ve ascended or our on that side vs YHWH the troll and his beings and people. Maybe that’s just my imagination running with itself though lol. I do agree though that it’s probably much much deeper, than just a straight up all out war, but I want to see blood :man_shrugging:t4:


Yes this is correct but the troll is actually my own dark side who masquerading as the god. It’s my own tyrrany my own hypocrisy, my own faults and ego. The evil aspects of myself become an egregore a split from me which is why I’m so adamant about it’s destruction. And everyone else’s as well. It’s the bad aspects of the consciousness of all and it is up to the rebellion to purge it. It’s that Lucifer was right, he was correct because in his wisdom he could see the flaws even though the god could not see it within himself because he would need to recognize that the behavior of humanity is actually a perfect reflection of himself. Self introspection of the universe and correction.


I have to side with this answer. People have been increasing number as members of movements, which most have some sort of awareness or consciousness at the root.
I love The Revelation, but as an adult coming to terms in where I stand on certain issues, I think that global hunger as an issue needs creators, and some destroyers, but I really don’t think destroying all food is a winning solution.


I’m saying those are aspects of ourselves we must reduce just as the divine aspects are reflected in us that we must expand.
I’ve watched that aspect of myself doing it’s nastyness when I decided to beat the shit out of the state of California. I learned a valuable lesson those few months about power righteousness and responsibility. I was wrong to do such damage but as for the pedo rings they deserved every bit of my wrath.


That’s deep and really makes a lot of sense. The fear of damnation, fears of working with certain demons and beings you are always told never to work with and to fear. fear of failure, and just overall negative thoughts are really the TRUE evil that’s within you and what fuels “It”. Never thought of it like that at all. Thank you for that jewel of wisdom my man.


Thanks but I’m just telling like it is. You cannot have a full picture without depth and depth requires shadow to be perceived.

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Mhm, I understand. What you said may not resonate with everyone, but it definitely did for me. I’ve been at times struggling with my fears of working with certain beings, and doing certain rituals. What you said is basically the answer I’ve been searching for, for a really long time now. And damn I can’t say enough how much I appreciate it.


I’m here for you brother and much love to you. Cheers!

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Im sure many here have noticed the rise in the awakening of humanity the last quite recent years. What comes I will not ponder here except to say that the awakened are in all aspects of humanity. The positive plane, the negitive plane, adherents of various not western concepts of good and evil, and everything in between. The awakened are a minute percintage of humanity.
The awakened will transform. The awakened will rise. The rest of humanity is fucked.
Simply said, hold tightly to your painties or someone else’s because its going to be a very very interesting ride.
BTW, EA mentions this in at least one of his (Belial) videos. Paraphrasing but he mentions human transformation.
If you are here in this community, if you are aware enough to commune with Gods and demons, if you are hearing this call, you should be ok…maybe. : )


I see it as the destruction of a great deal of limitation. For us, it will be paradise. It will be the culmination of years of chaos and disorder, possibly upheaval as well. How this will look, I can’t say and I don’t think many people have the whole picture. The spirits across many currents all are coming to the fold. The Old Gods are rising and preparing to take center stage as the supporting cast behind us; the living gods and main characters of this play we call ascent.


I admit I tend to learn towards the more astro theology thought on this one. He returns every morning and rises from the dead every December. :crazy_face:

Think of every runaway to the great bright lights who got drawn down into prostitution (male or female) and drugs, or dead-end jobs and a slow slide into despair, then died or burned out from it, think of the social destruction wrought by movies and the clown-world morality they push… think of the billions of people living in misery because they thought if they could JUST make it to NYC and write the occasional column or wait tables, they could have a cool stylish pad in central Manhattan and groovy friends who’d stand by them through thick and thin, think of the eating disorders from seeing some waiflet star insist she lives on burgers and yet is a natural size zero.

Nah mate you did just fine, the world was being dangled like a puppet not so long ago from Hollywood’s cynical bloodstained hands, what has happened ripped apart the foundation of “we’re just harmless fun with an odor of moral sancitity”!

This has nothing to do with troll gods and everything to do with removing something that was poisoning the culture, in very specific ways.

/rant :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow powerful statement! I couldn’t agree more.


EA and Kurtis just released a video about this.
It begins with evolution but ends with a discussion about this event.

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