The Fate Of All Fools

Saturday, March 5th, 2:44 AM

Two nights ago or thereabouts, I was searching my collection for a nice black feather as a ritual focal point. I have a few crow feathers but could not find the one I was looking for.

Tonight, I picked up my Asmodeus, The Lord of Lust hardcover so I could use it as a mousepad while I played video games on my laptop in bed (don’t judge me). Before setting it down I went to flip through the book idly, and it opened to a page bookmarked by a perfect black crow tail-feather.

This poem/chant ends,

I vow to journey along the path of my will.

– Orlee Stewart ©

Thanks Asmodai :two_hearts:

Now I think on it, it was a good start, but using the crow pinions I have might be more… targeted.

Sunday, March 6th, 2022

When everything is said and done
To looking for answers, if only one
Turn my back, the urge has gone
Left with no reason we come undone

The day of Saturn, hour of Saturn ritual took a lot out of me. I stayed up until around 2.55am to begin it, and went back to back to back for an hour. A lot of rituals done. Not all mercy, not all severity, but somewhere between the two.

First time calling Czernobog, who I have wanted to work with for a while now. I called him in tandem with Belebog. I would like to encounter the raw, unfiltered, unrestrained aspect of Czernobog, though something tells me I’ll need a guide, which is something I 9/10 times forget to do deliberately.

Not sure if stupidity or just an immense amount of trust in myself. Or a stupid trust in myself. Or an immense acknowledgement that Metatron will show up in a heartbeat if things go south.

I finally used the lancets and vial that were given to me by a phlebotomist in an earlier entry. Managed to collect a nice little amount of heart’s blood from a finger-prick. I’d like to fill the vial up even further; I still have another disposable lancet. It hurt, briefly, but it seemed almost akin to that sweet self-inflicted pain, like when you have a loose tooth that you can’t stop probing with your tongue, because the self-inflicted pain feels good.

tw: blood

I would have to say, even Czernobog considered, the ritual that felt the most satisfying was blooding a white ribbon and chanting Psalm 91 over it while binding the relevant phrases in knots.

Monday, March 7th, 2022

It occurred to me that most of my “useful” tips and tricks I’ve picked up in the course of my journey are generally contained in (buried in) this journal, unless I make a new thread about them specifically… perhaps that is something I should work towards, rather than expecting people to willingly read 266+ posts of my rambling and whatnot. So I am trying to be more open when I do venture out into open waters.

Step one: this idea. Step two: collate the actual information. I have no idea what’d be useful and what would not be. But I realise I keep most of my information in my journal, where it might not be easily found by others. While I’m trying to be more open, I also have a constant inner battle between my reasonable paranoia (“protect yourself and don’t give away too much personal information online”) vs. my innate desire to share everything, and my general “everyone is my friend” and “trust until proven otherwise” approach to life. Even despite having been burned by the latter mindset, I can’t say I’m sorry for it… and how exactly would that affect me, all things being as they are. If anyone wanted to out me irl they would be simultaneously outting themselves.

Ultimately I doubt anyone in my life would be surprised by learning I have some occult leanings. I am not shy about sharing my (supposedly strictly academic) lifelong interest in the occult, I am known to be sarcastic, or rather, to adopt any stance as long as it makes people laugh. Worst case scenario I can just clutch my rosary/crucifix necklace and denounce the sinners (“thou shalt not suffer a witch to live!”) although honestly, doing that in my country, I’d be seen as just as delusional as a supposed Christian as I would an occult devotee.

I’ve been too afraid to ask this widely, but is it normal for people who know more than one language to experience… something I can only describe as brain lag, or extreme jamais vu (the opposite of déjà vu)? I’ve been actively and passively collecting bits and pieces of non-English languages. There is already one I have a basic command of, as in, I occasionally dream in this language and could probably hold a very basic conversation in it, although I think I understand it better than I speak it (perks of having no one to practice speech with).

Now I’m trying to passively pick up two more (both Latin-based, so relatively easy), and have my sights on a third. I’m looking back wondering if I ever asked Agares for help in this area, or something, and have a feeling I might have done this months ago, without checking my ritual journal. It is exceptionally odd. My brain isn’t auto-processing English the way it should be, and English is my native language and the only language I know (enough to be fluent in*). Hearing or speaking it sounds wrong, or it just makes my brain lag. Written words not so much, but the spoken word definitely causes some weird delay where my brain has to turn the sounds and syllables into words and concepts.

Unsure if this is a language thing, or a delusion thing, or some other unspeakable mundane thing.

Not much else to say. Leviathan calls me. I’ll report on the pathworking soon. Oddly, so does Hermes. You’d think we’d have much more crossover, me being exceptionally mercurial, in all senses of the word, but alas. Maybe now is the time.

Enough rambling. Goodnight x

P.S. Edit for posterity: I dreamt of white crocodiles again, dead white crocodiles.


Wednesday, March 16th


[sips wine]

Do I

[takes a handful of valium]

feel so

[counts down the minutes until my next dose of opiates]


And… manic?

I always neglect things that a lot of other practitioners take for granted (shielding, banishing, etc.) until I feel it directly affects me. But I think since I’ve joined BALG, the group workings I have done have proven that they create a nice place-between-worlds for odd synchronicities and non-mundane occurrences.

Being extraverted but not a high-energy person in general, and also being in introvert mode, I didn’t really question my own mood and how it had taken a dramatic downturn… until I did. And then as soon as I noticed it, I did a good old LBRP (again, as always, DoM-style +Metatron +Sandalphon), this time beginning facing south with Raphael.

Prior to this I’d been exhausted for days on end, not sleeping through the night, constantly waking from nightmares, and spending 4/5ths of the day in bed. Isolating myself, and so on. Dreams of being stalked, targeted, persecuted, of animal cruelty/death. As soon as I did a banishing rite, I slept peacefully through the night and had my energy restored to normal levels.

Leviathan pathworking last night (15/03/22):

I landed on the sandy bottom of the seabed. An absence of water, but the feeling of water all around; lit by diffuse bluish-green light. At the last, I looked up to see the blood still mingling with the deep water before slowly being dispersed, absorbed.

He acknowledged I’d come back and asked why, what did I want? I requested he show me the meaning of wealth, the way of wealth. He did, and it reminded me of one of the first times I’d tried contacting him and felt the current of elemental Water drawn through me. He suffused me with Wealth and drew the current back and forth through me.

Uncomfortable, but I was expecting that. I inhaled and let it fill me from the belly upward. He impressed on me something like this – water fills a vessel, and it finds a passageway. do you understand this? – showed me floodwater fountaining off a cliffside; rivers breaking their banks and overflowing; glaciers shedding their bulk into the ocean. I expelled, on exhale, my preconceived notions of wealth.

Wealth is a current. It was water and blood illuminated from above by the golden light of the moon; it was the thrill of a 50/50 coin toss. It was that coin landing in a fountain, unseen, but laden with hopes and goodwishing. It filled me and was drawn through me.

Do you understand now? Never static. Always comes and goes. Be open. Always new channels that you never thought of. You can reject [them], but water finds a way and makes its own current.

I asked him about the group working project I’m doing. Prompted for more details, I asked if it can be done: Yes, in part. But you’re asking for something to return to how it was. Nothing is ever the same – impossible. But I’ll see what I can do.

Thank you

I’m giving Leviathan the wheel on a recent money-related situation.

Funnily enough, often all you have to do is be passive and let people dig their own graves.

I had a mediation session today, with an ombudsman body overseeing it. Presenting myself as soft-spoken and open to suggestion while – if I do say so myself – remaining decisive and firm, but not aggressively so. Each word measured and considered. The mediator, who is meant to remain impartial, basically did all my arguing for me against the other party. The mediator even raised several very important items that I’d never considered, and now have in my arsenal for future engagements.

Worried? Not at all. I don’t see the point.


Repeat with me:


[all undated]
metatron and sandalphon, i think again. they appear. two humanoids, one made of brilliant white light. metatron, he smiles at me, a tinge of sadness. the other, a humanoid sketch constraining slowly writhing Vantablack, with two stark white eyes. we converse. the pillars of the world, above and below. foundation, support.


“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” - Werner Heisenberg.


[on my hidden name]

you shall put the sword in my eyes
& my love for you do i feel.
you i love.
sing the starlight
words are said, words of the law to give.
lofty ye shall be known, [and] shalt know,
for they are things to abide ye by.
all is power – is ever as it shall be – is enough.
i call – come ye. because if thou do,
revealed, see your reign, and [ye] shall awake out from the word.
see your adorations as symbols to the ordeal.
the sign, fresh blood. giver of fresh blood hath taken.
children of men and of the word, adore both, [and] fear not.
alone can [s]he be lovely.
love you, i love you. i will tell if thou do.
say you so, fool.


And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on.
"For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.
"Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!
And which of you, by being anxious, can add a single hour to his span of life?
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."

Those that know their inborn purpose without question are due to fulfil it.


Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.


Adieu x


You wrote this about me and not yourself didn’t you. It’s ok you can admit it lol jk.

Ok ok I get the synchronicity (not the first time I’ve read a comment similar to this and been like well shit ok I’ll work on it… I didn’t lol.

1 Like

Go and shield yourself right this instant, the universe (and Veil) commands it :triumph::joy_cat:


18 March, 2022

The truth shall set you free

BAD OMENS - just pretend

So will you wait me out, or will you drown me out?

I can wait for you at the bottom
I can stay away if you want me to
I can wait for years if I gotta
Heaven knows I ain’t getting over you

Weigh down on me, stay 'til morning
Way down, would you say I’m worthy?

content warning: blood




Leviathan pathworking last night. I was drifting in alpha state. He showed me the divisive and connective powers of water. Big ups. I was faded. I came out of trance and within about 10 minutes noticed that a crescent moon shape had been carved into (out of?) one of my fingernails. As in, concave where I normally (obsessively) grow them long before filing them into points. :roll_eyes:

Really? OK, I mean, I trust you know your business, but damn, did I not offer you blood days ago? Maybe he knows that my perfectly manicured nails are more important to me on the day-to-day than my blood. (See: earlier obsession with collecting my own blood.) This is why I normally “ritually” trim my fingernails in cord-cutting rituals or anything of high import.

Leviathan, the lad, delivers in < 24 hours. Two new wealth channels in that time. Wealth flows out, wealth comes in. Open the rivulets, let the banks overflow.

Tears flow out of me, emotions pour in. Leviathan, please help me with balance. Metatron, lend me the shelter of your arm.


Aaaand got my full bond back, as I knew I would. They originally wanted almost double what I paid in bond to cover “losses” (aka normal wear & tear – I fucking hate real estate agents and greedy landlords).

Money’s already in my account.

Turnaround time: 6 days.

LEVIATHAN. :heart_eyes:


God’s in his heaven, all’s right in the world

We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from another’s vantage point, as if new, it may still take our breath away.

Come… dry your eyes, for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg.

Come, dry your eyes. And let’s go home.



In a quantum universe, there are no such things as accidents, only possibilities and probabilities folded into existence by perception.


Interesting question, how do you feel law of assumption works? Do you believe it “creates” the things you manifest or do you believe it works probabilities around and is focused on making oneself ready to recive the result? I personally believe the latter.

I’ve had a few spirits talk to me about timelines this week. What a (slightly scary) synchronicity. I’ve seen/heard others on the topic this week too. Super interesting to see it featured on your journal! ( Love you content!)


you should look into Kairos/Caerus :smiley:

Metatron is good for time-manipulation stuff as well.

And thanks love :bouquet: the longer I practice the more I see retrocausality at play.


I am a fan of the multiverse theory, or something along the lines of “creation is finished”. It is simply what we focus on that we draw into our lives. I thought about this a lot earlier in my journey but I realised it ultimately does not matter.

Similar to my recent results with Leviathan. I didn’t ask Leviathan specifically for the outcome (“give me $1.1k” or “get me my entire bond back”). I had a relationship with Leviathan, and I just assumed/knew I would get all my money back.

I say this because I used to struggle with the Law vs. spirits, but ultimately the Law is simply a belief that your assumptions will come to fruition – does not matter how – and spirits too can come under the “everyone is you pushed out” model of the Law.





28.03.22, 12.29am

Me, I’m an addict. I will do whatever it takes to make myself feel whole. I will chase a high to the ends of the earth and back.

This is a problem.

Me, I am a horrible liar, especially to myself.

Me, I seem to feel this terrible need to sabotage reality for dreams substitute dreams for reality.

Me, I cannot hold back. I am an all-or-nothing person. I have no sense of self-preservation.

…I have to ask, again, why is it my journal titles always manifest in some form in my life?

I have never been wise.

– The Fool

art ©️ Magali Villeneuve

I can’t quit now, this can’t be right
I can’t take one more sleepless night
Without you

I can’t look, I’m so blind
I lost my heart, I lost my mind
Without you, without you

The sense of constant displacement is still plaguing me. I am having trouble separating reality from dreams and/or imagination. I am not remembering my dreams fully when I wake, but dreams come back to me in brief flashes during waking hours. Or if not dreams, something else…?

People speak to me and my mind lags. Folds and unfolds the syllables and tumbles them backwards and forwards. Often their words or sentences trigger a cascade of images from recent forgotten dreams. Now with the added bonus of people asking me out of the blue about things I’m sure I’ve never shared with them, that always seem to reflect or refer to some part of my current or recent mental state(s).

Act One
We open to complete silence in the office. Suddenly –
Coworker: Who’s that comic book guy you love, who has blue on him?
Me: Nightwing?
Coworker: No, the guy… you know, the one who does all the cool stuff?
Me: Oh, Doctor Manhattan?
Coworker: Yeah, that dude.
Me, who associates Dr Manhattan with Metatron and just recently featured images from Watchmen in several BALG journal entries: …Aye, what about him?
Coworker: Nothing, I was just thinking about him.



Some dumb motherfucker is trying to plague my dreamscape with fears again. Had another nightmare recently of being stalked by a “demon”, although this time I noticed another presence behind it. The “demon” had the name I know a (favoured :cry: ) fictional character by, whose name in that canon means “Death”.

Absolutely fucking NOT, thanks.

I had a weird experience last night. Spontaneously feeling like someone was drawing an energising current through me. Not uncomfortable like Leviathan drawing elemental Water through me. Something more akin to my nature. Air or Fire. Someone gonna explain this shit to me? :face_with_monocle:

Spaced out. Absolutely should have taken notes. Reset shields. Asked for help, local and non-local. Woke up somewhere between 5:00 and 7:00 AM feeling energised and unhindered. Obviously went right back to sleep. No nightmares.

One thing I mentioned in an earlier post but never expanded on – a mantra. Looked back into it, it’s from June last year when another BALG member was talking about Aramaic phrases from the Bible. The mantra is EL, ELI, ABBA, MARANATHA, EPHFATHA. After a bit of deep-diving I interpret this roughly as: “God, (my) God, Father, Lord – come! Be opened”.

Tonight I trimmed it down to EL ELI MARANATHA EPHFATHA (“God, my God, Lord, come! Be opened!”) and chanted it for under two minutes before it was complete lights out for me. Trance (wasted, or maybe simply forgotten) and then sleep.

Or perhaps I should romanise it this way: EL, ELI, MARANADHA, EPHFADHA
But I don’t know if many English natives are familiar with the designation dh, which is the soft “th”, sound as in “father”, not as in “thin”, where your tongue flicks off the front palate instead of being positioned between your teeth (or whatever, I’m neither a linguist nor a speech pathologist).

Either way, pronunciation guide:
ELL, ell-EYE, mah-RAH-na-THAH, EFF-fa-tha

Good luck and enjoy




A monument to all your sins

No way forward, no way back. What do I do with all this excess energy?

I have been thinking more about one’s elemental affinity and how it translates to success in various workings. But that’s difficult to get proper metrics on. And then I of course have my own innate superstitions about things, like how I do not like to talk about works in progress, because I don’t want any hostile observer effect influencing the outcome.

Me, being very much Air, secondarily Fire – I do seem to have the most noteworthy and impactful outcomes for matters related to healing, mentality, and general spiritual matters. Even saying that as a historical, “factual” note makes me hesitate, because I feel like it opens the door for self-sabotage… something like that. And of course I am working with a relatively very small sample size. “Healing” two people from disastrous illnesses, like, death-defying odds, but with a handful of smaller successes scattered here and there. (Now I wonder why I cannot heal myself. Now I hesitate because what if someone asks me for healing and I fail?)

That, and anything “spiritual” or of the occult has always been relatively straightforward for me. I dive in and flail around until I figure shit out.

Red/love magick has mostly just resulted in amusing stories. Yes, I have had success, but nothing that compares to reversing life-or-death illnesses. I feel like examining it too deeply won’t be fruitful. As in, why obsess over failure, or of results gone awry? It’s worked for me in its own way. It still remains an area of fascination for me, but it’s not something I need for myself, or practice, any longer.

Wealth and material success has always been at the bottom of my priority list.

And that leads me to touching on Leviathan’s influence. I think the most important thing I have been shown lately is not to begrudge spending. I have spoken already about how wealth is a current, it is the roots of the tree, not the fruit of its branches. I have never worried about money; I have always been comfortable and relatively discerning in how I spend it, especially for larger purchases. But I think the lesson here is that for every success and every boon, there might be one or two smaller demands on your funds. I have changed how I think about it – although I haven’t lost my innate “I would rather look at numbers in my bank account than spend frivolously” attitude – I no longer begrudge spending. I suppose I have come to trust in being a node, a conduit, and that in order to receive I must be willing to give, without fretting. This may not be everyone’s lesson, but it is mine. And perhaps it is because I am privileged enough to have never known what it’s like to not have money to spare. I think that journey would be very different on its own.

Either way, there is some adjustment in thinking needed. I can’t say my approach to wealth will work for people who are in a different position, financially speaking. But I think Leviathan is helping me see things differently.


The death of peace of mind

you come and go in waves
leaving me in your wake

Last night, for no discernible reason, I could feel Metatron and Leviathan hammering on my walls in concert, both of them demanding my attention at the same time. Absolutely nothing subtle about it. After maybe the third time in an hour and a half or so, I tried to tune in. The question they had for me was something like “What do you want?”


You show up in force and demand to know what I want? Fucked if I know what I want, or if I can have it (can I? Please?). I wasn’t prepared for this. I showed them a few things, which I have only vague recollections of. They took this very seriously and went away.


Well, that was something new. You’d think they would show up so forcefully for something more… pressing.

Or perhaps I stand at a crossroads that I am unable to see.

An unworthy vessel

V&V. I hardly know what to do with myself these days.

Leviathan is still delivering on the wealth and fortune side of things; I give him the wheel in full trust. I do not worry about a thing.

As for my mind – the days are rough and contemplative. The nights are full of writhing, exultant mental bliss. I am all over the place. I have never felt so riled up and yet so simultaneously peaceful. Perhaps having an extremely limited time horizon makes things easier. Perhaps it does not.

My struggle with addiction goes on. It’s been brought to my attention that I could be using the Law for better buffs, more meta-programming.

In all, I have not been devoted to praxis lately. Only my passive, ongoing work with Leviathan, and my ever-present need to speak to Metatron, just to feel him nearby me.

By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.
– Song of Solomon 3:1



Ah, Leviathan, water and blood, what am I gonna do with you? You are everywhere around me lately.

I’m reading over my old journal entries – I am glad I have kept this journal. Much of my writing from around March and April last year is fascinating (for me, anyway) to look back on. I had a lot to write about back then.

Chaos theory

Something strange is happening in my world. Frisson & fusion.

A butterfly flaps its wings, and causes a hurricane on the other side of the world.
A candle is lit, and you are drawn like a moth to the flame.
A tuning fork is struck, and your body vibrates to its frequency.

How do you tune into someone and see a true vision without even intending to?

How can you feel – tangibly, bodily feel – when someone else is dreaming about you? And then have it confirmed?

How does someone draw physical pain right out of your body?

How do you reach past someone’s spiky aura and siphon emotions away from them?

I have zero answers, only these questions.

I have a lot to say, or maybe little to say, and still no idea how to say it. Maybe I should feel guilty for being happy? I do not feel guilty. I do feel happy.

I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led to those who help us most to grow
If we let them, and we help them in return

When your whole paradigm is built around the concept of choosing your own fate, what are you meant to think when fate apparently has other plans for you?

It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime
So let me say before we part:
So much of me is made of what I learned from you
You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart

Just a minor Veil ramble.

Until next time,

V :two_hearts:





Seems I have a one-track mind lately, forced down one train of thought whether I want to or not – I fucking hate trains :upside_down_face:

Since I’m aware of it, I should be able to change it, right?

The only thing I want to change is this godless, endless urge to punish myself. I think maybe that is at the core of every addict’s brain. Me or the chemicals of my body? Me or the thoughts of my own brain? Surely I am, “I AM” is greater than either?

Why this greatest of design flaws? I should be happy, shouldn’t I? Why do I want to anaesthetise myself, stop thinking, let my absent shell go about its business?

Why this endless, incessant rambling about being sad when I could be using my time to better myself?

Nothing of substance to say. Just shouting into the void.

Time for a major banishing tonight I think, then we going back to basics with the Law. I need to get my head straight so I can at least try and summon some enthusiasm for what the next fortnight has in store for me.

What a terrible excuse for a human being I am. :confused: Leviathan, Metatron, Haniel, come and soothe me.

V :two_hearts:



Broken sleep last night, strange dreams. I think I dreamt I hovered over someone, or their shadow hovered nearby me. Somewhere around 3:00 AM, I woke up with two words in my head:

“Desiderat”, and something that sounded like “sydrach” or “syrach”. I don’t remember what I dreamt of that prompted me to wake, but the words were very firmly planted, so I wrote them in my phone and went back to sleep, swimming through more broken dreams until my alarm went off.


German (adjective)

  1. (urgently) Needed

From Latin dēsīderō (verb):

  1. Want, desire, wish for, long for
  2. Miss, lack, need
  3. Lose
  4. Lost, missing

The second word sent me further down a rabbit-hole; only now that I’ve managed to dig a bit deeper can I find the German “seedrache”, which, well, I didn’t hear the accented ë in my dreams, and the word only looks phonologically similar to an English speaker… but the word means… … … sea dragon.

Not as in a mythological creature, but as in “seahorse”.

But obviously, dear reader, you know when my brain hears “sea dragon” I’m going to immediately think “Leviathan”.

With that said – earlier I put some googling skills to work, and it lead me to The Book of Sirach, otherwise known as Ecclesiasticus, part of the Catholic canon, but regarded as an apocryphal text among most other Christian denominations.

Wikipedia gives me this –

“Alle Weiſsheit ist bey Gott dem Herren…”
“All wisdom is with the Lord God…”

The Book of Sirach

Naturally I spent most of my day reading Ecclesiasticus, so please do expect a lot of quoting over the next few days as I ponder it.

[…]She is with him for ever.
The sands of the sea, the drops of rain, the days of eternity – who can count them?
The height of the sky, the breadth of the earth, the depth of the abyss – who can explore them?


The Lord has seen and assessed her, he has showered down knowledge and intelligence, he has exalted the renown of those who possess her.
The rage of the wicked cannot put him in the right, for the weight of his rage is his downfall.
A patient person puts up with things until the right time comes: but his joy will break out in the end.

1:19, 1:22-23

Trust him and he will uphold you, follow a straight path and hope in him.
Woe to faint hearts and listless hands, and to the sinner who treads two paths.
Woe to the listless heart that has no faith, for such will have no protection.
Woe to you who have lost the strength to endure…

2:6, 2:12-14

Whoever loves her, loves life, those who seek her early will be filled with joy.
Whoever possesses her will inherit honour, and wherever he walks, the Lord will bless him.
Those who serve her minister to the Holy One, and the Lord loves those who love her.
Whoever obeys her rules the nations, whoever pays attention to her dwells secure.
[…] Though she takes him at first through winding ways, bringing fear and faintness on him, trying him out with her discipline till she can trust him, and testing him with her ordeals,
She then comes back to him on the straight road, makes him happy and reveals her secrets to him.

4:12-15, 4:17-18

How very harsh she is to the undisciplined! The senseless does not stay with her for long:
she will weigh as heavily on the senseless as a touchstone and such a person will lose no time in throwing her off;
for Wisdom is true to her name, she is not accessible to many.
Listen, my child, and take my advice, do not reject my counsel:
put your feet into her fetters, and your neck into her collar;
offer your shoulder to her burden, do not be impatient of her bonds;
court her with all your soul, and with all your might keep in her ways;
search for her, track her down: she will reveal herself; once you hold her, do not let her go.

For in the end you will find rest in her and she will take the form of joy for you:
her fetters you will find a mighty defence, her collars, a precious necklace.
Her yoke will be a golden ornament, and her bonds be purple ribbons;
you will wear her like a robe of honour, you will put her on like a crown of joy.


She, the wife, the woman: the subconscious, always the subconscious.

I may be away for a few days, so, I leave with this:

Small among winged creatures is the bee but her produce is the sweetest of the sweet.


V :two_hearts:



Leviathan has sucked the feelings right out of me. Imagine being told not to think about a purple elephant. Obviously, you’re now most likely thinking about a purple elephant. I can briefly acknowledge the purple elephant, but immediately turn my mind to other things.

He will put the feelings back when I ask him to, but right now I’m directing my thoughts toward a better purpose.

Happiness. That’s what we all want, right? Why else be on this journey? Do you, reader, really know what would make you happy?

Or is it simply contentment? No one, after all, can be happy all the time. If we had no devastation to measure our bliss against, it would be meaningless.

…For great though the power of the Lord is, he accepts the homage of the humble.
Do not try to understand things that are too difficult for you, or try to discover what is beyond your powers.
Concentrate on what has been assigned you, you have no need to worry over mysteries.
Do not meddle with matters that are beyond you; what you have been taught already exceeds the scope of the human mind.
For many have been misled by their own notions, wicked presumption having warped their judgement.

– Ecclesiasticus 3:20-24

A tie-beam bonded into a building will not be dislodged by an earthquake; so too, a heart resolved after due reflection will not flinch at the critical moment.
Prick an eye and you will draw a tear, prick a heart and you reveal its feelings.
Who will set a guard on my mouth, and an efficient seal on my lips, to keep me from falling, and my tongue from causing my ruin?

– Ecclesiasticus 22:16, 22:29, 22:27

V :heart:



Yesterday I thought it might actually be over for me. I’ve been sick, and with addiction on top of that, I thought I might have actually tipped the scales past the point of no return.

Hard to keep my head up through that but I just had to shut myself up and ask Raphael to see me through. I’m ok. Or rather I’m better. Physically.

Idk if there’s something else weighing me down and contributing. I need to ground, maybe… Or not ground but put all my pieces and missing energy back where everything should be, in its proper place. I can’t do that right now because I made a promise. Self-control is so hard for me so I guess I’ve done well for the past [checks watch] six days or something. Idk. I’m finding it hard to think about anything. I’ve been finding it hard to think about anything else. Mostly I just feel numb.

Last night I energetically reached out to someone I haven’t spoken to lately. Aura/shields spiky as fuck. Like trying to find a way through a maze of brambles. The sense was a big “no, go away”. But idk, prick one of us and both of us bleed. It let me through with a gentle brush of reassurance. Later I dreamt about them, then when I went back to sleep after writing my dream notes, I dreamed about telling them about my dream. All of this to demonstrate that my self-control is shaky at best.

Earlier I went out and I saw a magpie picking at and eating another bird, feebly kicking while the magpie stood over it waiting for it to die, eating it alive. I don’t know what it was. A seagull, a honeyeater? It gave me a bad feeling, but I think now everything will be ok.

Yeah, everything will be ok.

V :two_hearts::arrow_upper_right::sparkles:


We need each other
To have, to hold

Me: [has ugly sobbing existential crisis]


I may not be with you, but you’ve got to hold on
They’ll see in time, I know
We’ll show them together

Let your love never fail me

P.S. Give it time and no doubt I will be back to my usual quality of rambling journal entries. Maybe I’ll even pull a card or two. I am delirious and heartsick. Time again for Raphael and Melahel to come to my aid.