The Dragon’s Lair

Being an initiate of the Draconian current, I have gone through several ordeals within the past year. My worldview as I originally knew it was dissolved, and for a moment I experienced despair and hopelessness. My will to power, however, kept me moving and now everything is starting to come together— from a higher level of awareness.

It’s safe to say my experience so far on the path has been a form of gnosis in and of itself. I am reaping the fruits of my tests through hidden codes, formulas, and synchronicities.

My main prerogative at this point then is to organize a unique form of self-initiation that is slowly being revealed to me by the Prince of Darkness— Set. I plan on using this journal as a way to organize my ideas and easily keep track of my progress while being a source of insight to anyone else who might be on a path similar to this.

Let us begin…


I want you to succeed bro.




Best wishes from me, too. Going to perform the ritual from the draconian ritual book on firday night.
It seems like the few ppl following the current are all drawn to another aspect / spirit / demon of the path.
Bookmarking for future reference ^^


I will begin with pathworking through the Goetia as opposed to regular evocation. In this scenario, I am acting based on the macro/micro principle which states that the external world is in direct correlation with the internal structure of the human body (specifically the mind).
My main reason for working with the Goetia is based on the magic of 72.
To break it down:
1. Set killed Osiris with the assistance of 72 conspirators
2. There are 72 chakras in the pineal gland
3. There are 72 keys on a traditional piano (although some might argue 81)
4. 72 multiplied by 5 (the 5 points of the pentagram) equals 360 which is the total number of degrees making up a circle (ouraboros)
5. 7 + 2 = 9 which is the number of completion in numerology.
6. There are 72 so-called secret names of god.

It’s quite clear that beyond the fear-mongering and mystery, the goetia is really a codex for gaining mastery of one’s reality. As guided by Set, I will be working with the 72 demons in a more intimate manner thereby activating their powers within my psyche.
I am a music producer so I will be grounding the energy of each demon through my music. And yes I will upload them to YouTube and link it here :joy:





Day 1 of three-day purification
(no sex or heavy meals):

Invoked Set, feeling quite energetic and hyper aware. Can’t decide if I want to go workout or get in a fight with a random person :skull:


Lets tear them apart and use their rib cages as body armor.

Are you starting after puriciation or will you study them bro ?


Hell Yeah :joy:

Yes I’ll start after purification. Already spent some time studying them.


Note to self: smooth jazz is a powerful talisman for Wealth Magick.


Day 2 of purification

Dragon Posture is a bitch but the clarity that comes with the pain is phenomenal.

Last night my subconscious was presented to me like a mirror. All the answers are truly within…




Here’s a sprinkle of gnosis:

Doing Magick without believing in yourself is like trying to cook food without fire.

All you’re doing is stirring the pot for hours as your hunger progressively worsens.

And don’t forget… you ARE Magick.


Are you using apophis for the dragon posture? This is a really good article too brodie the draconian kids gonna love you for this one :point_up:t5:

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Yessir that’s a must have.

We gotta stick together :joy:


Day 3 of Purification.

All is mind.


Bael is an interesting one…
As I sat in the Egyptian God posture to focus on his essence, I started to experience waves of energy course through my entire being.
The first vision that emerged was that of a woman with black braided hair, black eyes and a sinister smile, dressed in green clothing. She seemed like a darker version of the empress from the tarot.
I continued to call out to Bael and eventually the vision of the woman faded, replaced by a gateway to what seemed like a black hole (picture a door-like portal leading to pure darkness.)
I boldly stepped through the portal and suddenly every bit of sound around me seized manifestation … Pure silence, as though I had been teleported to a clandestine library.
Telepathic communication was established…
Bael says he along side his brethren have felt my presence long before the ritual, patiently anticipating our first contact.
He brought to my awareness certain connections that hint at an affinity that exists between us…
I look forward to receiving more gnosis from him as we continue our work this week.
Already started working on music under the influence of his energy; will probably post on Friday.


Last night I decided to smoke some weed before performing the ritual. I programmed the smoke to be a form of offering to my ancestors, Set and Bael.

After invoking Bael, I experienced a feeling of heaviness. To the point where I had to sit down for a bit to gain my composure. I had my head tilted back, my eyes closed as my smooth jazz playlist played in the background.
I started to receive a whole lot of information concerning questions I had asked myself the previous day. The unique thing about this stream of gnosis was the fact that it was more of a feeling of understanding than actual comprehensible words.
For a moment, I glimpsed the void but I can’t describe the experience efficiently in human language.

This morning I had involuntarily projected out of my body. Right before I was fully awake, I noticed my arms and legs where extended but they didn’t seem solid. I also noticed that my attempt to get up led to further separation. So technically I was floating above my body and I perceived this loud piercing sound along with a white fog-like substance pervading the space around me.
I was a little bit irritated by the whole situation so I made myself go back to sleep in my body.

Whatever Bael is attempting to reveal is some heavy shit, I can feel it…


You are the man brother.

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