The Dragon Rises—My Shared Kundalini Work 🐉

Kundalini is something that I would describe as a lotus flower springing in green, murky foul water. Metaphorically speaking, the murky water is society, the toxic world, the matrix, and the lotus is yourself beginning your awakening. My experiences with the awakening process has been an extremity to say the least. I mainly focused and clearing and cleansing both my three lower chakras, such as the root, sacral and Solar plexus. I would enlarge the chakras individually, while visualizing their light expanding and clearing blockages. I would take my time slowly with each of them, and although my mind would sometimes like to wander, I’d make sure to recenter my awareness back into my breath and start all over again.

One thing I know for certain is that when the kunda serpent has awoken, all surroundings become enhanced, and you become actively aware with such a hypersensitivity towards everything and everyone around you. This is because the spiritual body or bodies (aura body, the astral body, etc) senses are awake. The matrix is a system built to attack people whose kundalini has awoken. The matrix, will constantly find a way to bring you down and make you fall asleep again. Bad and terrible things that have happened to me almost spontaneously without cause or reason behind it. No pain, no gain right?

I was also brought to my awareness of the things I’ve been taking into my body. Processed foods and foods that hinder the rising of the kunda, which means no meats, cheeses, soda, sugar, pizza, sweets. You name it. Every luxury meal that I loved before is cut off from my diet. Instead I was told by my serephim guides to go vegetarian and drinking a gallon of water a day. Even Lucifer has advised me to eat healthier especially the other kings. They have a peculiar, funny way of communicating, even about the colon. Since you know the Kunda serpent sleeps right where the anus is, below the sacrum at the end of your tailbone. Recently Ive been feeling deep pulses and triggers within my spine.

Here is my method that I will share with you all. Of course everyone has there own way, but this has been my experience of awakening kundalini and it has worked best for me.

Sit quietly in a comfortable chair sitting straight so their spine (laying down flat thought you may fall asleep). First, you will try to bring awareness deep into your breath, breath in slowly, inhale deeply then release slowly through your nostrils. Continue breathing this cycle, counting 4 or 5 seconds for each breath. Take time to focus each chakra starting from the crown to the root chakra, see it opening up like a lotus flower or gem shining brilliantly. Now visualize breathing into your spine, this is the breath of life, the prana entering into your body, imagine it like a powerful glittering mist going down your spine to the tailbone. Hold it in for a second then release it and visualize negative energy rising up and out if your breath. This is to clear the way.

Once you feel this process is done, then you start imagining a golden light or rod pulsing alive at the tailbone. With each breath. You will rise the kundalini golden light from vertebrae to vertebrae then into the medulla oblongata, into the brain, passing the pineal gland, then reaching the crown chakra. Let it touch into the crown and sink in. Next step is this one. I know I’ve taken this from the caduceus symbol, but you have to complete the same step by visualizing a black serpent rising from the front root chakra all the way up again. The only difference is on the other side. I put a lot of awareness on my crown chakra and also my tailbone by touching it with my mind as well.

You can add whatever you wish to lighten the process such a pranayama, crystals and kundalini kriyas, mantras and mudras.


I’m going to try this. It’s extremely helpful. I’ll keep an eye on the vibrations as well and try to keep note of it and how it affects my experience.


Just be wary, it might make your booty itch and your spine sore doing this. I know from experience :joy::blush:

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Lol! I’ll keep that in mind.

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Ok I’ve been reading up on it and do all these materials have to make it sound so scary? Lol! Then a lot of people say they did it on purpose but mine kinda just started on its own. As I’m reading the base of my spine feels cold so I’m sure that’s gotta be what’s going on. I’m going to keep digging for information.

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That’s probably just website trying to get attention to its viewers. It’s honestly like diving head first into cold water at first, but theres absolutely nothing to fear from this.
When I first started this, I felt arousal in my lower chakras and then I started to look more on tantric kundalini, but that is the energy building from there. When it fully awakened, I felt like I heard a loud click in my head, and an instant flash and saw the energy of a being in front of me, then I heard a male voice clearly say, “excellent.”
I was like, oh. My. Gawd.


I figured. It’s so hard to find good information. Just “doing” seems to be working just fine then sharing experience with others. Glad to know it’s nothing to fear or be worried about.

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Thank you @Shani for sharing this, it shines light on some questions that I’ve had about rising the kundalini.

Like yesterday right before falling asleep i felt that pulsating energy in the root chakra just like you described it, and it was like it had a will of it’s own. I figured that it might be the kundalini stirring, building up energy, but as I also know that I am not ready yet I just let it be without trying to push it, and it eventually stopped by itself.

I figure I need to do some more inner work and clear up some blockages first, but your post was enlightening indeed :slight_smile:


Anytime :heart:


Girl you weren’t kidding about that butt itch lol. I was like dang. But last night when I was meditating I felt the movement all the way up to the middle of my spine. I wasn’t expecting it to be that far up already

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Haha I told ya! Yes the sensation of a serpent slithering up the spine really freaked me out as well. That’s really good to know you’re progressing! But the reason behind this, the kunda resides in the colon, below the tailbone, also known as the coccyx.

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Yes! It literally feels like a snake is in your spine but it’s amazing lol. I’ll keep working on it but I’m already feeling a difference as far as how I view things. It’s strange. Like I can feel my thought pattern changing.

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Cheering for you! :clinking_glasses: yes, thoughts, attitude towards life, everything changes. If you need anything else, let me know

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Vibin’. :blush:

This was one of the first video I watched when learning about The Dragon Current.

Thank you for sharing your experiences.