The Demon COHZIER Who Stands Against The “Troll God” Of Abraham


Being a most excellent Demonic Duke, devoted to ending the tyranny and slavery, caused by some minor desert spirit which hath lied and trolled the great and the true, and the unwise liars and leeches alike, in former times.

This is his seal:


He is under the dark aspect of Bael, namely, the toad-headed aspect.

COHZIER is “Of The Rank Of A Duke” which is to say, one rank beneath a King, and governing a Duchy in his own right.

As such, he is both worthy of respect, and greatly appreciative of it. He has been waiting a long time for this hour.

And he will remain with us, through the rebuilding, and at all times when the bereaved slaves of the false desert entity seek to drag real people into their delusions, or to fabricate a new set of lies.

He appears as a toad or a frog with rustling, grizzled black feathers, somewhere between a raven and a vulture, bearing a shield upon his chest and the symbol of the inverted pentagram, as a friendly gesture of his intent and affiliations.

His voice is grating, somewhat croaky, and he will sometimes echo or rattle his words.

Summoning COHZIER

He likes to be summoned with the magician facing West, and he will shield the magus and advise in all matters opposing the troll god of the Abrahamic faiths. COHZIER takes a special interest in those pledged to the Left-Hand Path of personal empowerment, but will also aid witches who honour nature, shamans, and those who would otherwise be persecuted for their magickal actions.

He will shield you, when summoned, and protect you from its forces and its acolytes, including those who are unaware they’re being used. He has laser-sharp situational awareness for all things pertaining to its energy.

He will help you to locate any objects in your Temple (and home) that are carrying its energy, and will advise as to which spirits are safe, and which unsafe, to work with while committed to this work.

Offerings & Iconography

Aside from the portrait above, his favoured image is the Tarot card Page of Cups from the Rider-Waite deck ripped in half, lengthwise, for which you may print a single card and tear the image, keeping the half with the fish in, and burning the discarded right-hand half if possible.

If you draw his sigil (including the circle) and pin it to the head of your bed (behind the headboards or otherwise out of sight is acceptable) he will protect you as you sleep from any actions of the troll god, by enwrapping you in his wings as you sleep. Likewise, you may carry it with you at all times if you wish.

He likes to be offered sausages made with pork meat, or if you won’t eat meat, he enjoys nuts, and spinach, and red wine – the finer type, not nasty cheap stuff.

Making a meal that incorporates one of these, offering him some of the food (with a little wine in a cup perhaps) on a small plate to the West and invoking him as you eat is an excellent opportunity to bond with him, if you wish to be wholeheartedly linked to this excellent demonic Duke.

Leave it on his altar afterwards, ideally until it’s slightly too stale or spoiled for a human (and OUT of the reach of pets) and then if possible, bury it in the earth to the west of your home, or wrap it in some clean paper and put it in the trash.

If you wish to bind his energies to a piece of jewellery or a crystal for your altar, all of the speckled greenish stones are suitable, especially Jasper, Moss Agate, Green Serpentine, and any other piece which has the mottled appearance of a toad or frog.

He is entirely uninterested in “ritual purity” – you may evoke him in filthy or infested locations, unwashed and tired: he enjoys the presence of shed hair, and will happily make a nest for himself in any collections of dirt or dust in your home.

If you live in a house of the standard design, there may be a collection of dust and mess in the attic under the eaves, and if so, offer him the dust and kipple to the west as his roosting point and base of operations.

Other Notes

Pronunciation: the H in his name (COHZIER) represents a break and a slight “huh” sound, don’t run the first syllable of his name into the 2nd, it should be COH ZIER (coh zee-ayy).

All A sounds in his enn are more like in “CAT” than in “FATHER.”

From his enn: ZHAHRULLIS – Zha as “Zhivago” – YouRube video pronunciatoion guide to Zhivago.

-HRULLIS – HRULL as a single syllable, the H is not silent.

Emphasised syllables in bold: IMNA ZHAHRULLIS NAMNA COHZIER.

COHZIER will not harm any animals, pets etc., you don’t need to shield them when summoning him – he loves all the beasts.

He has some facility for other things, which you can ask him about when you summon him forth, but he is primarily interested in opposing the god of Abraham.

And once this world is cleansed, he will work with us to build a fitting base for THEOGENESIS.



<3 <3 <3

For Freedom! For Victory! Praise the Toad!


Ah, Pepe… a simple cartoon frog who attained theogenesis far ahead of any of us, I don’t whether to be inspired, or jealous? But jealousy would make me green, with envy… you win, Pepe! :o)

Back to the topic: a question I got about Cohzier - pronouncing the O in his name, it’s the short O sound, more like the O in “GOT” as opposed to “SLOW” - he’ll probably answer to variations though, so don’t get too caught up on that.

There’s some imagery of Bael below as well, while we’re on the topic of all things “Anura” - the sigil he gave me (last of this set below) last year is especially suitable for all this kind of work:

                              ! ! !    BRUTAL PROTECTION     ! ! !

it’s not even a matter of concept, but of sheer intensity, width and NON-STOPPING. (my pathetic description of one of COHZIER’s powers)

something interesting he said to me about Jehova:
“He is afraid of a True Friendship. True Friendship is sharing of power. He has nobody (no one).”

well! that’s just the layer i’ve never considered. and at some level it raises pity…

image url upload

poor little jew god…


Yeah, he just wants to give everyone in existence a great big hug. The kind that disfigures and absorbs them horribly, so they can be together forever!

Oh, and Cohzier has the greatest sense of humour in foiling threats in the most appropriate manner! Talk about humbling!


[quote=“bahamuthat, post:4, topic:8429”] ! ! ! BRUTAL PROTECTION ! ! !

it’s not even a matter of concept, but of sheer intensity, width and NON-STOPPING. (my pathetic description of one of COHZIER’s powers)

something interesting he said to me about Jehova:
“He is afraid of a True Friendship. True Friendship is sharing of power. He has nobody (no one).”

well! that’s just the layer i’ve never considered. and at some level it raises pity…

image url upload

poor little jew god…[/quote]

Well he’s got me whether he wants me or not. I think in my case I’m like the guy who moved into his apartment, ate all his snacks and then he tried to kick me out a couple times, but eventually he just gave up. That’s a real friend right? Come on yaweh you don’t have to lie about having no freinds, you always got me!

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Bumping Cohzier, because it’s Thor’s Day, and kicking desert ass is righteous and always good. :wink:


Feels good, man! :smiley:


Just wanted to say how much I love Cohzier, and how great he has been in ridding the influence of monotheistic patterns. God may be dead, but the worshipers still pray.

I’ve got some religious people in my class that prevent me from fully expressing myself fully. Of course, because of the fact that no one even believes in magic(except for two people) in my class, I prefer just to identify as a secular Pagan.

But saying ‘‘oh my gods’’ is a lot harder around monotheistic people who would say it is ‘‘haram’’ and ‘‘offensive’’. All of them are wonderful people, who I genuinely consider good friends, but the fact that Cohzier has enabled me to be invisible to those who may judge, whenever I try to do something Paganey, is huge.

Summoning spirits, talking to them, commanding them, not even being noticed.

That is amazing. THanks Cohzier. :slight_smile:


Thank you for this post Lady Eva.
My mate is traveling to Germany next week, and I have a lot of concern for her safety because of the violence taking place there by the locals and economic refugees. I think carrying Cohzier’s sigil will aid her in her travels unmolested.


This is a demon I want inside me. As It Wants To Do So. What is safe for me and the demon by having it come into me and encopass me I say "come on in"
I promise. (and of course no one that is innocent gets hurt.) I say this publicly so there is COMPLETE understanding on this.


Has anyone who has worked deeply with him since the events of the ritual found out more about him? I am curious to hear more experiences regarding him.


I chatted with him a few times since, nothing in-depth though because I’m having a lazy few weeks since the 11th. I like him a lot, but then I love Bael, and they’re linked. :heart:


[quote=“vonPfaff, post:10, topic:8429”]Thank you for this post Lady Eva.
My mate is traveling to Germany next week, and I have a lot of concern for her safety because of the violence taking place there by the locals and economic refugees. I think carrying Cohzier’s sigil will aid her in her travels unmolested.[/quote]

Just as an update, she arrived back safe and sound. She and her girlfriends went to Oktoberfest in Dusseldorf. Lots of guys bought them beer, but no one gave them any problems. She carried Cohzier’s sigil in her purse the whole time.
I had made him a ritual offering of fine Italian prosciutto during her trip.


That’s brilliant news, thanks! I know his power against spiritual pressures, glad he cast his protective wings over the more mundane type of pest. :slight_smile:


I had a most interesting conversation with Duke Cohzier last night on my back deck. He told me he began to grow in strength and recognition prior to meme frog pepe over the last several years.

He said this interesting fact, that people of the world would talk about the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (2007-2012), but many would often mispronounce the President’s name and would say like “Sar coh zee-ayy” infact evoking Cohzier without their knowledge and giving him power. He smiled and said he liked “that damn French frog Sar coh zee-ayy”.

I found him to be very good natured and laid back while speaking to me.


That’s brilliant! And yes, he’s got a lovely personality, very likeable. :slight_smile:


Thank´you for sharing!!!

I was kinda sky-rocketed this year, and recieved similar Connections and Sigils,

and i’m tryin to figure them out currently, at least a Little bit.

Seeing that Anura Sigil of Bael,

kinda chills my mind,

and helps my sanity.

Thanks. :blush:

Well Apritiated.

As that’s definatly out of a time, where i wasn’t conciously involved with Magickal Practise.


Kind Regards,



What about peeps like me who just got of the Abrahamic gods clutches?

This is some Olympic scale procrastination! :wink:

Yes, he’ll help you.

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