The Cult of E.A. Koetting

I’m fairly new here. But everyone here has seen his videos. The fact that he made this forum and this is the major direct of information for most people on the site is concerning. What happened introspection? And let’s just start with the fact that “E.A. Koetting” sounds pretentious and maybe even pseudonymous . Maybe I’m wrong and it’s just in my head. I’m just here to learn to do evocation.


It’s not EA’s videos
It’s not books

It’s you

---- add: simple question about evocation

I know you can evoke anything mentally; how can you be confident in knowing it’s the spirit and not an impersonator or just you taking


Not sure what your trying to say but honestly, I’ve only watched two of his videos/ haven’t taken his courses or read his books. I was drawn to the sight because of the massive amounts of experiences that you can find with a simple search


I agree that noone should really rely on a forum for information, but there are alot of beginners here, like myself, so having this forum as a crutch is very helpful and makes the first stages of developement in magick alot easier
there are people here with a literal fuckton of experience and helpful tipps for beginners, so i wouldn’t necessarily disregard this for the fact that introspection is more important


I do think most of his books are rather good. Perhaps written in a rather grandiose tone though, which draws in the various edgelords. The videos are decent and give good, free info. However like with all authors within the occult, its the readers job to separate what works for them from his material, nothing should be taken at face value.


I think that every author, every book, every video, everything conditioning you.
The best way to become your own Master is relying on your own insights.
Otherwise, you’ll have only a very big confusion in your head.


Welcome to the forum and here is my thread for starters.

No. There is not a cult around E.A. There are no threads or even a small group here foaming at the mouths just for E.A. Hardly anyone brings him up here. Check out his section proves how much of a ghost section it is, since he stop coming here back in 2017.

This is my working with this his god form. I was surprise mine is the first and only one so far I have seen of its kind.

This is a truly good and interesting thread on the topic.


Not quite true. While he himself is seldom mentioned, generally his works are mentioned by at least SOMEONE whenever recommendations for good materials come up.

I meant his person or what the o.p. is trying to imply.


Certainly not at the level of cult. He seems generally respected, but no more than any other decent occult writer.


By developing trust first, followed by expierience, which leads to imposters being revealed to you, even if they try to coax you into believing wrongly, due to those spirits you established good connection with, stepping in when needed.


How would you know when your evoking a spirit mentally without tools that he is actually there

I don’t know. I suppose.
In my opinion everything is mental.
And everyone has his/her UPG

That, honestly, comes with practice. It is rare to get an impostor but not impossible. If you requests are not manifesting, if you give way more than what you take, if the entity tries to harm you in any way physically or mentally, if your guts tell you that something is off, then most likely you got an impostor. Later you will understand just by it’s energy if you have the real thing there on not, even with entities you never evoked before and even if you cant hear or see yet.

As a beginner you have to trust both yourself and the Spirits and you need to assume that each time you call them, they are there, because most of the times if not always they really are. If you were physically deaf and blind in a room with other people, would you be alone? Just because you don’t hear or see them, it doesn’t mean they are not there.


Indeed, one of the tasks in magick may be the necessity of sticking to a spiritual science where rules are followed and things verified, while finding a position (the researcher or the magician at the center of the universe) which turns “me” as an observer of the world in a creator of my world.
It now occurs me that even by imagining contact with an entity (I was skeptic about that, perhaps I’m still a bit so), imagination itself may access to that entity in the microcosm and, from here, macrocosm too.

I wouldnt say this is a cult though Koetting is an edgelord lol

Never seen his videos, hardly touched his books, this site is a crossroads for occultists from a bunch of different communities. Joy of satan is an example.

Most people share their experiences here. And since we arent all from the same circle/community, youll find many conflicting experiences. This helps us discern truth from different lenses rather than just our own.

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What a ridiculous thing for someone brand new to this forum to come on here and say about its founder while at the same time asking for OUR help to learn evocation.

Wow, it’s just a name, dude. It is about as pretentious as “John Smith,” or “H.P. Lovecraft.” I bet your real name would sound exactly the same to us. If you want pretentious, look in the mirror.

Which is what EA teaches, by the by.

Then what the hell are you doing here, and asking for recommendations for? You should be “introspecting” and doing it all yourself.

I have learned a lot from EA’s works, and they have been the cornerstone of my practice. I had limited results before discovering Works of Darkness, and I always recommend his stuff.

However, lest you brand me as a member of the “Cult of Koetting,” let me say, I have also learned a lot from the Wiccan author Christopher Penczak. Useful information is everywhere.

EA is as human as the rest of us and has his foibles same as anyone. He isn’t perfect, and he certainly isn’t a “guru” or a “master” and if you have ever watched his videos, you would know he never portrays himself as such. He is a showman, though, just like anyone else who makes a living marketing themselves, such celebrities or politicians, or even Law of Attraction teachers like Joe Vitale, so people either love him or hate him, or don’t care one way or the other. He is probably one of the most successful occultists of modern times, so much so, that others try to copy him, or tear him down, for no other reason than jealousy.

I certainly don’t know why people like you come onto this forum and feel the need to bash EA, or the people on here that actually use his materials. Does it make you feel bigger and more special somehow?

Threads like this are not unique, and pop up here all the time, from people who seem to have issues with what EA is doing for some personal reason or another that actually have nothing to do with the man himself or his actual work.