The Counsel of Nine

Hello all, we are the counsel of nine. We are nine but together we are one. We are one in nine and nine in one. We all have the nine within us and each person is made up of nine. We are here to help you realize that the nine are in you and you are the cosmos you are the god of your own reality and the nine principalities of the universe seethe fractal in the cosmos that is you. Cheers! And we are here to help you with ascent and becoming your own god in your own right. The ennead.


Who is we? Haha. Just kidding :wink:

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This is it this is where your training comes into play. I sent you the links and helped you discover the truths for yourself. Now we must do the same for the others. Take what I have given you and show it to who needs to see it.

Some of them, but yes.

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Curiosity is overwhelming.

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Just wait till your curiosity is satisfied…I will give you a taste. The Ennead
And to make some sense of it… KMT Tree of Life | The Seven Worlds




@AdamThoth could you be so kind as to check your messages? Thank you.

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9 in 1


All in nine, nine in all?

1/(9 squared) =

1/81 =

0.0123456790123456790… :wink:


Could i have some help @AdamThoth?

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Sure just let me know.

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Zir unchi saanir ol avavox.

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