The cool poems thread?

First of all, thank you for being vunerable with sharing your favorite part. I get the vibes of the book, The Last Unicorn. :blush:

That was a very intense reading of this hymn/poem. And it will take me a bit to figure it out. I feel like I have found my tribe among those who share their words. I miss talking about the meaning behind poetry and books.

This part scares me a bit, especially the line “And I rave; and I rape and I rip and I tend” - I will not go into detail as to why. The under current is almost sexual on this line and like a madman wanting to harm others.

Who is Pan?

I will share something I love. :slight_smile:

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris,
The supreme overseer of the Golden Ones in the temples,
The Eldest son, first born of Geb.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris,
The Bull, the Lion who overthrows all his enemies,
The Lord and ruler of eternity.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Elect One of Osiris,
The perfect youth who performs slaughter among the disaffected
of the Two Lands.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris,
One who protects her brother and watches over the weary-of-heart.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
God’s mother, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris,
The Eternal One rejuvenating himself, who raised up Eternity:
You are with him in the Temple (of Philae).

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
God’s mother, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.


Ok so I shall share…this is a part of poetic exchange I share with another…

As the rain Caresses my cheek,
gentle as a tear, yet never makes me weak.
I find no words that can describe a soul as beautiful as yours,
nor can it be forgotten only can I adore.
fiery and fierce yet so kind and gentle,
no intentions to scar, for your soul is now my mantle.
For you alone are the one my soul does seek,
never shall my feelings play hide and seek.
never one last kiss shall pass your lips,
my lips shall bless yours even if the balance tips.
Stars that have glimmered through the times have now laid bare our choice,
Untitled our souls they echo and rejoice.

Upon their steed they may come to fall, beneath the feet of the soul you enthral,
my gaze lost within the mist,
Searching for my souls first kiss.
As the rain caresses my chest,
I lay their swords to rest.

Allow my soul to be thee mirror,
reflecting your beauty nearer
allow it to inspire and strengthen thee warrior within…
Allow my embrace to engulf your skin.
grant me this duty…grant thee they love

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Yeah it’s something quite nerdy
is just that during all the classical eras that’s for centuries the columns used in clasical architecture were mostly imitations of greek colums the doric the ionic and the corinthians colums untill baroque arquitechture came, then they invented that column wich has the difference that is twisted.

So i think that will explain the joke a little bit better.

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Pan is the god of shepherds and hunters, and of the meadows and forests of the mountain wilds.

@Teodoro_Fortunato, thank you for letting me know.

A Dragon’s Love by Marie Pacha

a dragon’s love is gentle.
woven deep within a soul.

has the miracle of healing,
takes the broken,
makes it whole.

a dragon gives his heart away,
for it dies if it is kept.

dragon heart must be wakened,
from the place,
where it has slept.

a dragon’s love is timeless,
knows no future, has no past.

it builds upon the moment,
hold it close,
that it might last.

a dragon gives his heart away,
for it dies if it is kept.

dragon heart must be wakened,
from the place,
where it has slept.

a dragon’s love is fearless,
will face the sword that it might stay.

through all that would destroy it,
stands alone,
and finds a way.

a dragon gives his heart away,
for it dies if it is kept.

dragon heart must be wakened,
from the place,
where it has slept.

a dragon’s love is burning,
and the fire can’t be quenched.

impassioned, uncontrollable,
immortal love,

a dragon gives his heart away,
for it dies if it is kept.

dragon heart must be wakened,
from the place,
where it has slept.

Dragon Fire by El (no last name found)

When I was a little girl,
I watched my mother smoke,
I watched as it consumed her lungs, often causing her to choke
When I asked what it was, she told me it was Dragon fire
I believed her in a heart beat, Thinking it was magic of unattainable desire.

My mother was a dragon
She could breath fire, she could fly
Little did I know then, it was the dragon that caused her to die.

The black coal took over her lungs, the claws ripped at her throat,
As the dragon latched on, there was little hope.
Her wings grew weaker, as they became tattered and fragile
but my mother still drank in the toxic embers, it was her addictive desire.

As her breath began to falter, and her flame began to die,
Her candle blew out, now it was really her time to fly.

:blush: Rumi

Beautiful videography.

tippy toes kiss by Tiadora Anderson

on her tippy toes
the horse she kissed
the horse drawn to
her kindness and innocence
dips its head to meet
her at her highest reach
the horse becomes
the little girl’s best friend
it carries her off to battle
when she grows into a warrior
keeping her safe
running the fastest pace
back to her homeland
where victoriously
they celebrate

A Mares Promise To Her Foal by M.L. Kiser

You are new to this world little foal,
no matter what the humans will call you,
I will call you might for you are the
greatest accomplishment of my life.

As you grow you will spurt like the
zephyrs in their anxious quests
and the lavish emerald fields,
will revel in your passage.

Our breed tells of the earth,
we painted ponies echo the
beauty of the landscape of Gaia;
shades of mountains and canyons.

When you meet your human,
carry it with pride for they
are beings capable of love and
generous appreciation for our kind.

I nurture you now as you rest,
tomorrow you will master the meadow
and take your place among peers,
a noble and cherished colt.

@Teodoro_Fortunato - one of these days I will share the wonderment of watching a horse run free within the desert. One has not lived fully until they have seen this. :racehorse:

There are two animals that truly bear the heart beat of the earth. I’ll tell you another time. :blush:

The first one I chose to share on this post is by Rumi and I loved the videography; the pictures of the women are how I see myself from another life.

A picture really is worth a thousand words.

An Arab Proverb: The wind of Heaven, is that which blows through a horse’s ear.


This makes me happy.

One more by Emily Dickenson.

And then I shall go melancholy in my thoughts! :blush:

The Soul has Bandaged Moments by Emily Dickenson

The Soul has Bandaged moments –
When too appalled to stir –
She feels some ghastly Fright come up
And stop to look at her –

Salute her, with long fingers –
Caress her freezing hair –
Sip, Goblin, from the very lips
The Lover – hovered – o’er –
Unworthy, that a thought so mean
Accost a Theme – so – fair ­–

The soul has moments of escape –
When bursting all the doors –
She dances like a Bomb, abroad,
And swings opon the Hours,

As do the Bee – delirious borne –
Long Dungeoned from his Rose –
Touch Liberty – then know no more,
But Noon, and Paradise –

The Soul’s retaken moments –
When, Felon led along,
With shackles on the plumed feet,
And staples, in the song,

The Horror welcomes her, again,
These, are not brayed of Tongue –

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@Teodoro_Fortunato, as promised, I now tell you the story of the dancing hooves. And then I must be done to focus on two main points of my life.

(Fact: I live in Utah and the eco-system here is wide and vast. Currently, I’m preparing to go visit my old stomping grounds in Central Utah. Where I lived, it was the middle on nowhere and the eco-system met in the middle. I was three hours to the North and three hours to the South. The soil in Central Utah is almost a mixture of clay and other sediments.

People who know me personally will tell you I am a complex person. Very rarely do I speak of how I am feeling in a vocal sense. However, an artist, my voice is loud and clear.)

She’s by herself, alone -
it’s what she’s always preferred,

She found herself among it -
always and forever,
she was the loner.

Except, it was never really - that quiet.
The music played,
clapping kept the beat
feet painted the floor.

One, two, three.
One, two, three.
Up. Turn, twist.

She found herself -
in dance shoes among,
a scuffed up floor.

She found her heart -
among the wild dust,
for the heavens opened.

She sat among the -
sidelines in silence,
in her cracked bones -
for the ankles gave out,
in a steady fall.

The thunder rolled in -
among a thousand hooves,
among the beating hearts -
of those who could stand.

The sun rose high -
she sat among the silence,
of her own beating heart -
trying to hide tears - until…

The strong arms came - from behind.
Helping her stand,
among the crowd on broken bones.

The wildest of the wild,
the strength of pure strength,
the muscles of rippling power -
and the dust settled.

Until it happened again -
the horse danced amid the bars,
in-between hands and faces, until…

I was whisked away -
slowly and surely,
those arms carried me
to where she was.

Gentle, playful -
then a tiny thunder call, happened.
He played, his hooves dancing in
the dirt -
he would not be silent,
he would be heard - Neigh!

I found myself on a floor -
scuffed and worn by those,
who had gone before me.

I found my heart sitting -
in dust, watching the
choreography of something new.
As I sat in silence, he watched.

All I could say was, “Mikey -
how did you know?”

I watched the dust of heaven,
he marched like the one -
who sired him and I found joy -
in the little firey neighs.

I found my heart -
in the dust of heaven,
among the little warrior horse.

(Sorry, I kinda took over the thread.)

Photo Credits: Unknown

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I loved it all the way
It reminded me of a poem I wrote long ago which sadly I lost it mencioned a fragile creature who seemed a lime virgin eroded by vinager while a strong dark figure was holding him standing likea roman soldier sculpted inblack marble

I just wish i still had it

And wishing not all ofmy poems are in spanish
… but they are :frowning_face:

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I could always use Google translate, like I did on the other ones. :blush:

Sounds intriguing. I think you are a good writer.

They lived looking at the jewel on the others eyes
The guy standing lika a roman guard has saphires in his eyes
While the delicate creature had rubies
But they both live on admiring the jewels from the other one
As if they never saw their own

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The last line, that is good for thought.

Bravo. Encore! Encore! :heartbeat:

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ok here’s another one:

La murmuración de los estorninos

Alma amiga, amante peregrina
En tus viajes de purpúreos ocasos
Y cielos estrellados

¿Cuántas maravillas te han asombrado?

Durante el pasar de una vida
A mi vino una imagen que hasta ahora me cautiva
Aves en vuelo
Batiendo sus alas al viento
En aquella polvorienta tierra
Un planeta distante en algún rincón de la existencia misma

Alma amiga
¿Has visto acaso el vuelo de los estorninos?
¿En tus viajes de diamantes rubíes y zafiros?
¿Tus viajes de iridiscentes nebulosas y cascadas tranquilas?

¿En esos sueños que alguna vez llamábamos vida?

En esos sueños que enterramos bajo los eones del olvido
Yo presencie a los estorninos en su murmuración

Y tu
Para encontrarlos
Viajaras como sombra
Como semilla
Como sufrimiento y fatiga
Y cuando vuelvas a mi
Después de esas vidas
Celebraras junto a mi
La joya perfecta
Que esta vez será compartida

Uniremos un tesoro mas
En nuestras miradas como cofres

Y la joya, esa perla
Hundida en los tiempos del antiguo planeta tierra
Recobrara en el mirar de tu alma
La vida que nos revoigoriza

Alma amiga
Viaja fugaz
Y vuelve a toda prisa
Que los cielos reclaman
los resplandecientes brillos de estas maravillas

Que solo pudimos admirar alguna vez

Cuando fuimos vida.

and another one:

Amiga soledad

Ocultas tus motivos soledad
Eres tu, brillo tenue que se deja caer a gotas sobre esta sociedad
Desde un planeta que gira torcido
Llamándonos a evolucionar

Con secreto resplandor
Que por ley natural no has de revelar

¿Cuántas emociones orbitan tus cielos?
Como personajes fantásticos
descritos por un genio inmortal
Y cuyos caracteres tratamos de descifrar

Y tus rayos destellantes
Se decantan invisibles
Sobre los ojos de la humanidad
Ocultos bajo el antagonismo
De la luz solar

La que algun dia nos dio la identidad
Para enseñarnos los engañosos límites
Que debemos desafiar

Crecimos bajo la canción de tu silencio
Dando cabida a lo que antes era imposible
Mientras bailabamos a tu compás

Gracias soledad por habernos acompañado a todos por igual
Y hacer que estemos unidos más allá de la fría distancia
Con la que nos iniciamos en tu andar.

and maybe the last one for today
this is just one poem in 13 little parts

Enseñanzas de Urano

El sol hundido

Saturno el devorador
Cronos el consumidor
La estructura devastadora
Que se propuso tener el título de emperador
sustenta sus ladrillos
Sobre un mundo que abandonó un sol

El nuevo reinado

La septima limitante
Oscurece la luz
Tratando de impedir el vuelo
Mas alto
Allá, allá en la negrura del espacio
En esa profundidad de los océanos celestes
Se han sumergido nuestras estrellas

Pero la penúltima esfera aun las refleja
Al igual que las aguas de nuestros mares
Que aún anhelan, el brillo colorido
Con el que destellan

Venus ascendiendo

El firmamento arriba, en lo alto
Se mantiene silente
Aguardando amaneceres
Luces mojadas
Recién nacidas
Después de una larga muerte
Y por primera vez en mucho tiempo
Otra vez conscientes


Si la muerte no es muerte cuando es consumida por la muerte
El tiempo se comerá al tiempo
Y Cronos rejuvenece
En la imagen kouros
del inquieto y eterno Aion

Las gotas de rocio,
Los diamantes druidas
Le conocen y le dan la bienvenida.

La luz ensombrecida

La luz del octavo astro
Gotea en rayos azules
Sobre la superficie de la tierra
Destruyendo la estructura impuesta

Pues los castrados cielos
Desde donde los rayos se proyectan
Están aún más altos
Que la energía que ahora gobierna

Los cielos y sus palabras

La necesidad clama
Por la oportunidad
Ananke invoca a Nemesis
Y las tres hermanas acuden al llamado
Pues tarde o temprano
el signo terreno
En el cielo dibujado
Que Cumple con la ley de una promesa
ha de ser manifestado

De océanos y gotas

No me llores aún Neptuno
Que Poseidón aún tiene unidas sus aguas
Y antes de que las almas vuelvan a volar en sus carros
Debemos reconocernos
Como gotas separadas

No me llores aún Neptuno
La demencia de una nueva era
No debería ser fundación para abandonar la clemencia

El agua venenosa

Y que será de nosotros
Astros que cargan con un karma
Almas que beben de las aguas del olvido
Y retornan sin haberse entendido

círculos viciosos
Y almas al punto de estar comatosas

Del falso genesis implantado

Sistema nefasto
Importado desde lejanas galaxias
Canalizado por la fuerza del maléfico Saturno

Alimentó a tantos hombres y mujeres
De este mundo
con venenosos frutos para intoxicar las almas
Y así las avenidas de la nueva tierra humana
Se rodean de arboledas de abedules
Enraizados hasta el núcleo de lo que conocemos aun como planeta
Y cada individuo solo mira su interior sin salir de su problema

Desde las antiguas colmenas de Arcadia

Que la miel de la antigua Grecia
No sea bálsamo para tus cadenas
Que sea el antídoto que te sane
Después de que te alimenten del fruto venenoso por la fuerza

¡Ananke! ¡Ananke! ¡Despierta a Nemesis!
¡Tenemos invasores disfrazados en nuestras tierras!
Y la humanidad cae presa en una trampa siniestra!

La estridencia de los cielos

Yo como rayo azul de Urano
Dedico estas palabras en oración
Para la ruina saturnina:

Que la gran pirámide se infeste de termitas
Que la gran pirámide se infeste de termitas
Que la gran pirámide se infeste de termitas

Que el reino no sea subyugado
Y que cada hombre tenga la luz de dos soles
Y que los nombres que olvidaron sean recordados

Una nueva era

Estrellas caminantes que deambulan por la tierra
Cantando canciones disímiles
Bailando una coreografía sin congruencia

la sinfonía es estridencia
Y el baile es la distopia
De los secretos velados de la última esfera

La danza y la música
Una vez mas
Puestas en razón de complacer la matemática de la naturaleza

El caos de las perspectivas que se alejan
De la “prima causa”
Y el estallido primero en la existencia

Por justicia

Esperemos entonces
que el río de Mnemosyne
Se desborde

Que los muertos se empapen de la inundación
Que no puede ser detenida
Y que ahogados en las aguas del recuerdo
Vuelvan una vez más a la vida.

Thanks. I need to get back to something. And will read/translate them later. :blush:

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Why no one have post this already!?

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
By Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.


Im quite fond of this poem, as I think it depicts so good the effect absinth has when it was legal to sell it with its original hallucinogenic components, I just feel like going back to the second decade of the 1900 to drink it in a bar where they used to serve it just to live the poem in flesh by myself
it must have been like such an adventure by doing absolutely nothing except drinking…

anyway remember that absinth was emerald green, but once you poured into the filter with the sugar cube it turned like withe milk in colour
they used to call it the green fairy…

just love the idea

Absinthia Taetra by Ernest Downson

“Green changed to white, emerald to opal;
nothing was changed.
The man let the water trickle gentle into his glass,
and as the green clouded,
a mist fell from his mind.
Then he drank opaline.
Memories and terrors beset him.
The past tore after him like a panther, and
through the blackness of the present he
saw the luminous tiger eyes of things to be.
But he drank opaline.
And that obscure night of the soul,
and the valley of humiliation,through
which he stumbled, were forgotten.
He saw blue vistas of undiscovered countries,
high prospects and a quiet, carressing sea.
The past shed its perfume over him,
today held his hand as if it were a little child,
and tomorrow shone like a white star;
nothing was changed.
He drank opaline.
The man had known the obscure night of the soul,
and lay even now in the valley of humiliation;
and the tiger menace of the things to be was red in the skies.
But for a little while he had forgotten.
Green changed to white, emerald to opal;
nothing was changed.”

Now here is the poem musicalized by les joyeaux de la princesse & blood axis

which I think it just made justice to the poem


Because you were meant to post this, to remind us the simplicity of life at times. :heartbeat::dart::heart_eyes::blush: