the mispelled " bother " is the cherry on the top
Playing as the same character as omeone in a multiplayer game is pretty spiritual ngl.
The poor lizard looks malnourished.
Some lizards =
The same lizards but living in trash cans =
I’m talking about a certain trash can on a certain Dominican golf course haha.
is cerberus the same as naberius ? also he is so cute !
Ha ha ha this is what this thread load to me… this is actually so true in my live right now.
reminds me of that one joke with the person who fell from their bed , and their mom is like : " SON ??? WHAT FELL IN YOUR ROOM ??? " and they are like " MY PJS ! EXCEPT I WAS STILL IN THEM !!! "
Friendly reminder to post memes in the memes thread please.
Non memes can go in the TMW thread.
@tornribbon1402 No politics please.
finding oneself is often the hardest search lol
high key sounds like something i’d do