The Brujo Negro..?

Greetings to All,

I came across this grimoire titled “Voodoo Sorcery Grimoire” written by a guy named El Brujo Negro. Since I don’t really have much background information pertaining to the voodoo and voudon current, I was wondering if anyone had come across or worked with this book. Any thoughts or experience (successful or not successful) with this book and its workings? Any input is greatly appreciated.


Yes Its From International Guild Of Occult Science I Own That Book In My Occult Library

Thank you for the info. I will say that the title is a bit confusing for those who are looking into the religion or religious aspects. And for that, yes, probably learning about a religion from a book may not be the best format. (Its kind of like learning to play the trumphet through the mail…I doesn’t work so well. lol)
Though I will say that the material does deal with folk magic and practices that seem to be drawn from voodoo or hoodoo practice, or some type of hyrbridized system. And I’m sure if worked appropriately and regularly, that it will reveal some pretty amazing results.