The Book of Azazel by E.A Koetting study group open to new members/those wanting to study with us!

@Eliade and @Ragepanda do you want into the group dm too?

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sure, would like to :orange_heart:

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yes please

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Last call to join this round of the study group.

I will be closing this tomorrow before midnight.

Would you like to join the DM?

Yes I love to join the DM I am happy to continue to bring Lord Azazel to those who hear the call

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Discussion post number one: The Forward

The forward is written by Dante Abiel. His account of his 9 day possession with Azazel is both dynamic and dramatic. It timeless “Nine days of Hell” For him.

What key takeaways did you get from this take of the path to sobriety by away of Azazel?

What do you think of his way of telling his truth and story?

Do you except out comes like his as you work through the book why or why not?

What are something you would like to have seen added or taken away from his story with Azazel?

I would like to join the DM.

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Okay I will had you!

You are in :slight_smile:

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Dante’s recounting of his experience was very dramatic, and very heavily laden with Biblical ideas of devils and damnation. As I sit here on my couch, I can see several Bibles, family heirlooms which have been passed down through generations. I went to church every Sunday growing up, spent summers at Vacation Bible School, overnights at church Lock-ins as a teenager. I’m aware that this is not a popular admission, but it is what it is. I am a very, very white witch.

My comfort zone is squarely in the realm of Angels. I certainly don’t want to be possessed by devils! lol

I don’t actually believe that any such thing will happen to me during this study group. But it does give me pause. I don’t want to be possessed by any entity, I don’t want to make pacts with any entity, I don’t intend to submit my own will to any entity. So, am I in the right place?

I have read pretty far ahead in the book, (Chapter 4, I think) and I do believe that there is a place for me here. I may or may not ever summon a demon. But I have found information that is useful to me. I shall read on.

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I read the whole book ahead of the last study group (although stuff came up and I became far too busy to participate in that one). Don’t worry, the book has no possession requirements.
Its more about evocation of a set of particular entities using a particular methodology.

You don’t need to do any deals.

I haven’t used the particular methodology of the book before and there are aspects of it that I am a little unclear on, so pleased we have a group to work through it.

I did call Dra’talon in May 2023 just using the sigil and name. Must say, I’m used to the temperature plunge when some things come into presence, but there was next level cold to this energy. The result I was seeking has not eventuated as yet, however I am aware that Dra’talon is reputed to take quite some time. As far as I can ascertain, there has been no indications of movement that I can discern.
So I am keen to try again using the prescribed methodology.

If you have any questions on this I can Ask EA to help clarify so just make a list and I can send it to him.

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It’s okay I was born Catholic and become a very very devout Mormon. I was my wards perfect little Relief Society member.

I totally understand where you are coming from.

It is more about being open to things over really doing it.

After all with out the light there is not dark. Without the dark there is no light.

It’s the balance.

Also, just for a note I am not down with possessions either.

It will take a lot for me to allow that to happen to be honest.


I have used him and my target was handled. It took some time but all the things that they say happen to a person happened.

Keeping it PG. but yes he does and will succeed.

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I was just wondering that the intention may not have been properly communicated given the simplified approach I took.

Also, given that the task pertained to all nine ringleaders in my very lengthy conflict and I haven’t ascertained movement in relation to any of them (although access to information about them is limited) I don’t know if I did it right.

Can I ask how long the resolution took in your case?

It was 6 months but I knew a lot about the person. The other two targets it’s been about a year and a half and they are still torturing my family. So hopefully soon.

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So, in your view was making a request for all 9 in the one ritual potentially an issue, ie, should have done a separate summoning for each one?

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Yes I think doing all at open is the issue. I think for this type of Magick each one having their own “moment” would work better. I know 9 rituals are a lot but it might get the weaker links out of the way quicker. Thank lumping them all together.

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Thanks, thats much appreciated. Given i’ve been trying for quite some years (also tried Glasya, Forcalor, servitors etc) another nine rituals is not a big ask.

In 2021, I did the complete 12 day master curse ritual from Magickal Attack for each one of them individually, so im not short of commitment.

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