Ive only done it a few times, but like you I made my own all the ones online are super expensive and about 12 inches, mines about 30 by 18 nice and huge lol. I see a lot of smokey flame patterns and mad violet geometric patterns almost in 3-D dancing on top of the mirror. When I listen to gamma beats it works better and faster. However the real results I would say were in my dreams after scrying which I hear no one speak of. Under one of the scrying threads on here I go into detail about one, and that was much more rewarding than the actual scrying session. Super vivid with all senses working in the dream, I could taste the air it was insane. I would also like to here beginners results with this form of divination. I got to buy E.A.s course though. Been dragging my damn feet!
@Jakob420 - I have similar experiences. I will see things like swirls or shapes and occasionally I will see a clear still image. But it is in my dreams that I get the message. Usually I will have a very vivid dream which doesn’t make sense. I write it down and after reviewing it, the moral of the story appears to me and then it all makes sense.
@mundopincha -
Don’t expect things to be black and white with your messages. In any of this. Look for the hidden messages in dreams and in scrying. Keep a journal for everything you do and you will patterns and messages unfold.
Follow E.A.'s technique from the course (which I won’t repeat here). Remember you can scrying with other things besides mirrors. I believe it was Timothy that mentioned scrying your eyelids (which I had never tried). It works. It works very well.
it took some time and practice to master scrying. i was scrying everyday for about 2 months. first one must master the theta sync. how the images develop is first i see the white haze develop. then these white dots which are in close proximity to eachother show up and then they begin to develop into the image and then the image begins to move kind of like flashing similar to the old black and white no audio movies from the early 1900’s. i also see the reddish purple shapes and patterns. you just have to have patience and dont rush it. i have gotten the most success from scrying on the ceiling. it may take 20 to 30 mins sometimes for images to show up. dont get discouraged.
Eyelid scrying really works. It’s like a mini dream. I’ll hold the state until I get a vivid full color dream image, then I’ll break into alpha state with my eyes open back up.
Also I mirror scry into my dresser mirror. I darken the room except for two black candles, I draw a gateway on the mirror in erasable ink and have a Sigil of the spirit I’m contacting. I also wear solid black hoodie, hood up head bowed. Make your chin touch your chest then force your eyes to look up. You will only see a dim black reflection of part of yourself. Enter TG synch and wait for the magick. Images appear as energy condensing to take form in the mirror. I’ve had some very intense visions this way.
Good Luck.
[quote=“Azesiel, post:3, topic:750”]@Jakob420 - I have similar experiences. I will see things like swirls or shapes and occasionally I will see a clear still image. But it is in my dreams that I get the message. Usually I will have a very vivid dream which doesn’t make sense. I write it down and after reviewing it, the moral of the story appears to me and then it all makes sense.
@mundopincha -
Don’t expect things to be black and white with your messages. In any of this. Look for the hidden messages in dreams and in scrying. Keep a journal for everything you do and you will patterns and messages unfold.
Follow E.A.'s technique from the course (which I won’t repeat here). Remember you can scrying with other things besides mirrors. I believe it was Timothy that mentioned scrying your eyelids (which I had never tried). It works. It works very well.[/quote]
Your the first Ive seen type about dream experiences after scrying, and I would not have a lot of dreams I could remember but the night I scry and days after they were very vivid and I could remember all of it. I guess I use to do eyelid scrying while meditating and not even knowing it, same color patterns and visuals. Also when scrying I notice as much audio effects as visual maybe more. I heard the mirror sound like it was cracking and some growling the first time, I thought it was one of my huge dogs but they were both outside, several times after the audio is getting stronger and stronger, Its neat but kinda distracting at the same time.
[quote=“Jakob420, post:6, topic:750”][quote=“Azesiel, post:3, topic:750”]@Jakob420 - I have similar experiences. I will see things like swirls or shapes and occasionally I will see a clear still image. But it is in my dreams that I get the message. Usually I will have a very vivid dream which doesn’t make sense. I write it down and after reviewing it, the moral of the story appears to me and then it all makes sense.
@mundopincha -
Don’t expect things to be black and white with your messages. In any of this. Look for the hidden messages in dreams and in scrying. Keep a journal for everything you do and you will patterns and messages unfold.
Follow E.A.'s technique from the course (which I won’t repeat here). Remember you can scrying with other things besides mirrors. I believe it was Timothy that mentioned scrying your eyelids (which I had never tried). It works. It works very well.[/quote]
Your the first Ive seen type about dream experiences after scrying, and I would not have a lot of dreams I could remember but the night I scry and days after they were very vivid and I could remember all of it. I guess I use to do eyelid scrying while meditating and not even knowing it, same color patterns and visuals. Also when scrying I notice as much audio effects as visual maybe more. I heard the mirror sound like it was cracking and some growling the first time, I thought it was one of my huge dogs but they were both outside, several times after the audio is getting stronger and stronger, Its neat but kinda distracting at the same time.[/quote]
I haven’t experienced the audio effects you describe. In fact, audio has always been a problem for me. I was with a paranormal group and was pretty good at picking up on spirits in the house. I could see them (in my mind’s eye) but could never hear them. Can’t say I have ever tried to hear anything while scrying but will give it a shot. I have been scrying off and on for over 20 years. Started with a bowl of water and added black India ink to it. Then would light one candle and scry into the water. I prefer my black mirror to any other method now.
Anyway, as far as how dreams are affected (or at least my theory)…
I believe when we scry we are opening or looking into different gates. I also believe these same gates are available to us in our dreams and scrying helps remind our subconscious that these gates are there. So when we dream, our subconscious is more likely to notice these gates. I am always looking for gates in my dreams. After a good scrying session, I usually will have a “meaningful” dream and/or notice dream gates. Normally I now only do this on nights I don’t have to get up early or if I am not too tired. Otherwise you may notice the gates when you write your dream down the next morning but, being over tired, you won’t pick up on it in the dream. At least that has been my experience.
What I am really hoping to master is dream jumping. Whether scrying has any effect on that, I don’t know but, I will keep practicing both.
Hello all! I have been working on developing my scrying senses every day for about 3 weeks. So far when I look into my black mirror I see what looks like a blue pulsing light in the center of the mirror with white points of light. Some of the points of light are in the mirror and some outside of the mirror. In between the pulses of blue light there are some geometric shadow shapes that move but I can’t make out what they are. Do any of you know some methods that I can use to develope my senses so I can go beyond this point to see actual images?
Open a spirits sigil to help you with this.
hey, can you look into the mirror to get info except to look into the astral plane??
scrying makes me sleepy