The Bible

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Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did.

The Bible = Maxime mag with a decent Model photoshoot

Wow! After watching this, I’m actually glad people dont read the bible. I’m sure many would find the fifty piecies of silver a very affordable price for a rape. I should better shut my mouth though, they might hear me :P.

Yeah, Onision brings up a lot of GREAT points in that video. I posted this video so people on here could be totally aware of the amount of hate in the bible. Also, there’s a lot of references in that video people can use when dealing with christian trolls.

That’s why I think this vid is helpful.

All these genocidal cults that come swarming out the Middle East… dearie me.

The Xians committed cultural genocide across huge swathes of the planet, beginning with Europe and then sending missionaries elsewhere, and now we have a new wave that includes demographic replacement.

Some individual Christians, and Muslims, are excellent people and IMO they manage that despite the religions they adhere to, not because of them.

Christianity is somewhat old and toothless now in Europe, for the most part, so it’s easier for people to pay lip-service to the idea and not have to also enact the deranged cultural stuff that’s actually in their magic book.

I can’t comment on what it’s like in Europe but here in the states you have two kinds of Christians. There’s the ones who know nothing about their “faith” and generally adhere to the golden rule, and then you got the nutjobs who rant and rave to everyone who crosses their path about praising Jesus.

It seems like there’s more and more people becoming the second type I mentioned though. I guess it has do with the times because their little book predicted the shit they’re seeing now as the end times. I know that’s a stretch but in their eyes the world is becoming more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah.

I don’t see a problem with this because people are finding the courage to be themselves.

I personally agree with what Onision said, the fuckin bible is an Evil hate speech and it has no place in the modern world. It’s homophobic, transgender phobic, sexist, and it promotes slavery, murder, genocide, and rape.

Anyways, I guess the reason why I take this personal is because witches/pagans are being killed here in the states too. A couple years ago a pagan guy some of my friends knew got killed by a christian zealot. This christian tried to behead him with a machete. Here’s the article. [url=][/url]

The fucked up thing was I heard people where I worked making remarks about how the “satanist” got what he deserved. It’s like wtf.
The point is these nutjobs are everywhere in the states. And the source information is apparently to much for the everyday person to handle. And because of this I think this kind of material needs to be put on a temporary ban until people can get their heads on straight. I mean shit it’s been inspiring people to kill each other for centuries. I think we need to do something about the source if we’re ever going to fix society.

Sounds like they need a taste of Belial the Anti-Christ.

Worrying about Christianity in 2016 is like worrying whether or not the river is going to flood while the house is on fire.

I mean there’s a lot of shit Christianity can be blamed for because the it’s influence is deeply rooted in everything we see and do. A world built on principals such as shame and subservience is a breeding ground for creating the mentally unstable. People shouldn’t feel bad about who they are. And I feel like once more and more people liberate themselves from this destructive force we can finally start to create a utopia that everyone can enjoy.

I agree with everything you just said. What I meant in my comment is that Islam is the clear and present danger in the western world, the imminent threat to progress and liberty. Modern Christianity is pretty innocuous by comparison. It’s probably not so readily apparent to the average American because it hasn’t gotten a foothold in our country…yet, but Europe is at the forefront of a clash of civilizations, and many of its own native populace/politicians are stupidly creating the environment for the war to spark. Western civilization advanced just fine under the banner of Christianity, leading the world in inventions and innovations that propelled the human race into the future. Islam, on the other hand, is a retardant. Oh sure, they can build a nice mosque but what else can they do? What are Islamic populations doing to move the world forward? OK, the Arabs invented algebra. Great, kudos! Is there anything else? Is there anything else they can do in the modern era other than show me how to bend over and offer my ass to Allah five times a day?

The video was amusing and I understand why many young Americans focus their disdain on antiquated forms of Christianity. Most of what he quoted was not Christian verse but Judaism as most of what he quoted was from the Old Testament, which is exclusively Judaism and should not even be confused with or considered applicable to Christianity, but unfortunately even a lot of Christians often do. The Bible is, of course, two religions in one book. The first half is Judaism, the second half is Christianity.

I have a certain amount of admiration for the Jesus Christ character, the rebel rabbi, the Judaic heretic who came along and said “what’s wrong with you mother fuckers? Snap out of it and wake up.”

Jesus, if a lot of what is written is true, had balls of steel, a mind of his own, and was an ultimate non conformist. Christ was an Avatar of Change, a changing of the old guard into something new. The world needs a new avatar, a new rebel, a new religion appropriate for the modern world that starts putting nails in the coffin of the Abrahamic triad.

Great words again from The Great Lady! Applause!
i have found that often the best christians or whatever religion are the people you could remove all their diety and religion from and gues what you would have? The same awesome persons!. And at best they simply use whatever religion merely as a vehicle for them to magnify their capacity to do their best work.
When i was a coroners removal and autopsy asst. I one day had to go pick up a body for a local mortuary. At the time I was a Riighteous as can be massively spirit filled and gifted by THE Holy Spirit, and you were not likely to not be of my faith and get me to credit your spiritual legitimacy; So as I walked into this home- I WAS"ENGULFED BY A WALL OF THE MOST POWERFUL RIGHTEOUS OVERFLOW OF HOLY SPIRIT AND P O W E R- i had ever experianced even while in the presence of an Angel. i mean it was not only all i could do to remain conscious and focused to do my job, but had to fight every molecule of my being to not just stay and abandon whatever my life wife etc was at the time. i began looking all over for some indicator of what religion they were, been around them all at their best and never came close to this. Their decors warm but subtle, incense and candles- not unusual- and every single person there was beaming but also subtley. The lady I was picking up died from a long pancreatic cancer issue. NORMALLY, when i would go into such a house, I would find everyone worn to shreds, releived, fatigued, glad it over— but nothing like this. Finally just before i went out the door i had to ask, “I am sorry, what religion are you?” [sorry Lady Eva] “buddhist” was the reply. From that point on, all things judeo christian and my faith, had to measure up- and were completely worlds separated- it was the big bump in the road which began my slow winding soul shredding exit from everything I ever was and to this day keeps me- “My Own Self” on loan rent or sale to none.
Don’t know why I said all this, just seems to fit.

[quote="Lady Eva, post:5, topic:8323"]All these genocidal cults that come swarming out the Middle East... dearie me.

The Xians committed cultural genocide across huge swathes of the planet, beginning with Europe and then sending missionaries elsewhere, and now we have a new wave that includes demographic replacement.

Some individual Christians, and Muslims, are excellent people and IMO they manage that despite the religions they adhere to, not because of them.

Christianity is somewhat old and toothless now in Europe, for the most part, so it's easier for people to pay lip-service to the idea and not have to also enact the deranged cultural stuff that's actually in their magic book.[/quote]