That Moment When 3

What covenant or working is that?

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I switched to sweet potatoes as a “good with everything”-lunch at work. Low maintenance (just cook them motherfuckers beforehand) and you can almost mix everything with it :heart:
TMW you have to google carrot cake cheesecake

I got mine from cheesecake factory. A 10".

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Jealous :open_mouth:

Someone is so angry at you, you can feel your ears melting off :sweat:

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You fucked up?

Damn things too Rich. Couldnt finish a slice. TMW I am planning what I should make the christmas holiday dessert.


My TG was turkey and sweet potatoes and carrots all roasted together. I threw in a few whole sweet potatoes for later meals.

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Tmw this is normal:

Me: Hey, is it illegal illegal to steal a dog that’s been out since last night?

Five O: Its you’ll get arrested illegal.

Me: Belial says fuck the police.

Five O: Then Belial can get you out of jail.

Me: Don’t be an Andrew Henry or I’ll make you ride the lightning.

Five O: Ok Angry Betty give me 20 mins.

:joy: :joy: :joy:



If something dragged me through all the loss and shit in life it was this.

'Never ever give up and never ever let others tell you what you can and what you can’t reach in life"

This was Lucifer teaching :slight_smile: and me working :slight_smile:


TMW when a friend is adoring your hair colour and wants to know what colour shade you use because it “looks so healthy” (imagine a patchy ass accident with multiple shades on my head).
The colour is called “failure at life”, if someone is interested.

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Harsh :thinking:

Failure to live someone else’s version of life, now i like that colour :ok_hand:


That moment when you wonder if reading 24k posts will give you regular status.
We will have to wait and see once i read that much.

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TMW it seems the false light is throwing its tentacles at you!
~I just checked discord, but those few minutes + the fact that the damn flower shop closed 10 minutes earlier than its supposed to, makes me believe that there is some actual resistance building up.

The solution for people who feel to be in a situaiton like this:

"I need to get out of here, to be able to do the work properly,
but i need to do the work to get out of here."

Solution is the answer to this question:

“What will bend easier, the circumstances or yourself?”


Yes of course, so push yourself and get the fuck out of that mess!

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**TMW you see it again! The consistency and colour of your changes after the offering,
into something like a very fine raspberry jam, or actually, more like fruit juice jelly :thinking:

“Mein Blut sieht aus wie Marmelade! Wie Marmelade! Wie Marmelade!”
“Mein Blut sieht aus wie Marmelade! Wie Marmelade! Wie Marmelade!”
“Mein Blut sieht aus wie Marmelade! Wie Marmelade! Wie Marmelade!”

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TMW everything is going fine with your roommate and you come back from out of town and make a pasta dinner and he either ate/threw away your tub of parmesan cheese and now you are definitely furious.

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That moment when you realize instead of calling spirits to do the work for you they want you to do it yourself and call them for help. For the first time in a long time I had a spark of “this worked” immediately after being done with Magick