That Moment When 3

TMW King Paimon warns you of a global event on the horizon because you thought to ask wtf is going on.


TMW curse removal isn’t as tricky or complex as I thought it could be. There are so many ways! :joy:

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Care to offer more details? Positive or negative? Can it please be a mass awakening??

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TMW I buy 7 whole fresh fish that are 14 lbs from the local Pike Place Market. Wild Alaskan King Salmon. This is for my cutting diet =)


its neither wild nor alaskan
~my teacher(marketing), back then college for design, told me its all bullshit to increase number of sells.

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TMW you realize, Nyarlathotep caused warm weather,
hours after you request for it, so you wont freez at initation
(gotta go shirtless for hours)
That request was spoken before i knew that i would need(?) a consecrated “wand of nyarlathotep”,.it might be a suggestion that i wont need the wand for the intiation??

Of course, i will ask him to be sure.

But it would be practical if it would work without the wand,
since that would mean that i could to the consecration during the same nights as the initation…

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It is actually real. You can taste the difference if youve ever tried farm raised vs wild. Likewise there is also a difference between frozen and fresh fresh salmon. I know so because I eat Wild Salmon all the time.


(-_- ’ ) different breeds, and maybe a more clean tank…

They either grow in more or less clean tanks, or restricted parts of the ocean.
First method asks for anitbiotic since they swim in their poop,
and the second method is open to all the crap we put into the sea + the imense amount of poop acts like if someone put too much fertilizer on plants, meaning that it disturbs (at least) the organisms close by.

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900 post, I’m awesome.

That moment when you’ve had enough, and you decide that it’s time to punish your ex for everything they’ve done to you

I want everyone in attendance for what I’m about to do.


I take it youve never worked on a fishing boat. Well alot of people come here to work on those boats that go to catch those fish up in Alaska. Seattle is known for its Alaska caught seafood and salmon.


thats actually pretty creative :flushed:

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T minus 1 hour and 27 minutes


Did a little research.
its that or pollock

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Sources man, Sources and data lots of it. :space_invader:



Tmw you find it almost impossible to meditate due to fireworks! Fucking Guy Fawkes!

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TMW you are ranting so much about badly executed eyeshadow that your S.O. now gets irritated from it, too (he just came home to tell me how bad the eye makeup of a coworker has been and how much I would hated it).


Lol annoyance magick


complaint magick, the traditional art of an old race named “customers”. works everytime :ok_hand:


TMW anxiety attacks are a real bother! :persevere::anguished::frowning:on the verge of another emo breakdown. :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:Time to :woman_in_lotus_position:


Is this a medical condition you have? I notice alot of people mention it here and there as if it was.