Thanks Timothy!

I would just like to give my sincere gratitude to Timothy for his crucial role in creating BALG. BALG as a movement is not just based on EA, and too many people judge BALG based solely on what they think of EA as a magician.

The real value of BALG is not just that it is an open-source website that helps beginners. It is also a nexus that draws in magicians and encourages substantive discussion, creating the environment that produces some of the most enlightening, interesting things in my life.

It is because of this that BALG has become an indispensible resource for me, allowing I and others to find amazing things that would otherwise cost me years to glean from tight-lipped adepts and clueless assholes from stodgy traditions or turgid forums.

None of this would have been possible without Timothy’s work in co-founding and maintaing BALG.

That’s why I felt indebted to write this up. The internet is the modern day version of the primordial void, and this place is one of the gems.


Absolutely agreed! :+1: