Thanking Raphael and the Spirit of the dill Seed

I paid a magician to channel aa Raphael a few weeks ago, and Raphael told me to use dill seeds to ease my stomach problems.And Raphael said that to maximize the effects of this plant in treating my illness, I must honor its spirit.
I don’t know exactly how to honor him/her, and the only way I can think of is this public post.
So here we go…

O spirit of the dill seed, I thank you very much for helping me, and I hope that every time I drink this elixir, it will heal me.
And thank you very much, Rafael, you are very kind.
I really enjoy your warm and friendly behavior in my dreams. And I’m sorry that I used to think that you worked for Allah.

Do you know of any other way to honoring this spirit?

And This is that part of that channeling I’m talked about.

  1. I have the same question about my stomach. Is there any medicine or herb or ritual to heal it quickly and completely?
    “There are herbal medicines that will help it. The one in particular that you need is called Dill Seed. The plant medicine spirit of the dill seed must be honored for it to have the maximum benefit. There are others that may help as well.”

That looks great.

For other fast healing, look into BPC-157, it’s a peptide you can take orally, Perry much for “research outside” only at the moment but the studies are very promising. Your body produces this peptide by itself for healing but not always enough of it.

Mint tea is also know to soothe the stomach.