Test run at channeling

So yeah today I gave my first shot at chenneling, I tried it with a couple different enttities an alien, a demon, a guy I can’t talk about and another alien.

With the first three it was mostly unintelligible words, witht he first fellow especially it felt like these may have been actual words of some sort, at least some of them anyway, but I didn’t understand them. Now the last guy he’s one of the trickier guys I know. When he spoke through me, it was actual words, though some was in japanese for some reason. Here’s what he said

“anata wa wakarimasen” Translation: You don’t understand.

“Anata wa remember to record this”

After that I decided to stop as it seemed like he was telling me I should record what he had me say, which I’ll do after I get a recorder.

[quote=“defectron, post:1, topic:693”]So yeah today I gave my first shot at chenneling, I tried it with a couple different enttities an alien, a demon, a guy I can’t talk about and another alien.

With the first three it was mostly unintelligible words, witht he first fellow especially it felt like these may have been actual words of some sort, at least some of them anyway, but I didn’t understand them. Now the last guy he’s one of the trickier guys I know. When he spoke through me, it was actual words, though some was in japanese for some reason. Here’s what he said

“anata wa wakarimasen” Translation: You don’t understand.

“Anata wa remember to record this”

After that I decided to stop as it seemed like he was telling me I should record what he had me say, which I’ll do after I get a recorder.[/quote]
record on your cellphone brother


That’s been happening to me lately when I’ve been inside my COP. I asked certain Nethers to speak through me. This usually occurs with very forceful speech but the words are not in English or any other recognizable language. I haven’t translated them yet, but it’s been a very powerful experience!

Does anyone know in the video when E.A was Channeling the demon through him what incantations he spoke he i keep rewinding and rewinding yet i still cant understand them one is to bind the spirit the other is to call it forth into you?

I couldn’t make them out exactly, I would just keep playing it back to see what words I could make out and write it down as I go. I havent really done anything with Belial so for the time being at least I havent really had a need to do that. Also not everyone needs an incantation to do this. I just asked the entities around me to do it and we did.