Temple in your bedroom

in works of darkness it says to open your temple to everything evil,with a blue circle you must vision surround you& protect you.with everything going on sum of us mite find it hard to keep the vision of the blue circle.salt or more meditation. I live in a small studio with a bathroom can I make a temple in part of the studio.is it safe or bad idea,i have a uc but we still have to put them in a triangle?thankyou very much bclg.


i have the same question here!


Well my temple is in my room there is no issues in having it in your bedroom on what you have in fact it would be more beneficial your room is a powerhouse for energy it is wear we sleep i would recommend your cleanse your room with sea salt and water to distill the energys inside my opinion on the triangle tho i would recommend not having one if you mean to contain.


Satan’s Temple is this world, this planet. And I am about my Father’s work in His Temple.



You could fashion a temple anywhere your comfortable. What is important is that your area is concecrated and blessed with your aligning energies and spirits you work with depending on the current your working with


Your temple is a place where you go to receive. It is a place to be still and listen. That place can be as small as you like or as big as you like.

Your whole altar setup might be small enough fit ontop of an old thrift-store dictionary you thought looked cool. Or as large ancient temples. What REALLY matters is the sanctity and respect YOU approach it with.

So no, size is not the issue. And do not worry too much about the effect “unclean spirits” on the nearby living space.

Incense, sage, and saltwater, are tools you can use like soap for that. But the main thing is that you use you use your altar space, getting great visitors usually cleanses the space of the wandering or malfunctional spirits.


I highly recommend for the temple to be in your bedroom.

I’ve always used my room as a temple. I’ve had the most intense and best experiences this way. The more demons you evoke, the more their energy saturates the room. I personally don’t cleanse this energy. I love allowing it to build and build. In my experience, it seems this energy is more accommodating to the demons if you let it build up. It also seems to make it easier to evoke them into the space.

Now, if you have guests in your room, I can guarantee even the most mundane person will sense there is something “amiss” in your room. Hehe… :wink:


Mine is in my bedroom. Pictures coming soon.


Thats wear mine is to its very beneficial i use labradrite crystals around my room to act as a natural ward and it filters the energy in my room so when im asleep it cleans the area pluse its a natual element for psycic awaking and a good healing stone it great for meditation too.


Al - They are talking about something similar or the equivalent of a personal ritual chamber.


Sure. But when I started out on the rhp there were so many things to stop me. Correct times, incense, ritual tools, the position of the planets, etc, etc…

Sure, having your own Magickal Temple would be fantastic, but don’t let the fact that you don’t have one get in your way. Why run to a temple when you can do Magick on the street or in the bus?

So far I’ve never had a permanent Magical Temple, but it didn’t stop me. It liberated me! That’s all.


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