Teas to help your abilities

This is not the first time I see this information, it seems to be very valid!

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There’s another dream root this time from South Africa known as Silene capensis ( ###Silene undulata) the Xhosa tribe called it iindlela zimhlophe that translates as “white ways or white paths” Not only does it trigger very vivid lucid dreams but it will also bring a person into contact with ancestors. “What Is African Dream Root And How Do You Prepare It?” Find Out What African Dream Root Is And How To Prepare It - Zamnesia Blog

Online entheogen encyclopedia Erowid also has a section dedicated to African Dream Root. Silene capensis (also African Dream Root; Ubulawu) : Erowid Exp: Main Index

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How does mugwort taste. I have some of the herb I bought a while back at mountain rose herbs but nervous about trying it.

Any advice on how to make it without a tea strainer or anything?

Can i buy all of It in plants store?

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Only existe in south africa? I live in brazil

You can order those dream herbs online and don’t have to travel to Africa to get them. That’s the beauty of the internet.


I think its expensive. But i will search for it. Its worths better than mushrooms or ayahuasca?

Mushrooms and Ayahuasca are neither better nor worse compared to dreaming herbs/plants. Those plant teachers just work in different ways for different purposes.

‘‘eyelids are anointed’’ it remembers me about a dream that i was anointed by a african spirits, since then i started to see spirits sometimes. Yesterday i Saw 2 blacks women, that i thought were just citizens walking, then when i looked again they entered into the wall. It was weird.

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Draggus that’s excellent. In terms of psychic abilities your clairvoyance i.e. psychic seeing been opened up. A very useful ability to have for working with spirits.


Strylyn if you gonna make mugwort tea then it’s best to use only certified organic mugwort. You don’t wanna take a chance with conventional mugwort grown with commercial pesticides as that mugwort would be concentrated with hazardous chemicals that you wouldn’t want in your body.


Mountain rose herbs products are organic and non GMO. I am pretty picky when it comes to my herbs specifically because I never know what I am going to want them for. I haven’t done so in a few years but when making my elderberry syrups and tinctures this is where I would order my supplies from.

I have never used any of them for teas though, outside of chamomile.

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Mountain Rose Herbs is the truth. There herbs do tend to be on the pricey side but they are certified organic or wildcrafted raised without pesticides. Being we breath in so many noxious chemicals from air, exposed to BPAs, fluoride in tap water, it’s even more imperative to obtain clean as possible grocery produce and herbs.

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Definitely! When I started buying herbs it was so difficult finding what I need. This was especially difficult since the places I was looking was occult stores and the like. A local herbalist turned me on to Mountain Rose herbs and I haven’t turned back.


Some would help to get more in touch with certain elements, planets etc. and related entities. For example: cloves for Mercury, nutmeg for Jupiter (and, actually, each one shares affinity with the other planet too)


fapa79 the two dream herbs I mention transcends magickal associations that are subject to debate and are so potent they work like pharmacological drugs. A person can believe that magick, occult, spirituality, and witchcraft is all bovine excrement but if they imbibe either Calea zacatechichi aka Mexican Dream Herb or Silene capensis or South African Dream root they will still work and those persons will experience vivid lucid dreams. Those are the kind of herbs that are documented to work consistently regardless an individual belief system or even lack of belief system e.g. still work even if that person is an atheist.


Wow you all are amazing lol guess I’ll put all of those on my shopping list lol but seriously thanks that is way more then I thought it would be any others? And what effect do they have I tend to dream lucid nightmares so I’ve been looking for drinks to help make them more calm and still you know

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bunny4cam Iboga hat ibogain is made from is another root well actually bark that induces shamantic journeying. However, major caveat unlike Mexican Dream Herb and South African Deam Root that you can buy and possess with no issues. Iboga is banned within the USA, Canada, and many Western European nations. If I recall correctly there are narcotic treatment facilities in the U.K. and Canada that use ibogaine derived from Iboga for narcotic addiction. Ibogaine is documented to cure various forms of drug addiction. Which makes it a shame most Western nations ban that plant teacher. Erowid Tabernanthe iboga Vault

About nutmeg actually, if consumed at all, better in tiny quantities. While I’m on it, poppy seeds ( besides making bread more tasty :grin: ) are Saturnian.

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Careful with smoking or consuming too much nutmeg. Yes it’s a legal high that’s a known * Deliriant the visionary experience itself isn’t necessarily dangerous no matter how nightmarish they may appear. The real issue with smoking or consuming too much nutmeg is it can cause severe cardiac issues leading to a possible heart attack. High on Nutmeg: The Effects of Too Much and the Dangers

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