Tarot for a beginner?

Hey, all. I’ve been trying a lot of different forms with the help of King Purson but none of them really seem to vibe with me. I figure, if I keep exploring, I’ll find one that does.

So what would be the best Tarot deck for someone who’s never picked one up before?

Rider waite tarot is a great start


Yep. That one.

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Rider waite, learn everything then switch to a cooler deck or more aesthetic deck.


This channel is very, very good.


You cannot go wrong with the Rider-waite. Personally I like to recommend this deck, the Gilded tarot. The book is pretty solid and easy read for those just starting (although you will learn to expand from the traditional interpretation as you learn to work with the cards and trust your intuition) and the cards themselves are both beautiful as well as have elements to make them easier to learn (such as particular colors for the minor to help you learn the elements of the suits). It is based off the Rider waite deck structure as well.

I will say that the Rider Waite deck has been my favorite (look at me, contributing sooooo much to this post with my absolutely original comment.)

I will add, though, that I really enjoyed this supplemental book with that deck:
Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners

This book was recommended to me by an old, well-versed witch I knew back when I was a young, dumb lass (I’m still dumb, just not young).

I originally started with a cheap deck that was some other type of tarot and let me tell you I wish I’d started with the Rider Waite cause it makes it SOOO much easier to interpret.

As stated by… Everyone, rider Waite is the best go to for beginning, I love using this deck. Also check out the series on YouTube, 21 Faces of God great informational video about the major arcana, and honestly a very enjoyable experience just to watch. Also the creator of the video had an interview on THC (The Higherside Chats) which was very informative as well :slight_smile:


Any deck, I never really bought into that “beginner deck” stuff, you get what you’re drawn to and that will be your best one(s).


I’m late to the party, but wanted to chime in here.

Great recommendations on Rider Waite Smith. A lot of newer decks are based on it and when you’re first starting out I think it’s best to start with the original or a clone such as Radiant Rider Waite. The biggest reason RWS is recommended over Tarot de Marseilles and Thoth are that the pips are illustrated with the intended meaning for visual ease. Alternatively, BOTA is pretty great and is very similar to RWS.

If you have the funds, I recommend this book because they go in depth with the symbolism used on each card. The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738735795/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_J7pWDbBWWZ5WA

One of the first things I’d recommend is to compare different tarot readers’ views on the cards and their keywords. Use your intuition and decide what keywords you think are best. I put mine in a notebook. I’m planning on making and sharing a Google doc with my keywords, so if you want a copy let me know.

Great resources I’d recommend for keywords and interpretations:

Biddy Tarot Learn the Tarot Card Meanings | Biddy Tarot

Joan Bunning has a free course as well as keywords of the cards on her website Individual Tarot Cards


If you scroll to the bottom, there’s a link taking you to the reverse meanings too.

On Bunning’s website again, there’s the story of The Fool’s Journey for the Major Arcana The Fool's Journey

Aeclectic has a wonderful resource for finding tarot spreads The Complete Tarot Spreads Collection - 75% Off Special Offer

The most important thing for you to do in order to learn is practice, practice, practice! You can get familiar with the cards by either doing a spread daily or meditate on one a day.

I came up with an Ancestral Messages spread you can tinker with to suit your needs as spirit messages. Little voice said you might find i t useful. I’m not going to edit it, but obviously switch out the intended spirit you’re trying to summon, acceptable incense/offerings, solar cross with Paimon’s sigil, etc.

You’ll need:

  1. A cigarette or sandalwood incense along with a lighter. Either a combo or two of your choice. You’ll need the initial smell to draw in the spirit with the second as an offering to the spirit to help strengthen it while visiting you.

  2. A picture of the deceased, the incomplete ancestor spirit bottle I gave you, a candle, and if possible something that used to belong to your mother. If you do not have any possessions of hers, be sure to add a bit of your hair or fingernail to the spirit bottle. You may want to be playing her favorite music. The ancestor spirit bottle, incense/tobacco, and the candle should serve as a beacon to her. Your mother’s picture, old possession(s), and/or music should help you focus on wanting to connect to her.

Inviting the Spirit

  1. Light incense or smoke a cigarette. Either say or think with feeling, “I ask that my mother, , to please come forth and speak to me through the tarot tonight.”

  2. Light the candle. Look at the photo of your mother and possession/music. Focus on your feelings of love for her and on your mother-daughter bond. Remember her mannerisms and how her presence felt. Do this until the initial incense/cigarette wears out.

  3. Light the other incense/cigarette. Say or think, “I offer this to you, <mother’s name>, to lend you strength while you’re visiting this realm.” Let the incense/cigarette burn out naturally.

  4. Draw the solar cross on a piece of paper. Imagine it represents the material and spirit world. Trace with finger using intuition.

  5. Hold your tarot deck. Think about what you want from this reading. Blow on the deck. Pick a number to shuffle and split deck until it feels right. Proceed to lay out cards and solar cross in order.

  6. Read. You may want to write down what cards you got for each question.

  7. Thank your Mom for joining you. Tell her you miss her and wish her well on her journey back into the spirit realm. Extinguish candle…

             3      4

    5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  8. Card that represents you.

  9. Card that represents Mom.

  10. How is Mom doing?

  11. Where is she?

5+6. Mom’s thoughts on ______ plus any advice.

7+8. Mom’s thoughts on _______ plus any advice.

9+10 Mom’s thoughts on ______ plus any advice.

11+12 Mom’s thoughts on _____ plus any advice.

  1. Any message Mom wants to tell you.

If you need help interpreting, feel free to reach out. Enjoy your tarot journey.


I am willing to share some of my spreads with you if you like
so PM me if you are interested

I agree. Bought a few decks i was drawn to and i absolutely love them. I’m not a fan of the traditional artwork on the cards.

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The radiant tarot is a beautiful update of the RW cards