Talking to my friend

i learned how to make an alter. sort of. i bookmarked the post giving a very detailed description on how to do that. also honey jars.

this is the last place i would have expected you to remember this. let alone send it

And nothing yet I’m working on it

well i suppose youve only been o here a couple of days. go on the black magic for beginners topic

Lj reminded me

uh huh… oh that reminds me, i was reading your post on feeling dark entities and being able to manipulate outcomes. it was the first time you seem ed to know what you were talking about

What’s Ed again?

Oh educated


boi. go read some of this

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Purple candles!!!

Hey I have lots of amethyst

Lol we’re gonna sommon some purple demon or whatever

good materials. bad logic. its good that you have a lot of cursed shit though. it might come in handy in the future. its a shame you got rid of that on artifact from before

Guys - why not just use PM for this? Or, like, a messaging app or something? This seems inefficient

neither of us had the pm option and were sort of discussing magick. i got the pm function now though and we were just using this as a filler

I made this Unlisted so it won’t show up in Latest or via searches. :+1:


awesome, thanks Lady Eva

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