Talking to a demon off acid?

Hi everyone! So i was planning on taking two tabs of acid tonight. As a lot of people know, acid is an extremely spiritual drug and people have claimed to talked to spirits off of it. Should i try to invoke Dantalion while off of it tonight? Only asking because i can never see or hear him and i feel like acid would help a lot.

The problem with hallucinogens like acid is that it’s difficult to determine whether or not you actually spoke with a spirit. The point of acid is to fuck up your senses, so even though people say that they communed with demons, it doesn’t mean they actually did; it may really just be a hallucination. Therefore the experience probably wasn’t real.

If I were you, I’d just practice opening up your senses (which there are a bunch of tutorials on here for if you use the search function).

Also, since when the hell was acid considered a spiritual drug?


i’ve read a lot of different places that acid is super spiritual and that people have found it easier to open up their third eye while on acid. Also i’ve had some odd experiences such as telepathy with friends and i’ve predicted the most random things that would happen and then it would happen. it always freaks me out. I’m not sure if you’ve done acid before or not but for me it’s like walking around my mind.

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I’d go for psilocybin mushrooms instead of acid.


I think magick mushroum will open more your mind than acid ! It really give a feeling of connection with the world.

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Why not? :woman_shrugging: Not that I’m condoning or pushing the use of drugs, but you’re an adult, you’re going to do it anyway if you decide to, whether we say yay or nay. I’m not judging at all, so please don’t take it that way.

If you do decide to call Dantalion after doing acid and feel that will help you hear or see him, please come back and tell us about your experience, and if you were able to connect with him. :cherry_blossom:


thank you! and yes 100% if anything happens i’m gonna come back and explain everything i remember.

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You’re welcome @renee333, I hope you’re able to see or hear him, he’s a wonderful spirit to work with.

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That was the goal as a teen taking acid and mission accomplished every time. The uncontrollable laughing trips. Omg lol :joy:

@renee333 I’m interested in seeing how this works for you too. I’ve had a lot of cool hallucinations on it and even years later as a flashback. Maybe try an evocation? I found by doing some prep work as it starts to hit you it’s easier to hallucinate when you’re peaking.

Are you planning on invoking while peaking or as you’re coming back down?

I’m not 100% about this but maybe use caution staring deeply into the flame of a candle as your pupils will be fully dilated if you’re planning on using candles.

Good luck and have fun!


yeah i’m gonna do it while i’m peaking for sure, the only thing is i always get so scared so i’m hoping i won’t chicken out lol and thank you for the advice!

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Solid suggestion. Mescaline, dmt, and ayahuasca are also options I find personally helpful. Fly agaric is also a good choice but, it does require processing so you don’t poison yourself, due to it being both poisonous and hallucinogenic. In my opinion, acid is more like a randomizer, in that your experience may or may not be productive towards ones ends.


people have used all sorts of drugs to connect with the spirit world. peyote was used by the native americans. try it. if it works, good for you. if not I would try absinthe.

Yes, you’ll really get a feel for their unique energies

just meditate and be mindful and you’ll be able to hear them

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Haha ya scary fun!

Since you’ll be high you could try grounding yourself by holding a gemstone that has properties of grounding or use some Mala Beads to help focus and not let your mind wander with fear.

I have some mala beads made out of hematite that serves both those purposes. I find by the time I’ve reached saying an enn 108 times I’m in the right state of mind to begin my ritual.


If you want to try it for a on off experience then sure why not, but if you’re goal is to continual grow your spirit senses or make connections with demons I feel like praciticng sober will be your best option in the long run, good luck!

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I’ve had fairly good results with flipping mushrooms and acid at the same time before ritual work.


Highly recommend using acid and other hallucinogens in a spiritual context. Evoking entities is great on acid. I evoked lucifer on some windowpane, and that was badass as fuck. Showed me some beautiful cool realms. I did make a post on it Lucifer and Lucy